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Everything posted by fullnelson9999

  1. There's like, three total people talking about this. Most of these articles cite the same WSJ article. I don't see anything credible here.
  2. It's insufferable that a generation of people born after Meat Loaf's musical peak remember him for a movie that's actually relevant to them?
  3. What an amazing movie. It hit on almost everything, with my only complaints being a couple of poorly explained ideas. Easily my favorite MCU movie.
  4. The woman who this is based off of (allegedly) would come into the Starbucks I worked at in Burbank and hit on me repeatedly. Like, in a graphic, sexual way. As crazy as that sounds, I can verify it and it's one of the more.... Odd experiences of my life.
  5. I watched Ted Lasso last month and I think it was the best thing I've seen all year.
  6. I don't know if it's too crazy to say that Durant's better than Lebron...in 2020. I expect big things from KD if he can get back healthy.
  7. I tore my left ACL in February and now I really understand now why these guys constantly tear their Achilles after tearing their ACLs. I put a lot on unnecessary weight on my right leg these days.
  8. I've been so consumed with things that I haven't had time to appropriately process this. RIP to Alex, a fellow Skins fan and overall great man.
  9. This hate on LeBron for "holding teams hostage" us stupid. The entire thing was blown out if proportion by the media, namely Chris Broussard and Chris Sheridan. ESPN tried to make it decision 2.0, and LeBron was just trying to stay behind the scenes. Why else do you think he went to SI to break the news? Because the media, led by ESPN was being stupid, and in the end, Sports Illustrated broke the news.
  10. Wu-Tang is for the children. https://vine.co/v/M7e5BvKmPrL
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