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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Next dude that says "ectomorph" is gonna get a Frank Dux taint-punch.
  2. Hes gone full far-right libertarian salt lord these days. It's a wonder to behold. Btw, it's a kinda funny online phenomenon. In the guitar forum I frequent, we've got a guy that's essentially on the exact same Bernie Bro course and his forum name is....wait for it...Einstein. You can't make this stuff up. It's so hilarious and sad.
  3. It's almost as if making enemies of your own intelligence community, your allies' intelligence community and your free press, all the while knowing you're dirty as hell, is a bad idea.
  4. The whole idea that companies were pulling out the exchanges because that were "unprofitable" might be the biggest ****ing lie in American history. If not the biggest, then it's certainly the saddest. All of a sudden, Obama made healthcare "unprofitable". Maybe they'll make some money 2018...
  5. As was discussed earlier, America deserves this full term. 4 whole years. #semiretired #costarica
  6. Actually...less than a year ago it was the end of the world. Now it's all Trumpies and rainbows. America will perhaps endure...
  7. No doubt that over-diagnosis drives a lot of our costs. Over-diagnosis which is mostly driven by profit motive.
  8. Trump's fealty to Putin in light of the overwhelming evidence of Russian interference in our election process could certainly be interpreted as collusion...by a reasonable person.
  9. Lonzo's release is...unorthodox. I'm being kind.
  10. Yup, Spider-Man was good fun. Great cast, light-hearted and very amusing. Maybe a little bit longer than it needed to be. Solid B+. We also left before the 2nd credits scene.
  11. I'm not so sure that dumping Bradley/Olynyk to get Hayward is really much of an upgrade.
  12. Just a reminder that last year was our best season and first division title SINCE NINETEEN SEVENTY-NINE.
  13. It also got rid of Nicholson...who inexplicably lost the ability to play basketball sometime last summer. We gambled the 22nd pick for Boj to light it up off the bench and spark a run to the ECF. Almost worked. I'll take that gamble 10 out of 10 times.
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