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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. The new Secretary of State, Marlene Schiappa, criticized for one of her books The new Secretary of State for Equality between Men and Women, Marlène Schiappa, is criticized for one of her books written in 2010, where she stated in particular that "fellatio is the specialty of the rounds." Daria Marx @dariamarx En tout cas, on peut la féliciter pour ce beau parcours. De "osez vous laver le bourrelet mesdames les gros tas" à l'Elysée "In any case, we can congratulate her on this beautiful journey. From "dare to wash your fat bead ladies you big piles" at the Elysée
  2. Confidence rating Marine Le Pen‏@MLP_officiel "Le débat du second tour a été raté pour moi, je le reconnais. J'ai eu peut-être trop de passion et trop de fougue." #MLPTF1 Marine Le Pen‏@MLP_officiel "J'ai bien conscience que le sujet de l'euro a inquiété considérablement les Français, et nous allons devoir en tenir compte." #MLPTF1 After confessing Frexit was a mistake, now she's admiting her poor face off performance vs Macron and that she would keep the euro as our currency.
  3. Monaco's players celebrating the title, see their jerseys ? they used the dark blue PSG color
  4. Bayrou the turncoat, the traitor, finally got his job! Disgusting Bayrou : "I have never discussed constituencies with Emmanuel Macron" "I'm not a candidate to anything" Link "The mayor of Pau explains that he did not negotiate with Emmanuel Macron, nor constituencies for the legislative elections, nor ministerial position." Liar Macron promises there will be no former ministers in his government Le Maire, Le Drian, Bayrou. Liar ! "Emmanuel Macron, favored by the polls for the presidential election, tried Tuesday to raise doubts about his possible future majority, Refusing in advance the agreements of apparatuses to the legislative and being firm on the renewal that he wants to carry to the government." Reality check: 18 ministers average 58 years old, How's that for rejuvenating ! Liar refusing in advance the agreements of apparatuses: Little slicker never stopped to negociate with Bayrou ! Liar Macron is a fraud, French people are going to pay for that, Hollande 2.0 comin' up. Nicolas Hulot aka Nicolas Bulot (whelk), the fake ecologist who has been sponsored by EDF (nuclear power plants), Bouygues (constructor). The dude who once said : Is the power entrusted to the banks a fate? No. When the international financial system collapses, we can create virtual money but not when a population dies of hunger. " Link Someone please tell him his boss Macron comes from Rothschild ! Someone please tell him Philippe Edouard his prime minister is a former Areva executive (Nuclear power plants) The guy I like is Blanquer former CEO of l'ESSEC one of the most prestigious business school in the world. Big problem, he's been named minister of national education !!! instead of minister of Economy ! This is really ridiculous. Frederique Vidal is interesting and makes sense as minister of education, research.
  5. Erdogan is inviting himself in the elections through PEJ party ! "Many officials of the Equality and Justice Party simultaneously hold responsibilities within the Cojep, a popular education structure that "no longer hides its connection with the AKP", Erdogan's Turkish party, according to Mine Günbay, deputy Mayor of Strasbourg. This elected member of Turkish origin defines the Equality and Justice Party as "at least Islamic-conservative", with "panturquist hints". Link Marcoviv and transvestite Thierry Schaffauser both candidates in Paris for EELV (greens), the later one claims he's making a living out of prostitution ! They just got rid of the poster due to the major commotion.
  6. Here we go again with the plaguing amateurism, and the monkey business ! How's that for a new political era ? Marianne ✔ @MarianneleMag Renouvellement : en loucedé, En Marche investit des eurodéputés ayant déjà fait… 4 mandats ! http://ebx.sh/2pO2fs8 9:31 PM - 15 May 2017 Macron claimed 3 parliamentary terms is a no to run for REM. De Sarnez, 66 years old, 40 years in politics, 4 european parliament terms, how's that for rejuvenation ?
  7. The release of the next government has been postponed to tomorrow by Macron, pending IRS investigations. According to Mediapart, Edouard Philippe was blamed by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP) for refusing to provide certain informations on his declaration of assets of 2014, yet required by law. Link On the value of his real estate, the deputy of Le Havre has systematically written "no idea", describes the site of investigation. The value of his apartment in Paris? "No idea." His shares in a residence in Seine-Maritime? "No idea." Despite the revival of the HATVP, Edouard Philippe refused to estimate the value of his properties Edouard Philippe will have to lead REM and their candidates to the legislative elections, meaning with people he doesn't know, he didn't choose, leftists for the most, to finally support a program he fought !!!
