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Everything posted by TradeTheBeal!

  1. Get to let those ankles heal too. It's a win/win!
  2. Word on the street is $434K per month for the next 120 months....if he stays retired.
  3. He can feel those South Beach breezes...
  4. Pretty much every SF free agent ranking has Hayward and Otto ranked 1 & 2. I prefer Otto...he's got a better three stroke and he's much younger. Your mileage may vary, of course. Danny Ainge, who put a flame thrower to his own nuts on the Butler/George deals, is a very handsome man.
  5. Happy for Zebo. Guy has been a warrior and really deserves one last payday.
  6. I think they have to spend big just to hit the salary floor. It's a mess out there.
  7. I will say this...if you're pushing 50 and still like to hit the weights pretty hard, a couple puffs now and then does an awesome job of knocking out those aches and pains.
  8. Shame about Bojan. He never really lived up to expectations, so overpaying him to justify the trade would've been foolish. Mike Scott gives you nice flexibility off the bench and you've still got 2017 D-League All-Star Chris McCullough on the roster from the trade. Steady moving on up to the ECF....
  9. Sure, except for $100 million in sneaker endorsements and such KD is gonna pull in.
  10. CP to the CP/CP: Drafting Otto was a very, very good decision and resigning him is also a good decision. You'll feel better about it when we're in the ECF in about 9 months.
  11. Counterpoint: Beefing up our bench and locking down Otto was really all we could ever hope for...and really all we need.
  12. As it happens, I'm visiting Vegas for the first time in 5 years this August.
  13. Raptors ink Ibaka for 3 yr/66M. Good luck with all that.
  14. No way in the world Otto is foolish enough to sign with trainwreck Sacramento.
  15. And if the goal is making the biggest splash on the first day of free agency?
  16. Note to self: Don't scrap with Aussie bros in downtown Brisbane. Cue up the rematch in Vegas. Or Macao.
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