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Everything posted by DCSaints_fan

  1. Adam Frazier is this year's Rougned Odor. Poor stat overall production but clutch in high leverage situations.
  2. Regain the lead and Bautista closes it out, nice win!
  3. Wow really pouring it on McClanahan of all people now, Os up 5-0. Clutch hits from McCann and Mateo of all people.
  4. I googled it, and it took him a bit less than 24 hours. 174 million views.
  5. Yeah it seems to go anywhere these days, you have to appeal to 12 year olds. I was reading about this YouTube celebrity named "Mr Beat" I think. One of his "big hits" was simply him counting up to 100,000. It got like 10M views.
  6. At first I was like no way we do this deal, but on second thought it may be doable. I don't think we'd part with proven MLB talent, but our farm system is pretty deep and some of those guys are going to be blocked anyway. If it was like a package of like Ortiz, Norby and DL Hall, I would do it. Another idea is we take on at least part of Rendon's salary, partially offsetting the prospect Of course you want to build a consistent winner, but on the other hand we can't take it for granted that we'll be in this position again anytime soon.
  7. Special needs pitcher on the mound for the Os now
  8. Bradish with a very strong start, 0 R, 2 H, 1 BB, 1 HBP through 7 now. The Os haven't had to go deep in the bullpen since the ASB yet so they may be able to keep deferring the roster crunch of 12 pitchers to 14 position players. At this point its hard to send someone down besides Mountcastle and Os FO appears unwilling to do that. But the chatter is GrayRod is going to get called up again. No news on Mullins injury yet, if he goes to the IL that would have made their decision easier.
  9. In terms of the US, not much at all from the Middle East as of a few years ago. We're actually a net exporter of petroleum products (not crude, but refined products as well). Due to refineries preferring certain grades we still do import oil, but only like half a milion barrels per day < 10% of our imports and less than 5% of our total usage. https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=727&t=6 I think this part of the reason Biden was not picking up the phone from King of Saudi Arabia for a while, until the Ukraine war broke out and he wanted them to get on board with increasing oil production. Its like we're saying we don't need them anymore, and never liked them anyway.
  10. Its hard to give up everything. Nitrates and nitrites are much more carcinogenic, and are frequently used in bacon and cold cuts No. And California is sure to remind you everywhere you go.
  11. I'm with The Who. Hope I die before I get old. My grandfather lived to 98 and my grandmother (father's side) to 101. My grandfather was actually fairly sharp until the end, granted with fairly limited mobility and started having falls and lost continence. He spent the last few months of his life in a hospice. My grandmother at 100 didn't recognize my mother (not her mother but my father's). She asked my mother if she had any daughters (she didn't, only sons although she miscarried a daughter ...) I really think we need to get past the idea that everyone's life is always worth preserving, even if you don't have a terminal condition it should be up to you when to end it. Its controversial stance, but this should be on the table for all adults, regardless of age or condition. The reason I say that is because its not really up to society to decide the value of someone's life, that would be up to them. Whereas saying that its OK for some people to end their life but not others is making that judgement.
  12. Ukraine's claws are long and sharp, indeed
  13. Sucks as he had more than Arozarena who advanced to the second round. Ah well, ultimately no points for second place I guess.
  14. Adley with 28 in the first round. Hit two over 440 so got the 30 second bonus. Switched from left to right, and tagged 7 of 8. Pretty good showing no matter what Robert does now.
  15. We haven't said they can't attack Russian soil. We just don't want them to do it using our weapons. I don't think Ukraine has ever officially taken responsibility for attacks on Russian soil. I agree that it is crossing the line a bit. During the Cold War, the Soviet Union would provide weapons to countries like Korea and Vietnam, but not to attack targets on American soil. I think even ships were off limits. Yes, aircraft getting near the front lines for either side is very dangerous nowadays. Unless they fly very low, which is much easier for helicopters. During the first few days of the counteroffensive, when that Ukranian column was wiped out it was a KA-52 that did most of the damage.
  16. Our future starting lineup will consist of a pitcher, a catcher, and 7 outfielders.
  17. A-10s not very useful in contested airspace. Flights would essentially be suicide missions. Ukraine already has the SU-25 which is roughly equivalent The way the Wagner just waltzed halfway to Moscow makes me think that Ukraine should have done the same.
  18. There is no way to wage war humanely, the rules are mostly about reciprocity and practicality. For instance, chemical weapons were banned mostly because the nations didn't want maimed soldiers coming home, who couldn't work and were a burden to social services. They would rather they just didn't come back at all.
  19. Whats his status? It appears he's still on the IL but playing in the minors? Can we keep him there indefinitely or do we have to somehow expose him to a waiver? I'm not sure the org is quite yet ready to give up on him. Alot of raw talent and could be a late bloomer
  20. I really don’t know how we make room for Mountcastle at this point ..l guess we cut Frazier loose ?
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