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Everything posted by MonkFan8

  1. I love how Wall doesn't even move on possessions. Off the ball he is completely terrible too. Kills our spacing completely.
  2. Indeed.I absolutely do not understand how anyone can defend EG. He's been living off one trade for far, far too long. This team is absolutely putrid.
  3. Jordan Crawford is a complete embarrassment. If you're going to keep pulling up from a foot inside the 3 point line every single possession, at least make it a 3.
  4. Rubio looks amazing. So much better than Wall. He always keeps his head up. His turnovers are actually good passes any big man should bring in.
  5. Vesely LOL! Nerves I guess, but still.... Nice post up at least.
  6. That missed dunk destroyed Singleton's confidence. Prior to that he was having a great game. Oh well, young team fell apart at the end. Liked what I saw for the most part. Flip used Blatche pretty well, Wall showed his killer instinct, too bad he doesn't have the skill right now to put it to use on good defensive teams.
  7. Can't stand watching Wall play. Does he really feel that entitled that he can call out his teammates and not be able to shoot a 15 foot jumper, hit an open player cutting to the hoop, or put the ball on the floor? Seriously, AMARE is able to D you up and steal the ball from you? Pathetic.
  8. The really disturbing thing about Wall's shooting this year is that he's had TONS of open shots and chances to finish at the rim. It's a bit distressing but I think all the games he played in the summer with no defense played really limited his chances at improving on skills necessary as a PG.
  9. Er, isn't the whole story with Rashard is that he had his best years at SF and only started struggling when Van Gundy moved him to PF (and, coincidentally, when he stopped taking steriods)? Regardless, we'd be better off with him out of the starting lineup and I don't care who (Singleton, Booker or Vesley) replaces him.
  10. EG has run this team in the ground by drafting excruciatingly poorly and surrounding our few good players with boneheaded talent. That's not the way you win in this league. I'll take a non-athletically gifted player with a brain over a supremely athletic player and 0 court sense any day of the week. My fear now is that by the time Wall becomes elite and we finally get rid of all our idiots, he'll be ready to move on to another team. I guess this is what years of mediocrity and 8th seed playoff births combined with abysmal drafting gets us.
  11. Wizards did nothing tonight to convince me my 15 win prediction won't come true. They'll win a few when the miraculously shoot a decent percentage, but other than that they're going to be awful. Very disappointed in Wall. He's quick, but his jumping ability completely disappears if there is anyone between him and the basket. I don't even care that his jumper is awful, if he improved his handles and ability to finish at the basket he could be elite. Just gotta hope for good luck in the lottery.
  12. Nick Young's jumper is phenomenal. I really hate that we didn't sign him to a long term deal. I think that's going to cost us this offseason.
  13. Blatche's passing and court vision really separates him from other big men. Just wish he'd use it more often.
  14. Young and Blatche are the only two players with legitimate NBA-style games, at least on the offensive end. They both may be knuckleheads, but you can run your offense through them and play well.Wall is starting off with a serious sophemore slump, it's only preseason but he doesn't look like himself. McGee will lose his starting job to Turiaf or Seraphin somewhere along the line this year, I promise.
  15. Should have met Nick in the middle somewhere between the QO and his 9 mil price. Easily the best offensive player on this team. I didn't think all the street ball would affect Wall this much, but he looks lost on offense. Bad sign for this year.
  16. If decent is synonymous with completely lost, then yes, you're correct.The only bright spot of that half was Blatche, who appears to have his quickness back.
  17. Yikes, a lineup of Wall, Mason, Singleton, Vesely and Turiaf is really going to struggle to score points. Not sure I'd ever have that 5 on the floor at the same time, but I'm not an NBA head coach. My personal feeling is that this is a lottery team again this year whether we bring Nick back or not. Hoping I'm wrong, but just the way I see it.
  18. I've always liked Turiaf. He's a high energy guy, something that never hurts to have around. Especially with our crop of big men. Can find a video of the first training camp on the Wizards site. Fairly intense looking practice, which I like. I think Mack is going to be a perfect backup PG.
  19. I ****ing despise living in Baltimore. How are they allowed to air only one 1PM and one 4:15 game?
  20. Wow, really? Man, I love Shiner in general, but the Redbird was one of the worst beers I've ever had. Maybe I got a bad batch but I was shocked based on how much I like everything else they brew, lol. d0uble, you ever tried anything from Troegs brewery in PA?
  21. Definitely a great game to attend. Been wanting to go to one forever now and finally had the chance. Wall looked nice but his jumper is still a major issue. McGee had several characteristically amazing athletic plays but really struggled against Cousins.
  22. I'm not sure how much better the team will be next season, but I have a good feeling Wall is going to dominate. nmO9pyyE8cA
  23. If anything the Hickson trade solidifies Cousins spot as the Kings' center for years to come. Also, there is no way Evans plays the 3. Salmons will play the 3. I actually really like the Hickson move for the Kings and think they could be a pretty good team next season. Their starting lineup is pretty talented and extremely athletic. The Hickson trade should give us some idea of what people might offer for Andray, and there is no way I'd take a deal like that. Just have to hope Blatche has a good offseason (lockoutlol) and hope he's pushed by Singleton and Vesely, though I don't see Vesely playing the 4 for a few years yet.
  24. If Kanter is not there at 6 I have a gut feeling the Wizards will pick Marcus Morris. I don't buy into Vesely as a pro, at least not in the next 2-3 years and I think Marcus could potentially solve a lot of our issues at the 3.
  25. Williams is a 3 who can probably play some 4 if needed. Not likely to take Blatche's minutes any more than a player like Rashard would. I don't see Kanter playing anything other than C, though he can clearly play the 4 if needed as well. Everything I've heard is that he's still growing. I don't disagree that we could draft a PF later in the draft, but like I said that's not likely to cut into Blatche's minutes any more than Booker did.
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