  8. What Edouard Philippe wrote about Macron (Google translated) When some see him Brutus, Caesar's adopted son who participated in his father's death, believes that "Macron's most Macron-like Roman," or more precisely, "Naevius Sutorius Macro," says Macron " . He describes with malice this "high official who, by means of a palace revolution, became the councilor of Tiberius, emperor detached from current affairs , " a chief whom he "will end by assassinating . " The deputy of Seine-Maritime depicts an Emmanuel Macron, a "tribune who is a follower of a casual populism" , "who assumes nothing but promises everything, with the ardor of a juvenile conqueror and the cynicism of an old truck driver . " The mayor of Le Havre then quotes Saint-Matthieu - "otherwise, patron saint of bankers, it is not invented" - quoting the words of Jesus: "For many will come in my name who will say: The Christ, "and they will abuse many people. " He also voted a motion of no confidence against the infamous Macron's labor deal law. In a matter of a couple of weeks he turned his coat became a traitor, I supposed this is the Macron's way to do politics a different way
  9. Media propaganda to undermine Fillon, I've never liked Juppé, he's a cold hearted technocrat.
  10. Socialists saying to Hollande thank you ! After Hollande said "I leave France in a far better state than I found it " Inbreds The expected Republican Edouard Philippe named prime minister, he's the former special counselor of Juppé. Juppé congratulated him during a media interview and lost no time to say that he is loyal to the republicans and will not join EM. @fanboyof91 Macron destroyed the socialists,now he found his traitor to try to dismantle the republicans ! F..... agenda. This week-end he was summoned by Merkel, I believe today she's going to lecture him not to mess up with her.
  11. Yes, it has been reported on TV yesterday. Thanks for pointing that out, I didn't know Carter and Mitterrand lost their "biscuit" the same way. "Jimmy Carter, it is said, would have forgotten it in his costume that went to the dyer. The same adventure would have happened to François Mitterrand, who would have slipped the codes on the day of the investiture in the pocket of his costume before sending it to the cleaning" Link G translated Macron costly friend "The ignorant man asserts, the wise man doubts, the sensible man reflects" Aristotle
  12. Macron's team 1st day : Kohler (ENA, socialist) General secretary of L'Elysée Philippe Etienne (ENA) diplomatic counselor Strzoda (socialist, ENA, previous government) Chief of staff Emelien (ENA buddy, former socialist DSK counselor) special counselor Sylvain Fort (ENA) communication counselor All of them coming from ENA (National school of administration), those guys from ENA being responsible for the past 30 years of administration ! 4 out of 5 come from previous governments How's that for a promise of change, getting rid of the old figures ?
  13. A couple of records will be broken today: youngest president and oldest first lady. Giscard used to wear a necklace with the nuke codes engraved on it. When he gave it to Mitterrand, Mitterrand put it in his jacket and forgot it. A few days later the jacket was sent to the dry cleaner along with the nuclear codes ! I hope the grandkids won't find them and think they're internet Steam codes. Edit: Macron named Ismaël Emelien special counselor. He's 30 years old, and his only foreign experience was to work for Venezuela Nicolas Maduro's campaign in 2013 ! Valls (the one who pushed Hollande to name Macron minister) lost no time to lash out at him (14.05.2017 à 10:22) : "He has no codes so no limits" "I am extremely lucid about Macron and his team. Holland is naughty, but in a structure. Macron, meanwhile, is bad, but he has no codes so no limits". So, we've got Macron EnMarche, Bayrou NeMarchePlus, Valls EnMarcheArrière
  14. BFMTV‏@BFMTV Accord évoqué par Bayrou: "Il n’y aura jamais d’accord d’appareils", insiste Richard Ferrand http://www.bfmtv.com/politique/accord-evoque-par-bayrou-il-n-y-a-jamais-eu-et-il-n-y-aura-jamais-d-accord-d-appareils-1163218.html … 6:43 PM - 13 May 2017 Bayrou the traitror has been betrayed ! Those clowns are going to run the country !
