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Everything posted by RandyHolt

  1. One year of Williams had me content, and then he backed off. Lewis was very soft IMO and why he was quickly gone - 1 year IIRC. I forgot all about Ray Rhodes. I refuse to believe Chase Young will be unleashed and destroying quarterbacks. It's nothing against him nor all the fine opines here but think some are counting chickens how he will be used and we haven't even drafted him yet. It's just the damage done by watching our passive defense consistently abused for most of 2 decades, a few good stretches and Haslet manic moments aside. I think we play soft no matter the studs up front we have, and abstain from trying heavy deception. Can anyone recall us trying to attack a QB, like the Bears did to us on Monday night? Mack my ass all they did was stunt him over and over, from different places for a few series. They just confused our OL and knocked out our QB. We all heard Sweat was abusing everyone in camp yet somehow didn't see anything out of him until week 17 or so. Only after old man Callahan chimed in as the season is over "maybe we drop him into coverage too much" or some ****, did we see him allowed to make plays to warrant a trade up / 2 2's.. I would be interested in his PFF ratings by game. PFF ratings may fail if they don't account enough for what is asked of a player.
  2. Absolutely - we'd like a whole team of those guys. 2 overalls don't happen here often in perennial win now mode. But QBs are the wild cards and aren't so easy to scheme against. Heck 1 of the 2 QB wins every game so how effectively was he really schemed for. DE's have less snap counts out of the gate, and are subjected to being forced to learn to play passively and under control here much more than I prefer. Coaching changes thus far haven't gotten Clemons Preston Rak Lavar Kerrigan Sweat Murphy Junior lol and so many others, to greatness. EDIT. ZO! We botched that one big. Starting our coaching hires with 2 count em 2 former LBs, gives me more hope than usual, actually.
  3. My prime concern is that no DC DC in 25 years has been able to scheme up freeing a front 7 to make plays. Manusky is but the latest. The guy is a stud maybe the best player in the draft. I just hope he is allowed to be that here. I did see a glimmer of hope when they finally unleashed Sweat, but we have a new staff. And a Redskins playbook.
  4. Can't a 2020 offense effectively game plan out a stud LDE? Run left run left short pass, chip.... yep run at Montez over and over. I am not the only to remember Rak pissed at how he could get no pressure on Eli because he quick passed us to yet another win. I am struggling to believe a DE can be the best player in a QB deep draft. Compare them to a QB or RB who are just in your face attacking a D all day. Some positions simply carry more weight. Not to mention we will be subbing him out. Maybe he has developed physically faster than those around him. We have all seen great college players fizzle in the bigs when the competition catches up to them. Andre' FoFizzle Johnson. I hope he is unstoppable but we have all seen great pass rushers vanish in games. Or for a month at a time. I will need to see our new DCs approach before I think he will be unleashed and used to his strengths. A team D approach always comes first in these parts. I am interested to see how much we are still locked in if Bosa is invisible in a super blow loss.
  5. All in on Bosa as Bowl MVP. The proceeds will go towards getting this thread thoroughly cleaned disinfected and deodorized
  6. Folks seems pumped for Chase. As of now I was more pumped for Sweat but a few tubes may change that. It seems like Bosa is a comparable (game changer) from reading here. I was surprised to hear the 9ers had the same number of sacks as us. We will be subtracting someone (presume Kerrigan) that contributed to our numbers last year. I presume they had many more knocks bats hurries etc but in the end think expectations for Chase may be tough to attain for him. IMO setting expectations on DL is a total crapshoot until we see how they will be deployed. We brought in so many stud DTs back in the day and they never met expectations... based on our lame duck schemes. Basically did jack **** here. I am still in therapy. Long time fans know all the names... Sean Gilbert, Big Daddy, Stubblefield, just to name a few. FAT AL yes I went there. Another huge factor dictating our expectations for Chase and his glorious sacks... Carlos Cushions, or press man. I don't discount line play and know we heavily neglected the DL during Dans glory years, but think we are jack stacked already and think our defensive coaches will have a larger impact, on improving our D and DL play, than Chase can provide alone.
