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Everything posted by FrFan

  1. I saw the movie today, first of all I was pleased there was no 3D. Then the protean monster is beautiful, the best of them all, his birth, his shape, his movements. This movie DNA clearly comes from Alien, Prometheus and Blade Runner, the screenplay is brilliant. If you're familiar with arts (paintings, sculpting) pay attention to the first minutes of the movie it will give you a hint about Scott's thinking about creation. There are also references to the myth of Frankenstein later on in the movie through Mary Shelley (Prometheus) and Lord Byron. Shooting the movie in NZ was a very good idea, it just adds another layer of lugubrious heavy atmosphere. Fassbender delivers another great performance following Prometheus. I give it a solid A, will I watch it again ?, I will, in a heart beat. The only disapointment in the movie is the average performance of Katherine Waterston, she's definitely no Sigourney Weaver nor Charlize Theron. She's an ersatz of Ellen Ripley imo. There were a few attempts at spoiling the movie over the net, but believe me you'll be surprised until the last minutes. Last but not least, no, androids don't dream of electric sheeps. Enjoy this great movie. You will, believe me
  2. Watched the report Macron behind the scene. He is full of himself talking about something that is beyond him, he's on a mission, who cares about having a program what matters is the vision. The dude thinks he's a prophet or what ? You can see his arrogance spreading to his press secretary and chief of campaign. Yesterday they lashed out at Valls. Saying there is no courage to leave a socialist party in shambles. His words carry no weight. M Valls you cowardly left your party we don't want you ! Eventhough Valls' attitude can be seen as the rats fleeing a sinking ship, we don't need these comments. Macron and his minions are clearly seeking revenge through their arrogance. They could have simply say we acknowledge M Valls candidacy but we must dismiss it since he is not compliant to our rules. After setting the country appart with his labor law, he better get his act together, quit his arrogance and restore the peace. I think he does have an agenda, which is to blow away the socialist party and the republicans, just to face the FN. Another one who wants to play with the devil. As for Marine Le Pen, she fought 3 years to undemonize the FN just to blow everything up in a matter of a tv face off vs Macron. Marine is gone, Le Pen true colors stands. Brennos said: "Vae Victis"
  3. "Oddly, the Russians did a poor job of covering their tracks" As if they cared ! no one is going to do anything against them.
  4. Be very aware of Jack Posobiec misinformation, here is a very good example: This is not a life insurance it is a campaign financing insurance !
  5. We now know who released the Macronleaks
  6. But both of you guys do have a strong economy and a low employment rate, so, sorry, we beat you hands down in terms of assholity !
  7. No way sir, I said in a previous post the only one I would have voted for is Borloo (UDI which stands for center right with a humanitarian touch), but unfortunately he didn't run for it. I'm trying to see the big picture here T+1, the close future, and it doesn't look good. While we are enjoying Le Pen failure (see my previous critical posts about her too) it's time to vote for our national assembly. Macron doesn't have a party, 61% of french don't want to give him the majority at the house, he proved his incompetence while he was in office for a couple of years, he claims to be honest but he already lied before being elected, he's a byproduct of the socialist system he claims to fight. He goes where the wind blows, and by wanting to rally has many opposites (communists, socialists, republicans) to be elected, he will likely fail. See the youtube video it will tell you all you want to know about him in his own words ! He claims to be socialist next interview he said I'm saying to you looking in your eyes I'm not socialist. "I don't give a damn about programs to be elected, the only thing that matters is the vision" (this is rich !). "I claim my immaturity and lack of experience " Strangely the TV medias never displayed this video, Oh the irony ! He has zero foreign diplomacy experience and didn't care to build one. Here is my question who is going to play him the most, Trump, Putin or Merkel ? He is like the others shouting criticizing the FN but doing nothing to eradicate it. As I said previously, that is the 3rd time we're voting against a candidate instead of for, I'm sick of it. They are all the same playing with the FN, the fears, raising french against themselves. Mitterrand started it to prevent the republicans from seizing power and all the socialists tried it after, to the major Jospin humiliation. The FN broke all of his records when socialists were in power, the republicans didn't do anything significant to eradicate it. Nevertheless those socialists keeps on lecturing us about how evil is the FN ! This is basically what I think FWIW, others may have different opinion. Last but not least, do I wish him to fail , eventhough I don't like him, my answer is No for the greater good of this once proud country. Edit: I really hope the russian hack on his computers (french medias aren't allowed to talk about it !) won't revealed any scandal, unless it's going to be chaos.
  8. That's the 3rd time we're electing a president by default (Chirac-Le Pen, Sarkozy-Hollande, Macron-Le Pen). We voted against one instead of for one, and we all know we ended up in deep **** with the last 2 ! French political ineptitude. All those lousy politicians caring more about their position, power, instead of making things right, and playing with the devil (FN) instead of really fighting it.. Pros Macron 20 mil Cons 27-28 mil ! (FN + Abstainers, including blank votes) Another round of elections comin' up
  9. Legislative: 61% of French do not want Emmanuel Macron to have an absolute majority in the Assembly, according to an Ipsos / Sopra Steria poll 07/05/2017 | 20:17 Welcome back to the 4th Republic, God bless this mess.
  10. 1 EM 20 mil 2 Abstention 16 mil (including 4 mil blank votes) 3 FN 11 mil Voter turnout stands at 74.2%, the second lowest in the history of the Fifth Republic, behind that of the 1969 election with 68.9%.