  15. Le Point‏@LePoint Le FN et Nicolas Dupont-Aignan rompent leur alliance http://bit.ly/2pJ0lJ8 07:58 - 13 mai 2017
  16. Modem and REM burrying the hatchet . Le Drian getting the best out of REM concerning Gantzer who declared himself out of the house race. Christian Gerin forced to step down by REM because of antisemitic tweets ! 1) The antisemitic tweets aren't new Sept 2013 and Feb 2017 ! 2) This guy is a famous TV producer Another example of the total incompetence and inexcusable amateurish attitude of REM ! The one who once accused Valls of being "Viscerally Zionist, racist and Islamophobic" ! Christian Gerin @gerin17juin 1 Valls est visceralement sioniste raciste et islamophobe 2 a t il le droit de demander si les Roms veulent s'intégrer ? Oui 00:33 - 30 Sep 2013 Christian Gerin @gerin17juin #DinerDuCrif #laicite #Republique #Macron #Hamon #fFillon #Holllande À quand la séparation du CRIF et de l'Etat? 00:02 - 23 Feb 2017
  17. Alain Juppé‏@alainjuppe Je demande solennellement à RTL de démentir son info bidon sur l'accord prétendument conclu le 12 mai entre E.Macron et moi. J'hallucine!
  18. "It is a recycling operation of the Socialist Party. The great washing machine. I will not let this happen" Bayrou Macron, entrepreneurs, political uberization and the theory of chaos What the heck he's got Spiderman Villani to back him up (former socialist defector) Edit: Le Drian former Hollande's minister of defense and REM candidate is fuming about Gantzer. "I discovered this evening the surprising "parachuting" on my district". This kind of practice is far from my conception of politics." Link FN Philippot threatening to resign if euro exit is laid aside. "For us, the question of the euro is over, the people made their referendum last Sunday » Gilbert Collard (FN) Crisis at the FN: exclusion procedure for the disappointed of Marine Le Pen (Google translated) Chaos is spreading real fast on the dark side !
  19. Renato Sanches: Under these circumstances he may leave Bavaria (Google translated) A couple of days ago he denied leaving Bayern for Marseille, he said he wants to remain in Munich.
  20. 428 REM candidates known so far, including 4 amateurish bugs. People who didn't want to run for REM including a well known rugby club owner and a socialist running for his party ! The ones who have the most experience are 24, all former socialists, including Hollande's head of communication Gantzer ! The dude who let Hollande make a fool of himself in the infamous book "A president shouldn't say that". Spin doctor on weed. I can't believe 50% of them with absolutely no experience whatsoever in politics will pass the laws at our lower house ! I believe this strategy is relevant, many of them will just have to be knighted by the king to get elected. After being heavily criticized by the medias for their insults towards Valls, the head of the party’s nominating committee said we respect Valls he's not going to run for us but there won't be a REM candidate in his district. Macron is trying hard to destroy the republicans, so far it's a total failure. Edit: Bayrou the turncoat already complaining to the medias about the list ! Macron didn't respect their mutual agreement, REM saying there was no agreement. After the arrogance we get the lies, way to start getting rid of the old figures and habits ! News&Compagnie BFMTV‏ @NathalieLevyNC "Il n'y a pas de crise avec @bayrou, il n'y a pas eu de négociations,ni d'accord électorale" @CCastaner @BFMTV
  21. Ridley Scott: ‘I wanted to scare the **** out of people. That’s the job’ With Alien: Covenant hitting cinemas and Blade Runner 2049 due this year, the prolific film-maker talks entertainment, his first meeting with Sigourney Weaver, and losing his brother, Tony.
  22. Patrick Cohen the socialist, friend of Cohn-Bendit joining Drahi's Europe1/BFMTV, sorry BFMMacron ! I missed that. The FN is going to change its name, undemonization attempt 2.0 with the same captain at the helm. Marion Maréchal is stepping out for family reason, she said she wants to take care of her baby. She's smart, she doesn't want to be associated with the FN mess after her auntie TV debacle. She will come back. I'm wondering if Macron will use a scooter to go to l'Elysée for the transfer of powers Edit : 16,000 candidates to process for 577 parliamentary jobs, looks like Bingo, maybe we shall give him Sherman Lewis' number ?
  23. Alien: Covenant sequel: Ridley Scott reveals Awakening filming date Ridley Scott Is Planning 6 More Alien Movies "If you really want a franchise, I can keep cranking it for another six. I'm not going to close it down again. No way." Ridley Scott Says Sigourney Weaver Could Return to 'Alien' Sequel
  24. Darkness, dead silence, rain, gloomy
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