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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. And Cam Newton, And Eli Manning, and Blake Bortles, and Big Ben. Jury is out in Pitt, as Mason lost his suspected security blanket TE early in the game.
  2. My Redskins 7 WRs >> NE's "big" 3 bet is looking good with AB cast off already
  3. Insult to injury and I took the wrong Brown. Hollywood > Antonio
  4. It was already posted above but it's worthy of a repost. Dare I say he has been our MVP through 2 games, right up there with Tress and Case.
  5. Smart move. I would be fearing the big jinx myself. But fantasy folk I follow for advice sure seem to like him. Of course scoring in every game will do that. One thing I try to incorporate.. due theory. Starting a guy that scored 2 TDs in both the first 2 games, he seems a no brainer to start. Only, my DUE theory kicks. He is due for an off game, from the defense game planning heavily for him. Hopefully he sneaks into the endzone a few times for us Monday night and becomes a safe FF start for the rest of his career.
  6. I am pissed. Raise your mouse aka click LIKE if you are pissed that you didn't draft him in your season long fantasy. It wasn't that I didn't think he would be good. I just thought our pass offense would be completely FEEBLE.
  7. I found it was interesting to hear AB's accuser spoke to NFL officials for 10 hours. That sure seems like an awful long time to meet with someones employer. I wonder if she even spoke to the police for that long. I guess the league had a ton of questions.
  8. If you haven't figured out a nickname, we can go with MVP. Only Tress Way can dispute it.
  9. I dont know the rule but if you can step out of bounds and catch a deflected ball, PRich was close to scoring on a TD. Would that have counted, if the DB touched the ball right before Richardson caught it? That all said Richardson looked like a rookie running out of bounds like that. I suspect Davis will be inactive and we will roll the same guys on O, just AP in for Guice. I want Jay to go pass happy. Rush vs Pass on first down league wide week 1 pointed to the pass being more effective, yet again.
  10. Having a QB that isn't so process oriented may allow for our QBs to not lose it when a rookie WR is not a Henry Ellard grade route runner just yet. Look the other way all day after a lack of precision early in a game, or practice. While I think Jay will put his tail between his legs and feature AP, I do want the new clear and obvious position of strength to be featured heavily. Yes I think Jay will wave the white flag on having another monster passing day from Case and give Bruce what he wants. AP - which points to a slow played traditional run first game. Jay seems so belligerent of late he may do it to make a point. Hopefully AP breaks a few and opens up the death blow PAP deep balls that you know Jay is always looking to do.
  11. Terry Allen deserves a say in the matter. It will be interesting to see if Jay goes pass happy again, or dials it back and tries to let AP win it for him. I prefer we go deep early and often with AP in between. **** Dallas.
  12. Where are all the people pissed that we retained him for far too long JK Ironic perhaps, but the one thing he had over everyone else a year ago, was that he was healthy. "Leg" injury sounds kind of suspicious to me. Especially for our most durable WR.
  13. Kerrigan certainly didn't show much more than Sweat. Unless you consider getting choked out showing something. Which, he did not. I thought there was a league mandate to choke our Kerrigan and not call it.
  14. He certainly won't go against Ereck Flower grade tackles like he did in preseason. So it sounds like all?? of Wentz'z's monster back breaking 3rd down conversions were against our predictable soft rush bend don't break. Imagine my shock.
  15. Ovi's Os nom nom. Wow Ovi wrecked his mountain bike and has plenty of scabs to show for it
  16. That's how everyone has been misspelling his name his entire life. He hates it. Loves the cars though.
  17. The problem with TMAC - there is no A. Think Mick not Mack. Its TMC for me - on ES. Sounds good, like TMZ. Short and sweet always gets my vote. CMC works great for Christian. We are preventing Carpal Tunnel. At least until we hear teammates chiming in with his actual nickname.
  18. My bet is looking better and better every day https://www.si.com/nfl/2019/09/10/antonio-brown-accused-raping-former-trainer-lawsuit-raiders Little note to add. Trey Quinn had the most snaps of all our WRs including McLaurin. Snap count = fantasy fantasy stuff. Of course Crowder had 14 catches or some ****. WTF. Quinn needs to make us look good for letting him go. Higher target waterbug PPR WRs FTW.
  19. In a feeble effort to stave off our collective carpal in a hopeful long and prosperous career warranting thousands of posts, I prefer short and sweet names. Maybe TM. But Tony Massenburg may get pissed.
  20. Anyone care to take my NEs top 3 WRs stats vs our top 7s bet? We have to be looking good after week 1. Maybe Vet WRs have been beating out rookies in camps for decades by out working them. Reporting in shape, etc. Keep clean, focusing on exactly what the coach says, while the upside rookie is checking his phone. And kinda hungover. But then the season starts and the smart savvy vets go into survival mode, and lack the hunger a young buck has. It's been painful to watch rookie and young WRs have to beat out a vet in camp with full knowledge of the playbook. They don't have a chance. A coach has to have faith in the guy they trusted to draft to get hungry players onto the field. Vets WRs can be brought off the street if the kid flops. Call it James Thrash Syndrome. A rookie would always be hard pressed to beat him out but Thrash's upside was capped. Thrash was the draft pick wastin' safe choice.
  21. The big one stole the show, but Galdi also pointed out his great back shoulder catch. We went Max protect and so it was a play for him, and he didn't let Jay down. I am rolling with calling him TMC dammit he needs a nickname
  22. I wonder if Bruce struck gold by blindly taking one of Haskins WRs, to make things easier for Haskins. We just don't draft WRs. Something has happened, and I think the big thing is actually just ****ing playing them. It sucks to PS a guy for 3 years and then release him. Really? You couldn't figure he wasn't going to cut it? Pun intended. Damn shame Case missed him. But I loved how Case led him away from the defender making him even more wide open. At the same time, made it a much easier catch, vs say DJax over the shoulder that had to be a perfect throw and tough catch. Its maybe time to demote my dusty Guice jersey and upgrade to a fresh TMC.
  23. I suspect or fear TMC faces very high expectations. He probably is going to be in our insomniac thread tonight. I hope Jay gets a ball to him early to ease the nerves. Maybe a reverse get his mind in the game and ease the pressure. What are reasonable expectations. I will say..... 55 REC 80 Targets 660 yards 4 TDs. I really want to go higher but think that is my expectations for most all our receivers. Haha and then what are reasonable expectations for a 4th round rookie that really didn't play in preseason. Certainly less. He has hardly worked in the position he is going to be in, focusing so much on learning all the positions / out injured. Not to mention expectations with a backup QB.
  24. HAHA O/U on # of games before drama kicks in and games are missed. Gronk gone WILL change that offense. Suddenly WRs won't have free rides off his coattails. 7.5 I am going under.
  25. What a TOTAL STUD Garcon was. Of course kick in the coconuts gets injured on his #88 88 yard TD in what had to be one of our best season opening games of all time. That dude was tough as nails and pretty ****ing mean. He would have made a good RB or safety. To your thinking Garcon wasn't as much of a deep threat as I thought he would be. I am heavily wasted swayed by seeing Harmon looking good deep in preseason so... If TMC and Harmon become our DJax Garcon Lite, I predict Harman will get deep more than Garcon. And TMC will get more tough routes than DJax did or should. Its a wee bit premature but we can wish. Man oh man we suck ass developing WRs so finally throwing picks at the problems and actually letting them learn HAS to be better than what we have done previously.
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