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Everything posted by MonkFan8

  1. Seraphin's touch is fantastic. Needs to get more minutes, sucks they didn't take that opportunity really when Turiaf and Blatche were out. Good on Witt for sticking with the bench.
  2. I'll readily admit I still like Andray. I think if he ever got his head on straight he could be a very good player. That said, if a guy gets shot as a rookie and still plays with the same blase attitude as Blatche does and doesn't seem to care about getting into great shape, it's highly doubtful he ever will. You'd think nearly having your entire career taken away from you before it even starts would motivate the guy, I guess not. Put the ****ing fans out of your mind and play smart basketball. Be a professional.
  3. Rofl.This is really something to write home about. How long does he get to live off the glory years when the EC was so bad we made the playoffs with a barely .500 record?
  4. EG has really built a mess of a team. Vesley I knew was going to be a project, but Singleton has been a huge disappointment. The length that helped him in college seems to be entirely mitigated by the speed of the NBA game. On defense he moves like a pigeon, very rigid and awkward looking. On offense he's been worse than Vesely, which is really saying something. So far this draft class has contributed almost nothing.
  5. He's always been a great passer for a big man. Due to being out of shape playing him at C and keeping him near the basket, limiting his touches at 15+ definitely helps. That said the Cavs have a small front court which also helped.Good to see them close the game out. Glad I had the good sense to pick up Crawford in my fantasy league given the fact that Young is injured.
  6. Played fine. Missed a few close shots but had some nice passes. He's pretty solid at C when he plays within the offense.
  7. 5 seconds on the shot clock after the jump ball and McGee falls asleep on Casspi. So bad.
  8. Comparing McGee directly to Jordan may not be fair, that's true, but McGee's on/off differential is substantially worse than any other Wizards starters. Yeah, the team is bad, but the stats indicate that despite his decent averages he makes the team worse when he's out there.
  9. Wall and Crawford are pretty carrying the team. McGee might have an efficient night, but it really won't matter since he can't stop anyone defensively.
  10. Well, McGee versus Dwight is always as one-sided as it can get. McGee hasn't helped his case at all lately, though. Can't blame Witt for either move.
  11. Well, I would have been more excited had we won. I was hoping Wall would stuff that Jennings shot back in his face.Definitely true that being a fan of the Os, Caps, 'Skins and Wizards at my age has made me appreciate the small victories, like when our team actually plays a bit like a team, lol.
  12. Good tank loss. Strong play from a lot of our young players. Booker and Singleton had great games offensively, which is fantastic to see.
  13. Gonna be so nice when Young, McGee and Blatche are no longer on this team. Get rid of EG and these bums and secure a top 3 pick and we'll have ourselves a team.
  14. Hopefully because we'll push hard for Batum this off season. Otherwise Chandler would make a good deal of sense.
  15. For reference, my guess is that this is what Wall was expecting McGee to do, based on that hand motion. He may have thrown the pass a split second too early, but there's no excuse for that move by Javale. K7e7DFmyKNw
  16. Uh, watch where McGee is pointing (he's not holding his hand out expecting the ball there). It's commonplace in the league to throw that pass inside for an alley-oop or just to get your big man underneath the basket. You don't pass it outside when your posting up someone over a foot shorter than you. That was a pathetic attempt from Javale and I don't fault Wall at all (EDIT: Actually, I do fault Wall for throwing the pass maybe .5-1s too early. Still a terrible attempt from Javale). And yes, the kind of money we would have to spend on McGee means we are going to be building around him as well as Wall. He's serviceable, that's about it. I'd rather have find a serviceable C that doesn't make a fool out of himself game in and game out.
  17. Does this look like a player you can build around? This is more damning than any of Javale's goal tends or crappy dunk attempts. Wall's reaction, yet again, is hilarious. He clearly gets so frustrated playing with Javale out there.
  18. Am I missing something or are people defending Nick in here? McGee and Nick are pretty much in the same boat to me. You don't win with dumb players, it's just too bad our bench is comprised of mostly D-league caliber players at this point. If you missed it, watch Wittman's post game press conference. He sounds exasperated and while I definitely don't agree with some of his coaching moves, he is 100% on point here. Unfortunately I don't think the best coaching in the world can turn some of these players around. Ernie really bears the brunt of the blame for constructing this low-IQ team that lacks basic basketball knowledge.
  19. Another game that proves why McGee isn't worthy of the contract some want to give him. I may think Whitman is a dumb coach, but yet again he was 100% correct to bench him. Now if he'd only do the same thing for Young. Hey Whit, just because the 3 guard lineup worked for a few games doesn't mean you should constantly roll with it, even when one of the 3 is stinking up the joint. It's hilarious watching this team in the 4th quarter. It's so obvious that every opposing coach funnels the ball into Nick's hands and then watches him go iso.
  20. Battle of the two dumbest teams in the league. Absolutely embarrassing display of basketball.
  21. Fair enough. In my opinion Nick's scoring ability is what would make him more valuable to a contender. Versatility only goes so far. I'd agree with you that I'd certainly be more in favor of keeping Crawford on board for our specific team.
  22. Oh don't get me wrong, I'm not ragging on Crawford in an attempt to defend Young. He's just as bad if not worse, though I think he'd be a better fit under a good coach than Crawford likely ever will. That said I'd be perfectly content if we let Young walk this off season as well. Too bad we didn't draft Brooks and let Young go this year.
  23. Agreed with Milellie on Crawford, when he gets hot it certainly helps us keep the game close, but rarely does he take an easy shot. Part of that is on the poor offensive movement, but he consistently goes 1 on 1 more than anyone else on the team. Not a player I want long term, but that describes most of the team I suppose...
  24. I would have given up my left testicle to have been able to land Gortat in that Arenas deal. Would have thrown in virtually any 2 players Orlando would have asked for.
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