  11. A couple of hours before France legal time results (from belgian newspaper Le Soir) Presidential: Emmanuel Macron would lead with more than 62%
  12. ‘Alien: Covenant’ Will Get Back to the ‘Alien’ Roots You Wanted to See in ‘Prometheus’ " So we’ve reinvented the idea of Alien, I think, which is that Covenant gets us a step closer to who and why was this thing designed to make human beings. And if you think it’s them [the Engineers], you’re dead wrong." Ridley Scott promises a return to Alien-style horror in Alien: Covenant "You've got to assume to a certain extent success and from that you'd better be ready," he says. "You don't want a two-year gap. So I'll be ready to go again next year."
  13. “Canon” for Macron The fake news on Emmanuel Macron offshore account looks too professional WikiLeaks‏@wikileaks #MacronLeaks assessment update: several Office files have Cyrillic meta data. Unclear if by design, incompetence, or Slavic employee.
  14. Ben Judah‏ @b_judah "We will have a doctrine of retaliation when it comes to Russian cyber attacks or any other kind of attack" - Macron foreign policy adviser. On april 26th Macron issued a statement detailing the precautionary measures taken by the campaign team to counter the attacks. I guess the Russians screwed them big time. This is typical incompetence wrapped in arrogance, I should say macronesque. Now they're talking about retaliation ! Oh Lord this is rich !
  15. Not yet, but I'm seriously wondering if France will be able to resist the power of the force on the dark side in 2022. Macron didn't wait to be elected to grant us his first big lie. He vehemently claimed that concerning the french legislative elections (congress) the socialists and the republicans who will join him will have to resign from their party. This week he said the opposite, they won't have to ! I told you, Hollande 2.0 the republic of lies, incompetence, inaptitude. Hence my concerns about 2022, and I don't even want to imagine Marion Maréchal Le Pen killing the aunt figure to succeed. I hope the son of Hollande won't name Bayrou the turncoat as prime minister. He promised not to name ministers from the previous socialist governments, old republican figures. I'd like to see that. I'm a big time doubting Thomas. The National Commission for the Control of the Presidential Campaign (CNCCEP) was seized by the team of Emmanuel Macron after a computer attack. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C_H9QY-WsAQOsyv.jpg:large The CNCCEP on Saturday recommended the medias "not to account for the content" of the internal data resulting from a cyber attack" against the team of Emmanuel Macron. Google translated link WikiLeaks‏@wikileaks #MacronLeaks archives are now available as uncensorable magnet links http://archive.is/aULcm @WikiLeaks is still assessing content. WikiLeaks‏@wikileaks #MacronLeaks assessment update: This massive leak is too late to shift the election. The intent behind the timing is curious. If true it can definitely shift the legislative elections and prevent Macron from governing France.
  16. Le Pen just "killed" herself big time yesterday facing the son of Hollande. The face off was between a demagogue vs a technocrat. She was a constant lying machine about Macron's record. A few times she had to check her notes and despite that she made critical mistakes. She wants to bring back the Franc within the country, keep the euro for companies business and resurrect the ecu ! She cornered him about his responsabilities as a former minister and terrorism. Today he decided to sue her because she said: "I hope you don't have any hidden bank account in the Bahamas" ! . That was clearly level sub zero of politics. As for the son oif Hollande he tried to control his usual arrogance outbursts, he almost did it until he called her "a parasite feeding on people's anger". When you're complaining about her insulting you you don't throw back insults at her, that makes you no better. Fight her with intelligence, facts, knowledge no need to feed the troll with name calling when we need calm, peace and diplomacy. He keeps on claiming he is the candidate of change but in reality he is just recycling what has been done for the past 30 years and led us to a dead end. We really hit rock bottom political ineptitude. De Gaulle must be spinning in his grave at light speed.
  17. You can't be a lighthouse away if you're not even a light in your own house. I could add DCNG national management control commission which did hurt clubs with bad balances while foreign clubs played foot loose and fancy free, including with the financial fairplay, Real usually relying on the king to get loans from the banks. I shall also mention that imo we were and still are two steps back in terms of doping compared to the best clubs. We tend to cuddle the young ones too much, training should be harder. Ultimately the FFF is responsible with a 75 years old ass clown buddy of Hollande at the helm who used to kiss Blatter's ass. Most of the members comes from amateur football ! I believe if we could assemble a team using mostly french players playing for foreign clubs we could win that thing.
  18. Taxes paid for a salary of €600,000/year Youth training centers raided by foreign clubs
  19. Boom here we go Juventus leading 1-0, Monaco just made it much harder to break the catenaccio ! Experience vs youth
  20. I forgot the link, here ya go (translated): Manchester United, super-offerta per Mbappé: "no" del Monaco The "auction" is picking up, acording to the Sun and whatever credibility it carries or not ManCity is ready to offer €130 mil
  21. Edit: According to Sky Sports Italia, Monaco rejected a €85 mil offer from ManU for Mbappé
  22. "It's not a plagiarism. It’s totally deliberate, a wink and a nod, a small loan," FN Secretary General Nicolas Bay I blame it on Melania Exactly the same for Macron's plagiarism of his father Hollande
  23. Too bad we won't have the opportunity to see Sigourney back
  24. Dupont-Aignan is like Mélenchon another lousy sour grape who showed his true colors. He was probably very pissed he couldn't rally all the disapointed Fillon fans, so he went ballistic and joined the FN. It didn't take much of an effort from him since his program is the closest thing to the NF program. The biggest problem imo is that with the son of Hollande we're going to play Game of Clowns season 2, hence paving the way for the National Front in 2022 !
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