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Everything posted by redskins59

  1. Read this article on Iran's missile improvement. This right here is the reality. https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/how-a-quantum-change-in-missiles-has-made-iran-a-far-more-dangerous-foe/2020/01/07/63020a0c-30c7-11ea-9313-6cba89b1b9fb_story.html
  2. Ehh,It's a fight that America doesn't want to get into either. Isn't that obvious? Iran has alliances all over the region. You want to start a regional warfare? Where's all this skirmish going on right now? Iran or is it Iraq? Of course America always wins wars, but then what? Stuck in Iraq and Afghanistan for decades. I am reading that Iran has the largest arsenal of ballistic missile in all of the middle east. What did Afghanistan have? It was probably the poorest country in the world even back then. This year alone, there were 20 dead Americans in Afghanistan. Not a big number, but this after close to 20 years. What's a win for America? Military vs military? Yeah, that's a win. Who doubts that? Then what? The Ayotollah has his followers no matter how unpopular he is, just as Saddam had his supporters. So prepare to fight his followers for decades. With a country 4 times the size of Iraq, good luck with that. It's also a much bigger country population wise.
  3. How big is this base? It's supposed to be a mix of Iraqis and Americans (with probably way more Iraqis). However, no Americans got killed. Wondering if their missiles are this precise.
  4. Based on Trump's tweet, I think this is it. We are deescalating. So Iran's missiles appear to easily reach American bases. This is now. They're going to keep improving their technology.
  5. I am no expert on radiation, but let's say we nuke Iran. Will some of that radiation travel to Europe? Europe isn't too far. India and Pakistan are pretty close by. Russia is right there. China not too far. Iran seems to be in the middle of everywhere.
  6. This right here is the problem. We will no doubt win the war, but what about casualty? How long will it go? The United States is struggling in Iraq and Afghanistan. What will it mean if another country is added to the mix? Furthermore, what will the cost be? The deficit is high as it is due to Trump's tax cuts. The economy may be affected.
  7. They can cripple us that way, but keep in mind that they have tested some of their missiles against Isis. So those missiles may work against the United States. We can already see that war against Iran will end up being a war against Iraq as well due to the militia backed by Iran. Then we have groups like Hezbollah as well.
  8. I looked up his nomination for nobel prize. First, the Nobel Prize does not confirm nomination for 50 years. Second, the guy claiming to have nominated the author above also claimed to have nominated John Bolton. Reading about him, he has an agenda. Anyway, how does this guy know more than everybody else when it comes to Benghazi? Trying to link Iran to Benghazi is just conspiracy theory similar to Pence linking Iran to 9/11.
  9. How can Soleimani be the main figure behind Benghazi when the main group behind the attack was Ansal al-Sharia, which is a Salafi-Jihadist group? Salafi-Jihadism is strictly Sunni. This seems like a conspiracy theory to me. The article is here (written by a conservative author): https://nypost.com/2014/06/20/how-irans-spy-chief-paid-for-the-benghazi-attack/
  10. Destroying cultural sites is a war crime. If that does happen, would the lunatic go to jail? He should, but he won't.
  11. Can you believe any crap that comes from this government? BS like this: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/03/us/politics/pence-iran-factcheck.html I don't need to read any articles to know that Al Qaeda doesn't get along with the Shias.
  12. You don't know that. How do you know that he was there in order to kill Americans? Just because Trump and his people say so? The dumbass Pence is suggesting that Soleimani is somehow connected to 9/11. A Shiah supporting Al Qaeda? Yeah, like I believe that BS. I don't believe any crap that comes from this government, period.
  13. They are pro-Iran due to the religious connection. At the same time, Iraqis are Arabs, whereas Iranians are not. On the other hand, Kurds and Persians are ethnically connected (this is the Indo-Iranian connection). If Kurds were forced to choose between Arabs and Iranians, they would chose Iranians. The odd one out here appear to be the Sunnis. Iran has a big Kurdish population, approximately 6 million. I don't see them asking to separate as much as we see in Turkey. My previous boss was an Assyrian Christian from Iran. He told me that people of all ethnicities got along well in Iran. Of course this was in the early 90's. You could find Jews, Christians, Muslims, all in the same village. The benefit of living in the DC region is you meet people from all over the world. Even rare kinds. Never thought I would meet an Assyrian from Iran. It is an absolute truth that the Shiahs are more tolerant than Sunnis. The Iranians still celebrate their pre-Muslim Zoroastrian holiday (Nowruz) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nowruz
  14. The question is, it is oil, or is it religion that makes the middle east the most important region in the world? Even back in the days when oil wasn't so important, they were launching the crusades.
  15. No, the revolutionary guard is not hated. The Iranians hate their government, but not the revolutionary guard. There was an article about this just a few months ago. They are seen as guardians. There was a point in Iran, when the revolutionary guard wasn't like as much. Anyway, I am not going to argue with you. You know why, because if Iran retaliates, I won the argument. If they don't, you win. If things escalate, I was right, and you don't know what you're talking about.
  16. Oil price is jumping. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/oil-prices-jump-middle-east-014535784.html I recall back in 2007 or 2008, right before the recession, oil price hit 100 dollars a barrel.
  17. The Quds force is supposedly a unit of the revolutionary guard. That's what makes it a big deal.
  18. Of course it's going to spiral out of control. Now, Iranians in general don't love their government, but they love the Revolutionary Guard. They had all those protests going on recently. Something to be united about now.
  19. The number can't be right. If you are looking at gun deaths, some states alone have 1000+. California has 3000 alone.
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