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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. Wait I thought it was drink more think less? Our dumpster dive organization has certainly caused some serious drinking to happen
  2. Roger it's 4th and 1 70 Chip and you are getting the ball. Don't take a knee. Your fellow owners will not like that.
  3. I wish he would say its not about money, its about HIM That he will not play for someone so _________ A) Inept b) Immoral C) Arrogant D) Insecure E) Terrible Dancer F) All of the Above
  4. Can we have a contest on when we hit rock bottom or some sort of payout for our collective misery? At this point I am throwing darts and predicting 2028. Thinking congress investigating the sex deal maybe forcing Dan to resign - nope. Skimming $$$ off the league - nope. Jack Del Drama... all the tweets and after a terrible year... retained? I predict our D will suck and players will not respect JDR at all. Terry playing hardball and who can blame him - I expect a long holdout/sitout because we suck and his agent SHOULD tell him to get the F out. DC doesn't want the comrades. VA doesn't want our trash unmarketable product - Hoodbridge? MD? Our stadium collapsed on national TV. Rock bottom may well turn out being worse than Dan still controlling the team through Mrs Snyder. Maybe he will name his son president since he had a hand of sorts in taking Haskins - we know he has Dad's ear. Only good thing we seemed to have done is finally ditched the painted dirt at Fedex that was injuring our players.
  5. Yep with the 100K fine he may well have a bone to pick... the mind often works in mysterious vindictive and devious ways. Especially anyone that has been brainwashed watching the "news" and now feels emboldened to say (and do) things they wouldn't have said 10 years ago.
  6. I wonder why JDR and RR were so hesitant to change up our failed defense last year. Watching other games (and defenses vs our offense) it is clear there was no trickery no deception attempted no unpredictability... almost an arrogant approach thinking on paper we can dominate any offense playing what was a vanilla scheme for 2022. No I dont care that PFF shows we blitzed blah blah % of the time. Any blitzing we did was predictable delayed and ineffective. It was easy to play our D until mid to late in the year when clear adjustments were made but the damage was done and IMO JDR only kept his job because he is best buds with RR. If either of those 2 were responsible for reaching on Jamin that should be enough to make them voluntarily consider a career change.
  7. It it weren't for JDR's political ambitions for when he gets ****canned and Dan clearly supporting his comrades antics - you'd win the post of the day.
  8. Penn State fans do. I couldn't find the number of blocked kicks he had in college but IIRC it was 6 https://www.facebook.com/BTN/videos/lavar-arrington-blocks-field-goal-with-chest/247633879468859/
  9. I am still miffed and pissed we didn't even let Lavar try to block kicks. Yes he was on the field hands on hips waiting for the fake that never happened a single time. I would have liked to have seen him tried in an LT role for a game before writing him off. I know the priority on D was to read react and get run over amid a few decades of bend don't breakness and that was not Lavar. We'll always have that Aikman hit.
  10. It was nothing short of awkward seeing the GOP lining up to discredit those alleging sexual harassment. Forced into a corner - they always show their true colors. Like ARs or kids.
  11. Best thing Dan did was bring back Gibbs. That may also be the only thing he did to help this team.
  12. I have been playing the "what will rock bottom be" and when game. My latest bet it on McClaurin refusing to sign here. Why would he want to stay here?
  13. It still boggles my mind that it took so long to change the name after announcing it. Talk about setting up unrealistic expectations by making fans wait 2 freaking years? And fans that were genuinely curious what the name would be, giving up waiting to the point they just didn't care anymore what the ****ing name was, they didn't care anymore and tuned it all out. Even us hardcore folks knew all odds pointed to us being disappointed. Remember the famous quote winning off the field... wow that couldnt be farther from the truth. We have to have THE worst marketing/PR gig in the league. Maybe among ALL major sports teams. I am convinced we still have not hit rock bottom which may be Dan holding out in the face of lies sex corruption and failures.
  14. I guess the reboot includes the feeble marketing of our new name by putting it in the place where the players name is supposed to go. Commanders back to pass, Commanders fumbles after attempting a left handed pass, commanders lose
  15. Nothing against the player at all but I am somehow stuck on meh with the pick. I feel like our "no name" front 7 did just as good as the big names the past 2 seasons. I remember seeing Smith-Williams getting an awful lot of snaps over Chase and I always thought Settle deserved more snaps. If a DC wants to play straight plain vanilla DL and depend on winning 1 on 1 matchups for sacks so be it, but I feel like stunts twists blitzes etc gets more bang for the buck ("lessor" players) which keeps the offense guessing far more while pressuring them into mistakes. I feel like for more than a decade teams could stunt on us and get a free man while we never had such luck, but also rarely ever tried. Rushing in our lanes patiently waiting 4 to beat 5 just didn't work out for us. And regardless if that is all wrong our DL was jack stacked and WOEFULLY under performed. I am not convinced throwing even more picks at the problem we kinda created is the solution. Also, I prefer our top picks to be used on potential full time players, vs obvious rotational pieces all things equal.
  16. Bingo. its a damn shame QBs aren't trusted enough to call plays. Talk about showing no faith in your QB and that showing a clear lack of trust from coaches. I would swear that we have refused to use hurry up more than any team since it became all the rage. And we sucked ass in our slow play offense calling in plays letting D sub fresh DL to Tee off on our QBs all damn game long and no surprise we have 1 playoff win in 22 years. Agree let Carson control the game some at least 1 series this year. Lets see what he is made of, not how well he runs Turners plays methodically called in, in the slowest tempo possible. It used to cook my goose a few years back when we had a run of communication failures to start games and have to call a timeout. Why would the QB not know that plays the OC wants to call in drive 1?
  17. Tried to find Iron Mikes 3x goal line prowess - this is the best I could find
  18. Whoa whoa I said the same thing about Jeremy 'Weewee' Sprinkle. 250+ snaps and 0 touches for a TE must be some sort of record. I don't think I will ever forget Iron Mike's 3 consecutive failed dives over the top on the goal line. It could have been the biggest night of his life.
  19. Long ago the Patriots first play of the year featured 3TE's split out wide. Two became blockers for the TE screen which turned into a nice gain. It was awesome seeing the big TEs manhanding the DBs and also BB ingenuity at work. Ever since then I have been hoping to see us use all our hands TEs at once more than never times a year. I do think Reyes didn't do himself any favors with IIRC juggling balls in his very limited targets. If his blocking is up to snuff in a strong camp showing a lot of improvement maybe Bates is who he'll be battling for a spot. Or maybe Turner will end up on the PS... yeah yeah I know he'll never make it lol 'plucked up faster than the Rose of Tralee' - Caddyshack
  20. This pick cannot bode well for Sammy Reyes. If Jordan is healthy I do hope we get to see him and Turner on the field at the same time. Go big or go home.
  21. I can't remember the last time a coach spoke so confidently of a 4th rounder getting more than half the snaps on defense right after the draft. Not to mention he appears not cut from the mold of the position he implies he will play.
  22. Anyone give Ron a breathalyzer? Or did he just have our house Koolaid.
  23. I think our advanced stat guy found a stat he sold to Mayhew
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