  7. We have a good running game.... I am not sold on our RBs, nor our OL. Nor our shiny new OC, who may find life is tough without CMC, which coupled with a raw QB should lead to defenses attacking at the LOS far more than Jack promises to do.
  8. There is NO good reason we cannot produce like the Bosa led 9ers? How about our defensive coordinator decides it's best not to attack the QB for vast majorities of games. Like pretty much all our DCs have done for the past 2 decades. Our offense sucks, so we play bend don't break to milk the clock and keep scoring down. We all saw it again this year. Sweat dominated everyone in camp. When the games start - the passive D switch was flipped, and he was largely invisible for most of the year. This is nothing new. Preston Smith is suddenly a total stud? No, he was a probably a stud all along, and we just refused to use him to his strengths. I refuse to believe because we hired 2 LBs as coaches they will unleash a full assault on QBs, until I see it consistently happening. I am cautiously optimistic but I think history shows our offense will be dictating our play on defense, more than the DC will.
  9. I have wondered the same too, and attribute it to a lack of mobile guys that can do everything else well enough. Here is the thing. If you build your OL to be able to plow for a yard, you are dead in the water when you consistently fail. You have to get away from your tough guy power identity and pass in short yardage.
  10. Kiss.... of death. Keep it simple sherlock! We have seen so many blown coverages on both sides of the ball, I have wondered about things being overly complex. I would swear Callahan's OL was TERRIBLE vs stunts, and have theorized because what our OL were asked to do, was too confusing. Our LBs and DBs point all which way... sure this happens to all teams, but rarely to never seem to happen to OUR benefit, somehow. I do remember the shanahan mobile OL glory years.... we'd get 150 yards on the ground but we could not push for a yard. In fact we wouldn't or couldn't employ QB sneaks, to the point we would scrap the play for entirety of seasons (or maybe call it once). Meanwhile, Brady with a TE playing guard can hustle to the line on 3rd and a foot and sneak for 4 yards. But we would never do something as simple as go 4 wide, and then try to sneak. We go heavy jumbo and run into brick walls. Only for a few games late in 2015 did we go heavy play action in all short yardage, and Kirk and Jordan Reed killed it... and we made the playoffs. In those playoffs we went back to predictable aka traditional play calling, and lost to Green Bay,
  11. Sounds about right. Our OL seemed schizo and has been since Mike reinvented it with mobility prioritized over power. Jay a power guy at heart was asked about it on day 1, and basically said if it ain't broke don't fix it. Led by Trent we are still carrying the hallmarks of a shanahan mobile OL offense. Not only does our OL lack a clear identity, our RBs seems a mishmash of styles as well. Now while I admit our OL may be no different than others in terms of lacking an identity, I do think it can be improved upon through sticking to an identity and getting the play calling and backs to best fit it.
  12. I still think this thread is 10 second Timmy What the Skins need is for Tua to bounce back strong and make the selection at 2 OA a lot more interesting. Here is the thing about Chase. I think we now have a solid 2 decade record to support we will not unleash him on QBs. Yes all teams employ bend don't break soft D at one point or another, but I am convinced we do it the most. This soft approach has survived regime change one after another. It's not quite as bad when at its peak we gave up 9 yards on first down, and allowed 99 yard drives over and over. Now I will concede our 4-3 may let the DL tee off on QBs and run blitz on the way to QBs, but we have heard every DC that comes here preach attacking the QB yet we somehow never do. Not even when we desperately need a stop or have months of historically bad play (3rd down conversions etc). I think we can go back to Mike Nolan on broken promises, if not farther back. From Lavar to Preston Smith, to our latest - how we used Sweat. I refuse to drool over prospects we expect to bend the QB in half. If we don't unleash Chase Young I am not sure he will live up to expectations of a December welcome thread.
