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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. This was actually backwards. The Virginia Plan, as proposed by Madison and Randolph (two slaveowning Virginians) wanted proportional representation, along with a relatively strong central government, even going as far as ceding the power of the Federal legislature to directly override state law - which is nowadays handled by the court. In opposition was the New Jersey plan, which was ironically at the time, one of the less populated states and wanted to dilute the power of the more populous states, and a much weaker central government, basically a minor update to the Articles of Confederation. I don't think anyone was pushing for direct elections by popular vote. They didn't even have direct election of Senators until 1890-something - they were selected by the state legislatures.
  2. So he was the guy in Glengarry, Glen Ross that wasn't Kevin Spacey, Alec Baldwin, Jack Lemon, Al Pacino or Ed Harris.
  3. It was the only unit that was capable of offensive operations in Ukraine since last year. So if Russia can't go on the offensive, they're pretty screwed, as long as the West supports Ukraine, they are going to try to get back their territory. And eventually they will succeed.
  4. I think it was a reaction to a few things. His guy wasn't in the White House anymore and the plan to soft undermine NATO was stalled. It was on the heels of the Brexit mess and the EU seemed to be coming apart at the seems. After the Afghanistan debacle, he saw the US as a weak power that wasn't going to bother with further overseas adventures for a few years. And its true - we were never going to commit ground troops to Ukraine and probably never air cover. I think at the very least, he could dismember Ukraine, taking the entire left bank of the Dnipro, as well as significant areas on the right bank (especially Kyiv) along with the Black Sea coast, leaving a smallish rump state left around Lviv. OTOH, the Biden administration gave the go ahead for UAF to start using the weapons we had sent them (Javelins) in the Donbas area. So he wanted to forestall any potential offensive there. But the last point, and probably the most crucial, was that he thought the FSB had infilitrated/bought off Ukrainian C&C, that Ukrainian leadership was dysfunctional, and the UAF would provide at best, an incoherent/scattered defense, and he could overwhelm them with rapid force movement and capture Ukraine mostly intact. This was only partially true, e.g. that guy who left the Crimea approach undefended and let RuAF run all over Kherson, even crossing the Dnipro and Zaporhiza, trapping the Azov forces in Mariupol. The Russophiles who pointed out that the initial airstrikes by the RuAF were not as intense as what the US did in 2003 Iraq , and could have been much worse, also had somewhat of a point. For instance, the RuAF didn't go after more "strategic" targets such as the power grid. Which is not necessary if you don't expect a very intense campaign. So basically, he did it because he thought he could get away with it like Georgia, Crimea and Donbas.
  5. The problem with Putin is he knows every trick and is also whacked out paranoid. Anyone who goes against him is risking death and they know it. Coups require lots of cooperation and for things to go almost perfectly. Its hard to "fish someone out" without knowing if they would be willing to go along with you, or if they would turn you into the boss. So you have to be very careful what you say. And you never know who's listening. But they did get Beria so I guess anything is possible
  6. There wasn't a guarantee it was going to work. Prigozhin obviously had a core of loyalists within Wagner, but its unclear how much support he had in and around Moscow. Putin is still nominally in control and along as he was alive, there would have been people who would fight for him It could have gone down like Operation Valkyrie.
  7. This offensive could have a similar effect to the Tet Offensive in '68. Operational failure but strategic success. In this case, causing this level of dysfunction in the Russian military system might be enough offset a failure if the UAF can't gain substantial ground. Similar to how the NVA/VC didn't obtain any of their tangible objectives, but it was enough to cause American public opinion to start turning against the war.
  8. In a vassal dispute, eventually the lord is going to have to pick a side.
  9. So Russia is going to clip one of the few competent leaders they have. Great strategy.
  10. Wrigley and Fenway ... strange things are bound to happen. Burn the tape.
  11. Congrats. Gunnar Henderson has really turned a corner. 3/5 with a grand slam tonight. I guess patience paid off. Since June 1st has been 11/25 (.458) with an OPS of 1.480
  12. You're forgetting 1989 ... that team would have made the postseason using today's rules. Final series against the Jays was essentially a playoff series, having to take 2 out of 3, but lost the first two. Dang Mark Williamson ... Same goes for a few of those early 90s teams, borderline playoff teams who would have made it with the new rules. Baseball is like hockey in that regular season only really matters for making the playoffs. Then its about this nebulous "playoff magic". You don't need to be "dominant", there's really not much difference between a .600 team and .550 team.
  13. Late game just got finished up. Bautista's K/9 must be like 20.
  14. Let this be a lesson, bullpen games don't work. Wasted opportunity as we tagged Justin Bieber for 7 runs. Why couldn't they bring in a legit starter?
  15. Ouch, but maybe Cowser gets called up? OPS > 1.000 in Norfolk
  16. Bats have really cooled off. Just 8 runs over the last 4 games.
  17. McKenna pitched a better 9th than Grayrod's 4th. In fact I think his ERA in the game was better This makes me wonder why the team with the huge lead doesn't have a position player pitch the 9th as well. If they start sucking too much they can always put in a real reliever
  18. I mean Peralta would have hit a fan were it not for the netting so ...
  19. Orioles Win! Orioles Win! Orioles Win! Orioles Win!
  20. An 8 run 7th to get back on top, 9-5 🙂 Last night game sucked, maybe get revenge here.
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