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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Lets not forget that James Dolan is also a trainwreck.
  2. I'm sad to see Phil go. The schadenfreude was so wonderful.
  3. Two things certain in this life: SUFFERING and taxes. Or I think that's how the saying goes...
  4. Maybe? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clinton_health_care_plan_of_1993
  5. That the Hannity3000 realism program. Actual human Repubs are notoriously bad at your/you're and there/their/they're grammatical protocols. Again...functioning optimally.
  6. So basically just like things were from say 1990 through 2010?
  7. ABQ-bot is functioning optimally. The "I believe/I feel" software upgrade is especially effective.
  8. This will give the GOP the time it needs to make the bill even more evil.
  9. Let's not forget that the ACA originally had a public option. It was removed under threat of filibuster by Senator Droopy Dog.
  10. I see we're back to the semantics merry-go-round again today.
  11. Watching Adrien Broner get beat down brings me great joy.
  12. Kwame's natural athleticism is still easy to see, even at 35. It's a shame he never really had the passion/dedication to capitalize on it. A 12 year career is nothing to sneeze at, but it really could've been so much more.
  13. I expect improvement from Wall, Beal, Porter and Morris...and we will definitely go over the cap.
  14. I hear it's really tough on white baptists these days. Their freedoms are under attack constantly.
  15. I'm happy that ABQCOWBOY has concluded his investigation and we thank him for his service. Now we can let the DOJ do their work.
  16. Somewhat correct. Benghazi was a partisan witch hunt. This current investigation is decidedly not.
  17. It's almost as if some folks want to call off the investigation. Bear in mind, Benghazi was 21 congressional hearings over a two-year period.
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