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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. The only people who would support ISPs selling our information are corporate shills. I can't imagine that being popular with even 5% of the country. Trump would get some points if he didn't sign it. Anytime given the option to do the right thing he'll always do the opposite. Anyone whoever says both sides are the same need to kick rocks for real. If this goes through will probably end up going the VPN route. Now will have to pay for an extra service so that the service I'm already paying for can't sell me out. This is nuts!
  2. Trump is still going to be running on the wall in 2020. "It took the Chinese 2000 years to build their Wall. These things take time, folks. Trust me we are building our Great Wall. And Mexico is still going to pay for it."
  3. I think you're underestimating people. Working in healthcare with the general public tells me people going to blame Trump with their healthcare woes. Even before Obamacare came out any issue with patient's insurance it was that darn Obamacare. People that weren't even in the exchanges or Medicaid would say the same thing.
  4. Trump doesn't care. Trumpcare is just something to get under Trump's skin. He loves putting his name on everything but doesn't want his name on this! If this turdburger passes he'll be fully linked to this. Hard to say it was Paul Ryan and them when his name is linked this. Trump just wants a short term victory. It's going to be harder to claim success when people start losing their healthcare.
  5. http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN16A2ES Every weekend they seem to floating the dumbest things out to see what sticks. Did Trump voters really vote to separate families? I don't see how anyone thinks this is normal.
  6. How many more of these Trump folks won't be able to recollect conversations had with Russian officials? Sessions lying under oath seems worse than Flynn lying to that gump, Mike Pence. Republicans should really get ahead of this before they get the stench of Trump on them too. These leaks won't stop and they will just get more damaging if not addressed. Not a good look when you have foreign intelligence agencies dropping bombshells as well.
  7. I thought Donny was doing this to surprise the bad guys. Why isn't he putting the EO out right now if he's worried about bad guys rushing in? Also, why is he announcing days? He's telegraphing his moves! I thought he wasn't going to let the bad guys know the dates of our action like Obama did. It's almost like if all that was bs.
  8. Trump's twitter meltdown will be good. Wonder if he does it now or at 5 in the morning. Wow, it was unanimous too! I hope the Supreme Court goes at least 5-3 against Trump. Just to further enrage Trump.
  9. Rampage had money on that fight. That's the only way I can explain this.
  10. Word. Plus this seems to be the longest break till a replay. Lawler got lucky. If he didn't hit the right shot at the right time it would be over. He should be glad he gets the W and can still walk.
  11. Carano should have never let out of the mount. At least she should have defended herself in the last seconds. The 2nd round would have had less energy.
  12. I can't believe Burger King can get away with this. $6.25? I'll stick to the dollar menu.
  13. Being a dick with the new Facebook usernames.
  14. I believe a couple months ago we were arguing about whether or not Kimbo would ever be in the UFC. Looks like I was on the right side. Even if Kimbo doesn't win a match in TUF, I can still see them bringing him in. Like I said Dana White is pretty much Vince McMahon.
  15. That passed a filter test so hopefully it's good.
  16. For anyone still thinking about getting the UFC game. Best Buy is throwing in a free UFC DVD and a 10$ gift card. Sadly I haven't joined the next generation. (After my PS3 broke all I have is my Dreamcast ) http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?type=category&id=pcmcat182100050016
  17. There is nothing wrong with any of those glutes on the last page. The only thing wrong in the pictures is the girl with the outie and the girl on the left.(willing to change my opinion if she changes that ugly doo)
  18. Put Lidell on the list of people to hang it up. Right now the only role he can play is gate keeper. Losing 4 out of 5 fight is not what's up. I'm sure Wand is mad he lost. I actually thought Shogun would lose since he looked like crap in America. Maybe he was missing special vitamins. He's got me impressed now though. Can't belive how quick he came for the KO.
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