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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. The evil empire just lost to Nice 3-1 meaning Monaco have the luxury to lose 2 of its last 4 games and still be crowned
  2. Can't wait, I'll get my May 10th precious next Wednesday
  3. They're saving the € to bribe the UEFA and the refs, so next time they won't get screwed over
  4. Not much besides having a Breton father, if you see the map (up west) they are like Asterix vs the Romans (most famous french comic) they are resisting her. Nah ! Vladimir said he had an affair with Mathieu Gallet. Oh wait he's a switch hitter ! I'm wondering if Putin and Wikileaks will pull a @Hillary.com ?
  5. Abstentionism may become the number one party. The scary thing is that if Macron fails (lack of skills, no diplomatic experience, no party to back him up) he will pave the way for Le Pen in 2022. This party of pricks must implode big time, but if you count the leftists votes you've got Macron (leftist in disguise)+Melenchon+Hamon and a couple of raging commies for a total of 51% !!! after the worst presidential tenure in France's history. Who Dat say dey are aholes ?
  6. That was my point when I said the lesser idiot. They all have their share of wrongdoings, some more than others. Imagine if Hamon would have stepped down for Melenchon, we would have had a commy ruling the country, 1789 2.0 ! For what is worth I would have liked Borloo. Edit: By the way congratulations for the very good work you've done in the BRBN, thanks
  7. “Kante is a top class midfielder but he doesn’t score many goals but they don’t talk about this. He gets the ball, he passes the ball,” he told Sky Sports. “I try to do this in my team. I score more goals than Kante but they still say that Pogba does this and that. “If you want to talk about judging midfielders on goals then let’s do that. But they focus on the transfer. The transfer is done, we have to talk about what’s on the pitch." Pogba Looks like we've got a sour grape jealous of NGolo's success. Another headcase who is going to ruin our national team.
  8. Mbappé says Hi there. Monaco won in Lyon's house and recaptured the lead over the evil empire. One step closer ! Italian rumor mill saying Emery will be fired and will rejoin Monchi coaching AS Roma next year.
  9. Wasn't talking about those two, we're idiots because we're puting in charge the son of Hollande. He shares the same flaws as his father, no experience, total incompetence. He can't make any choice as a leader should, always wanting to please the opposites. One day he claims to be socialist the next day he looks at you in the eyes and claims he's never been socialist. That makes him a very dangerous person someone that can't be trusted. Most of the people who voted for him did it because they don't trust the other candidates, what an irony/idiocy ! Please watch this very good video on youtube about him. Look at his supporters they go from commies (Hue), through the ultimate traitor Bayrou, Cohn Bendit, to republican daggies (Madellin, Villepin), good luck finding a house that will pass your bills ! Welcome to the 4th republic. We're idiots because we previously choosed the most incompetent candidate (Hollande) because we were sick of the other one (Sarkozy), we're just making the same mistake again. Idiocy: repeating the same actions over and over and expecting different results The choice we had was to choose the lesser idiot to make us lesser idiots, and that was not him imo. We let the medias dictate. Imagine a couple of years from now if Fillon is cleared by the justice as Sarkozy and Woerth were.
  10. French idiots have selected the son of Hollande, welcome back to the 4th republic.
  11. Monaco is really surprising, they're still competing to win the french championship, will they have enough gas left ? French clubs played Juventus 11 times they are 0-11 ! Juventus also has the best defense with only a couple of goals scored against them. I'm afraid if Monaco advance and play Real in the final, they'll have to play vs the ref too, UEFA won't let them win, they carry absolutely no marketing value vs Madrid (hope to be proven wrong though). On the bright side it has been a pleasure to see such smart coach regaling us with a show time football.
  12. Monaco - Juventus Real - Atlético Monaco fans are going to be pleased as they are seeking revenge, I'm not.
  13. I saw Gold with Matthew McConaughey. I give it a B the screenplay is linear, opposed to Matthew McConaughey brilliant foot loose play. This guy always delivers and never disappoints.
  14. With Le Graet at the helm of the FFF and his buddy Deschamps coaching we won't win anything. La Liga referee carries Real Madrid bag filled with merchandise after awarding Los Blancos dodgy penalty in win over Villarreal Edit: Another great coaching decision from Jardim, MBappé out Germain in = score MBappé is the youngest player to score 5 goals in the CL
  15. Rummenigge is really pissed off : "Ich muss sagen, ich habe heute zum ersten Mal so etwas wie wahnsinnige Wut in mir, Wut, weil wir beschissen worden sind. Wir sind beschissen worden, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes“ I must say that today I have for the first time something like a crazy rage in me, anger, we've got f..... !
  16. Hometown officiating for Real, disgusting, Bayern down to 10 men on the field in OT.
  17. The later one, he's a raging commy who enjoys listening to himself on any big stage. If you're making more than $35,000/month he'll rob you with a 90% tax. He wants an increase in public spending of €173 billion over five years and an investment plan worth €100 billion ! I almost forgot he is using holograms to appear on stage at the same time in different locations.
  18. Terror at French election - two arrested for planning 'violent attack on Francois Fillon
  19. An asshugger cat, I'm shocked !
  20. Here you go : 6 Japanese Actresses Who Could (and Should!) Replace Scarlett Johansson in 'Ghost in the Shell’ Marketing aside, I was thinking about the japanese actress in X-Men Rita Fukushima
  21. Dang ! Kirk is negociating with the Merseyside Nighthawks !
  22. His lawyers are handling the divorce trial very well so far. In the first instance of the trial he was sentenced to pay her CHF4 billion (half of his fortune). After the second instance he was sentence to CHF534 mil instead. They finally settled the matter for an undisclosed amount. Most importantly major props to coach Jardim who built a fantastic entertaining team despite being stripped of his best players year in year out.
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