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Everything posted by pointyfootball

  1. I do this as well. Normally finish a butt up from overnight cooking and shred it mid afternoon and it is still warm. Making me hungry!
  2. Before the ton of rain we had a couple of weeks back, I took off work for the day and went out trotlining. Caught a bushel in about 3 hours of big crabs (few 7.5"ers). Old bay seasoned, steamed crabs, red potatoes (quartered, baked face down on parmesan cheese & butter) and pan-sautéed asparagus (little butter, salt/pepper). Oh and plenty of beer. I have a BGE and love doing pizzas/calzones on it. But...I am a bit lazy and buy the dough. Spend most of the time prepping ingredients to satisfy each family members desire: green peppers, onions, pepperoni, mushrooms, etc. Favorite is a calzone, brushed with egg white, put it on parchment paper then on pizza stone on hot BGE (~550+) for a few minutes, pull paper off from underneath and let brown. Delicious!
  3. IMHO, cement board PLUS tile over that would be overkill (that'd be 1.5" of material!), so I'd just make sure the plywood is well fastened and even. Unless you are having dancers on top of it, it will be fine. And even if you are, no one will be looking at the cracked tile on your bar!
  4. If your subfloor is 3/4" plywood, you can just screw 1/2 plywood directly over that, running perpendicular with original subfloor, with many 1 1/4" drywall screws (make sure to sink them). Tiling sucks, but if done right is a fantastic flooring choice. Edit: Bit confused reading your post, as it sounds like you're tiling a bar, but then you say subfloor. If truly a subfloor, you need a rigid floor (I still say second layer of plywood is more than adequate) to put tile on. Subfloor flexing is not good for ceramic tile.
  5. ^^^ Most annoying character on a sitcom I can remember.
  6. It maybe is an "easy" fix. I've used caulk before to fill settling cracks. Make sure it's paintable and try to fill quite a bit of the crack.
  7. Great tournament and congrats to US women. Lloyd was unstoppable and the team got better and better with each round in the knockout stages. The way she was playing, it looked like Japan was defending her with severely hung over players.
  8. Actually I kind of agree with the assessment. US soccer has struggled to have creative, technical players that can work the ball out of the back, through the midfield and challenge teams back line without playing direct. One of the weaknesses of USWNT has been, IMO, that when Abby was playing they looked to just launch balls towards her and hope she wins it. But...this tournament they have been much more dynamic, better touches & possession and some very nice runs off the ball. Doesn't hurt that Johnston has played solidly in the back line and can also look like a CM with the ball at her feet as well. Men's team has made strides, but don't think they have enough pieces in starting 11 to play fast-paced 1&2 touch possession soccer the length/width of the field. Edit: Actually I don't think they play like **** necessarily, just not the kind of soccer they need to play to win WC (for women) and for the men how they need to advance another round. The women this year have a chance if they play like they did last night.
  9. I've never seen obstruction called on a player defending the attacker ON the ball. I've ref'ed too, coached & played a long time, but IMO it was a foul b/c she really just went to clean the player out without making a play on the ball. "Ball or player can get by, but not both" defending technique. IMHO, I would say she was guilty of either charging or jumping at a player from your list above. And this is from someone who doesn't like Morgan. Could care less about "bad call, didn't deserve, etc", as there were other calls that could have been made and weren't. In the end, better team won, and calls balanced out. Johnston's got to freaking head that back to Hope though....routine play. Her and Brian however are two really good young players that have stood out to me this WC. Good game that was fun to watch. BTW... was I the only one who said WTF when Abby went in? Worked out, but that really surprised me given her immobility.
  10. I was where you are at 2-3 months ago (asked same question in this thread). I had a Dewalt 18V for 18+ years and leaned heavily that way. Think someone recommended the combo with impact drill, but I already have/had an impact drill, so I bought this: http://www.lowes.com/pd_530413-70-DCD795D2___?productId=50040970&pl=1&Ntt=dewalt+cordless+hammer+drill It's a fantastic drill. I would recommend NOT getting PC if you are going to use it for serious projects, such as deck, remodeling, etc. I love PC for other things (circ saw, Sanders, etc.) but not for cordless drills. Go DeWalt....especially since you're not paying for it.
