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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. Yep, it's like they are ignoring this on purpose! By the logic in this thread murderers would be going free all the time. No proof today so there can't be any proof tomorrow!
  2. These guys ain't even trying to hide it. If you have a pre-existing condition, get bent. Dems should be running ads with anything that can constitute a pre-existing condition. Might be less abstract when people realize their health is on the line. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/ron-johnson-people-with-preexisting-condition-dont-deserve-insurance-like-somebody-who-crashes-their-car/
  3. The nudity was a pleasant surprise. I will say she's pretty unlikable and plain looking in this show.
  4. I feel dumber just reading that tweet. Trump-speak only works for him because we're all on the same page that the President is an idiot.
  5. GLOW on Netflix isn't bad. Come for the girls in skimpy outfits stay for the interesting story.
  6. IUDs or subdermal implants would be great but doubt this Congress would approve of their use. You might have better luck with sterilization.
  7. So the fiscally responsible thing is to increase access to birth control and abortions? Or tell them to go without care in general?
  8. This Bernie stuff was out there since May. Now it's official that they're under FBI investigation. Anyone who thought Bernie would go unscathed through a general was fooling themselves. The Clinton campaign treated him with kid gloves. This would have been his version of "her emails" if he won the primary. The whole St. Bernie narrative was pretty annoying.
  9. Emotional thread on what lifetime caps will do. There's going to be many sob stories like this when TrumpCare passes. These guys know this bill is a turd burger and people will die because of it but they couldn't care less. This is literally what people voted for.
  10. Cops too scared it seems. Can't even be out of uniform if you're a black cop. First 2 cops acted appropriately only to have cop #3 pull up and shoot first and ask questions later.
  11. Totally missed that one. Heaggan-Brown is a real piece of work. Police seem to only protect their own when the crime is committed on duty.
  12. You are just pulling numbers out of nowhere it seems. Most of the people who are getting kicked of are Medicaid patients. The 12 million number is less than the number of Medicaid recipients expected to lose coverage. I'm going to assume it's easier to score removing a benefit than creating one from scratch. I just don't see Republicans not throwing those folks under the bus.
  13. Thread on some documents released yesterday. The video of the girlfriend and daughter in the back of the cop car is sad and aggravating
  14. If handicapped people made half the country then yes it would still be suspect.
  15. Trump has no intent whatsoever on challenging Putin. He'll continue to bow down and Republicans will look the other way.
  16. This is America. Police can pull up, shoot a kid in 1 second and beat the case. Justice isn't afforded to all. The more people accept it the better we'd be.
  17. Republicans hella weird. These grown ass men crying about Pence and not thinking twice about the people they are about to kick off healthcare.
  18. You're giving Trump way too much credit. If the Senate changed nothing from the House bill, I guarantee he would still sign this turd. He's going to sign whatever they put in front of him and chalk it up as a win. They are going to be pounding beers on the White House lawn again.
  19. Trump sees the polls and know this bill is a turd. Yet he'll still going to sign the bill that comes across his desk. Still don't understand the calculation Republicans are making for this to be the hill they die on.
  20. https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/os-jcomey-060817.pdf Excerpts from Comey's opening statement. Tomorrow's going to be nuts.
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