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Fan since a Fetus

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Everything posted by Fan since a Fetus

  1. Pork Rectums: Well, if the old adage 'you are what you eat' is true, that would explain the behavior of a lot of people. Although, I am not sure if the amount of pork rectums available are equal to the amount of buttholes in the world.
  2. I believe that is a reticulated python that decided to make a meal of a porcupine which was a very poor decision.
  3. Agreed, that is grounds for divorce. Those are three movies you do not fall asleep in.
  4. I can't wait to get the black and white version of Mad Max that is going to come with the blue ray. I am going to play it on silent and write my own music to it. Can't wait!
  5. Ok, I have to re-watch this. Everyone I know loved it. I thought it was an o.k. film. It was the movie I watched directly after The Raid 2. So, to me, it wasn't a great action movie. With that said, don't **** with my dog!!!1
  6. Predestination 7/10. This was a fun movie to watch. I cannot get into the movie at all because it will give too much away. I am a big Ethan Hawke fan and love almost everything he is involved with, so I might be biased here. This movie would have had a higher ranking for me if the plot was more stable as a whole. My wife and I discussed it and we came to the conclusion that the company that Ethan works for doesn't need to exist. Which stinks because it is a good movie. A temporal agent (Ethan Hawke) embarks on a final time-traveling assignment to prevent an elusive criminal from launching an attack that kills thousands of people.
  7. I love the Warriors. One of my favorites. But I really enjoyed Midnight Cowboy as well and did not know the cab scene wasn't rehearsed. The Midnight Cowboy theme song is one of the most depressing songs I have ever heard. I love it! However, I feel horrible when I listen to it. It is that sad to me. Any time a piece of art has that kind of effect on me, I know it is good.
  8. Maybe his lip got caught in between the gaps of her teeth. Her and Michael Strahan could french kiss without opening their mouths.
  9. Just saw Birdman. Overrated in my opinion. I wasn't a huge fan, but it wasn't what I was expecting either. However, with all the fantastic reviews, I thought it was going to be phenomenal. Not even close 3 out of 5 stars in my opinion. Also saw, The Imitation Game: Fantastic movie. Loved every second. The story is based on Alan Turing, a mathematician breaking the German's code machine 'Enigma'. Supposedly, this helped end the World War II. There is not a lot of military action like my wife was expecting. A lot of behind the scenes stuff involving one of my favorite actors, Benedict Cumberbatch. If you haven't seen him in Sherlock Holmes, drop what you are doing right now and go watch them. The best Sherlock in my opinion and you will thank me later. I don't think he is a broad range actor in the sense that Daniel Day Lewis is, however, he plays his parts well. I worry about doing longer reviews, because I don't want to give away the story. I am a person that doesn't even watch trailers prior to seeing the movie.
  10. So is the guy on the right, you can see his overalls and the bandana of the girl to the left.
  11. Not sure if posted. Remember, 99% of spider bites are not harmful to humans Brazilian Wandering Spiders: They like bananas and sometimes make their way to other continents with the fruit. Interesting note: Aside from causing intense pain, the venom of the spider can also cause priapism in humans. Erections resulting from the bite are uncomfortable, can last for many hours and can lead to impotence. A component of the venom (Tx2-6) is being studied for use in erectile dysfunction treatments.
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