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Everything posted by fullnelson9999

  1. Wu-Tang is for the children. https://vine.co/v/M7e5BvKmPrL
  2. I just got a score update in a laundromat and yelled a very loud expletive. People are staring. But for real, holy ****.
  3. I watched the first season in two days. It's incredible. Don't let the first episode deter you from watching the rest of the season. It really picks up at episode 2.
  4. I guess this is actually real. http://www.factmag.com/2013/08/18/dave-chappelle-features-on-the-magnificent-cover-art-for-princes-breakfast-can-wait/
  5. Houston had a full wrap-around flywire collar last season. It looked awful, like these West Virginia unis do. The collar is way too big.
  6. That is actually a good point, but yeah not what I was referring to.
  7. Some new additions at the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati. http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20130328&content_id=43458394&vkey=pr_cin&c_id=cin Cincinnati Bow Tie. Someone actually did that. Talk about self pwnage.
  8. Harrison Ford Joins Anchorman: The Legend Continues http://www.comingsoon.net/news/movienews.php?id=101057#jxOLxW5KTjV0EWPw.99 I didn't see that one coming.
  9. Tommy Lee Jones at the Golden Globes. http://www.funnyordie.com/videos/d4bd32d5d2/what-tommy-lee-jones-was-thinking?playlist=featured_videos
  10. POV of Kris Meyers, drummer of my favorite band Umphrey's McGee.
  11. I like what I've seen from this team. Love the defense. Starting the year off without all of that dead weight on the roster is refreshing. Maybe a playoff team this year. Actually, probably not but who knows? But I expect them to turn into something good somewhere down the line.
  12. Or, considering the Redskins existed first, McDonalds is a Redskins restaurant?
  13. Nike probably told teams that if they wanted the flywire then they had to have the stupid collar. That may be why some teams elected not to use the flywire at all.
  14. They need to fix that pants stripe. There should only be two stripes, not three. Doesn't match the sleeves or the white pants.
  15. Deacon you should take down that native american one I think.
  16. Never have I understood the appeal of seeing attractive women with too much makeup on stand next to a car.
  17. Are you seriously calling me a racist right now? Not cool. And to answer your point, black uniforms have been done so often that it's boring. It's overplayed. Why anyone would want them is ridiculous.
  18. Click on "under 21". http://blackacrebrewing.com/home/
  19. Black directly ignores heritage and tradition, because black has never been one of the team's colors. Black for black's sake is never a good idea.
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