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Everything posted by MonkFan8

  1. Beal was nice. Still not getting enough looks for being our best offensive option. He's stuck playing with Price and Pargo because Wittman thinks it's a good idea not to play our stud SG with our probable day one PG (Mack). Other than him, Okafor was decent and Webster missed some open shots but again didn't force things and playe dwell. Literally everyone else was complete and utter garbage. I couldn't tell you how the Nets didn't blow us out. Ariza looks uninterested, Randolph, Vesely and Barron missed numerous easy buckets and acted like sieves on defense. Pargo was respectable but Price was again horrible. No handles, bad timing, can't shoot. Really need to get healthy. I can't figure out how drafting a total dud like Vesely on top of the rest of EGs resume doesn't get him fired.
  2. Jan Vesely hasn't progressed a bit as a player. Without Wall in there he just stands around till someone bodies him out of the way. Complete waste of a 6th pick. Other than our pathetic backup bigs it's been a pretty entertaining game in Brooklyn. PGs are playing better and Beal is doing his thing. Okafor helps a lot and Webster continues to look far better than Ariza.
  3. I like Crawford, I just don't think you win games with him in your starting back court. FWIW, I feel that way about every guard sans Deron Williams in that list. I think he's a great combo guard to have coming off your bench.
  4. Seraphin sprains his calf in the first quarter of the Cavs game. Beal looks really good. Everyone else looks like they belong in the D-league.
  5. Beal better start right away. Crawford is a 6th man at best. Vesely and Singleton continue to disappoint. Injuries suck. A starting 5 of Wall, Beal, Webster, Okafor/Booker, Nene is probably a playoff team. As it stands now, I think this team will be lucky to stay out of the lottery.
  6. Mack is utterly hopeless. I actually liked the pick at the time, but he complete lacks the size and speed needed to play at this level. Really need to find a way to get a vet PG to backup Wall.
  7. Team looks a lot better today, figured they might. Would like to see Beal get some jumpers in here soon, but he's involved elsewhere and playing good D still. Vesely and Mack look excellent today.
  8. Vesely with another long jumper and Beal from 3. Beal's D has been amazing as well thus far.
  9. Has this been posted yet? If not, it'll make you feel pretty excited... Granted, I am not sure Vesely will be able to get that shot off against NBA quality defense with any regularity, but it looks a lot better than it did last year. Think he just needs a bit more elevation. Best part of the video is Beal....just wait for it. I'm telling you, this kid is going to be something special.
  10. I hope you're right. I'm honestly not that optimistic, but we'll see. I love John as a player and hope the revamped squad can get him where he needs to be.FWIW, Wall will be 22 by the time the season starts. Irving is 20.
  11. It's not really an encouraging sign that Kyrie is drawing rave reviews at the Select camp while we only hear mummers about John. I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about the guy. I'd love to be 100% wrong and him turn into the star I thought he would be even before he got to Kentucky.
  12. So happy with the Beal pick, but I knew it was too much to ask for EG to control his stupid for a full 24 hours. Such a stupid pick at 32 with impact players left on the board.
  13. I'm happy. This is pretty big for me, considering I just found out that I likely have a pretty serious pre-existing condition that would have made getting health insurance when I lapse at 27 extremely difficult.
  14. I'd be 100% content with MKG or Beal. At this point I'm leaning to Beal, though. So happy we didn't drop to 5th. I could have dealt with 4th, but 5th would have been a really tough pill to swallow, even in a deep draft.
  15. Right on, goskins. Obviously we have a way to go, but I was going to post something after the trade about how we're following the Griz formula rather than the Thunder formula. Nene and Gasol are very similar. Big men that can be physical but also have good hands and touch around the basket. I believe Seraphin can be a player similar to ZBo with worse handles and a bit less range. What we're really missing is a swing man that can do everything well (but isn't a super star) like Gay. It's the primary reason I see us going with MKG or Beal in the draft.
  16. Going to be funny to see what teams offer McGee this offseason. Dude is a turnstile at best defensively.
  17. Not really true, plenty of people were backing Randy shortly after the trade with the way he had them playing. I'll say this, unless an amazing option appears, I'd greatly prefer Randy over D'Antoni. No question about it.I'd honestly be very surprised at this point if Randy isn't back, given the EG extension.
  18. Ernie is a pretty decent judge of talent, it's just too bad he didn't give more credence to intelligence and desire until the past year. I'm actually relatively okay with giving him 2 more years to see this through. I just hope he realizes we need an immediate impact from whoever we draft this year.
  19. Lol, anyone else watching Nene completely destroy Biyombo in the block? Hilarious.
  20. I doubt we can beat the Heat twice, but boy would I love to win one of those two games. Can't wait to see Seraphin and Nene tear up the weak heat front court (though I have nothing against Turiaf).
  21. Crawford and Young are completely different players. Yeah, they are both volume shooters, but Crawford you can deal with because he contributes elsewhere and actually takes the ball to the basket. There is almost no comparison between them as players. Sports talk radio is generally awful.
  22. Kevin is making the most of Howard's absence. That hook is money with either hand.
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