  13. I wonder how much Scott will be hating life if we have no run game. Kyle was spoiled having Mikes run game handed to him, to give him a careers worth of play action to live off of. Scott is losing CMC meanwhile we kinda need an overhaul at RB. Jordan may be the best coach in the league but I don't see it and it will be more him this year. We were told for years Callahan was great, and I never saw that one either. Has anyone liked our run game after Morris's rookie year/Mike left? Our OL had no run game identity. I think its going to tough sledding for Scott especially with us taking a DE at 2 and no 2nd rounder. We have to get a TE but I like some of the vet names out there. Starting with Henry. https://www.spotrac.com/nfl/free-agents/tight-end/
  14. Buzz kill hearing Steve Smith poo pooing our shiny new OC I want OCKOC back. There is something to be said for a headcoach assembling the same staff from his previous position that he got fired from.
  15. #29 Scott Turner DB? No relation. I can't be the only one to remember. Damn, he now works in the white house.
  16. Turner spent a lot of time working with the rook Teddy Bridgewater, and then made the playoffs a year later. Otherwise his resume of working with young QBs seems kind of thin. Nervous Norval will have some input into our future, me thinks. I wonder if Alex will be the defacto QB coach for Dwayne.
  17. No KOC could point to RR not feeling invested in DH. That is something i wanted ironed out with the new coach before he was hired. Will his fate be tethered to Haskins, or not. It seems like DH and KOC were tied together to some degree. And Rivera did speak of vet QBs at his thanksgiving presser, which struck me as rather odd and was a tell that Dan is giving him choices. It appears to me the push is continuing towards mobile QBs, vs the 3 year grooming projects of pure pocket passers.
  18. Good stuff. Its more than the obvious changes perhaps, such as: did the new coach keep the vast number of plays from the previous playbook. Another factor I will throw out, did the first year coach not use them to their strengths. i.e. immediately set out to make Lamar a pure pocket passer, to prolong his career.
  19. 3 offenses in 3 years.... no one should be surprised, though. I refuse to ignore the playbooks a QB is forced to digest, when setting expectations. Basically on par with expectations based on draft position. I wish someone would look at the all time greats, and see how many different playbooks they were forced to digest in their first X # of seasons. I bet there is a pattern.
  20. Good stuff. And it's why I have been throwing out the idea of embracing the Arizona model since the last draft. If you suspect your QB is not going to make it, draft another. And trade the one you just drafted before they lose any and all trade value. Before Haskins, I think we drafted one QB every 5 years in recent decades, of course including taking 2 in the same draft. If we don't draft one every 5 years, and hold onto them even if there are red flags, it will surprise no one that we suck at finding QBs. I have my concerns. I saw Bostic chimed in with the same. KOC did some good work with him, but surprising no one, he is still very raw. How long should RR give him? I have faith RR will cater to his strengths after seeing how he used Cam as a rookie, which I still consider breaking with the old traditional approach of: any QB drafted must be molded into a pocker passer on day 1, and for forever.
  21. And so the cycle of a young QB in the revolving head coach OC playbook carousel, begins. While ditching Jays Shakespearean play calls may lend to Haskins doing better with a new playbook, I for one am skeptical. But its not just Haskins of course, No young QB thrives with a new coaching staff and playbook every year, but they do always take the full blame if he doesn't live up to expectations. I would like to keep KOC around but it seems like Norval Jr may have the inside track.
  22. If our new defensive minded coaches are worth their salt, I think they can scheme up a viable front with pressure, between Allen Ion Settle Payne Sweat Kerrigan and Orchard. My hunch is young is not going to make that crew THAT much better, because they are damn good already. Ok, maybe like our culture.
  23. If Manusky is involved in finding his own replacement again 🤦‍♂️, I fully expect the same coaches on defense. Heck, I think Callahan isn't going anywhere, as Dan will quickly learn no properly experienced coaches want to come here under his current management structure.
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