  11. Only sport my daughter will watch with me, and it's during the summer, so our family definitely does.
  12. FIFA = WWE Edit: Actually, I think FIFA reminds me of MSYSA (Maryland Youth Soccer) to be honest. http://www.soccerwire.com/news/clubs/youth-boys/maryland-state-youth-soccer-association-in-turmoil-following-parking-lot-agm/
  13. 100% agree. Some things are just meant to be paid for
  14. I personally like fresh herbs more than anything, so I always plant basil, rosemary, cilantro, parsley, chives, etc. One of my favorite summer meals is fettucine with garlic, olive oil and fresh tomatoes and basil just heated up. Good hot or cold.
  15. This is true. Although I like a screen porch best. Problem with patio is getting the ground ready (excavating, filling, tamping, etc.). My favorite outside space was to excavate down like 4", dump sand in, and then jigsaw piece big flagstones in, with gaps between for grass to grow. This was around a fire pit. Didn't have to worry about it being perfectly level, and only maintenance is to run over it with lawnmower when I mow. Favorite spot in the yard.
  16. Expensive is relative, right? I think it might be more than you would expect. Composite material is expensive, although some is more expensive than other. If you do not need any railing, that reduces your cost, and work, a lot. For estimate's sake, figure out how many deck boards you need and then multiply that by the cost per board that you like. That will be about 50-60% of your total cost (if no railing). 12' deep deck would be 26 deck boards, say $20/board = $520. If you're going to do composite, try and size your deck to not have to cut the boards. So, 12' wide would let you just use 12' long. 15' wide would require you lopping off a foot of every 16' board. Not a huge deal, except that's about $2 you're throwing away for every board. Most people fasten a ledger board to the house (might require cutting siding away and using flashing to keep water from leaking behind ledger board. For 12' deep (away from house) deck, I personally would use a 2x8 ledger fastened to the house, with four 4x4 posts (they'll be short) sandwiched by 2x8s to support deck joists 9-10' from house. I tend to overbuild decks a bit, but I hate a bouncy deck. My inputs for 12'x12' wide deck, no railing: Ledger, joists, support beam & rim (2x8x12s) galv joist hangars w/ nails Deck boards ~ Qty 26-27 Posts 4x4 - I'd put them 4' apart, 10' out from house, sandwiched by 2x6s or 2x8s (need to have footers for posts) 1/2" galv hardware for ledger/posts hidden fastener system (use if at all possible!) Some 3" deck screws concrete for posts fascia board(s)? Tools: Circular saw Cordless drill with some oomph 1/2" drill bit (one short, one long) socket set few clamps if working on deck by yourself post-hole tool string & string level 4 or 6' level That's all I can think of right now. Hardest part is always getting posts in ground (and level) and the ledger up. Once that's done, yo9u can fly. Good luck, and have fun.
  17. Depends if you are going to install it or someone else. I personally don't do anything DIY with gas. You're probably looking at a 50gal water tank (if natural gas, I'd go gas over electric; if propane, I'd go electric). 50gal tank is not that expensive ($250-300 I would imagine).
  18. I think there is some artistic freedom, but also don't think they feel they can say what they would always like to say. We also don't know any "counseling" that went on behind the scenes.
  19. Yeah, maybe, although I thought that's what reporters did? Either way, can't believe you would quit your job to go work for someone you wrote scathing (albeit true a lot of times) articles about and not expect some kind of repercussions. His efforts (negative articles) might have helped skins fans out by pushing the org to hire a true-blue GM.
  20. I assume this is why Cooley opened his Monday show with: "I really love the Redskins. I love working here at this job. What a great org." Paraphrased, but essentially that. I guess Allen didn't like being called to the carpet on NYE?
  21. ^^ We used to yell "Shark", hoping they would jump up to see. 25+ years later that just seems creepy now.
  22. So I know there will be a ton of varying opinions, but I am looking for people's recent experience (preferably those who do significant home improvement work like decks, remodeling) on their purchases of cordless drills. My DeWalt 18V (purchased in 1997) can only hold a charge for like 3 screw drives now. I'm sad, because that drill has done EVERYTHING (finished multiple basements, many decks, roofing, built a library, zipline stands, treehouse, and many other projects), so I might bronze it. First thought is to stay with DeWalt based on my experience over the past 17 years. Tips/advice/experience of anyone who's bought a cordless in the past 5-7 years?
  23. Both. I have BGE that I built a table with wheels on it, so I roll it into my screened porch area so that I don't have to shovel snow/ice off of it. Extends the "get ready" time by 5 minutes, but worth it in my opinion. They're disposable! Join the rotary hammer club (run by the same people who brought you dollar shave club).
  24. Should Oakland even be listed, as it seems every year there is an opening there.
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