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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. The Underwood body count seems to grow with every season. I've finished the latest season. I'll give it to Trump because I can't support murderers. Just like in real life I'm just waiting for the downfall of this regime. Also just like in real life there are some Russian shenanigans this season.
  2. So Russia tried to get into our voting machines and this Administration tries to reward them by attempting to ease sanctions? I don't see how anyone can look at this and think this is normal. I'm sure we'll hear that the President has these rights and no machines were actually compromised. The real story is the leaks! Everything is being swept under the rug. We need a fact finding committee for all the non criminal acts of scumbaggery.
  3. When is the Trump is weak narrative coming? I can't imagine Republicans think giving Russia their spy compounds is a show of strength. Is this gonna be another case of just saying this is within the rights of the President?
  4. Kush talking to the Russians. Flynn talking to the Russians. It's highly unlikely these guys are deciding to talk to the Russians on their own. Who actually thinks going to the Russian Embassy to trade messages is what legitimate administrations do.
  5. Attacking the press is just a way to get the base excited. Just wait till 2020 when Trump is clotheslining Chuck Todd.
  6. These poor old folks obviously going to have to cut down on iPhone purchases if they want to live.
  7. So Comey kept memos and Rogers has memos. Trump is just making it easy for the special counsel. This definitely seems like obstruction of Justice.
  8. I think Trump being calm is a sign he's worried it might come crumbling down. The only other time I've seen Trump calm is the debate after the Access Hollywood tapes. He was very low energy initially. Then he eventually went back to himself. This calmness won't last. Would really like to see the people who cover Trump and know how his psyche works explain his reaction.
  9. So Mike Pence, as head of the transition team, was fine with Flynn being under investigation but not with Flynn lying to him about the Russians? So many red flags with this guy and they still chose to keep him. Pence needs to explain this. Also, Don McGahn has to be the worst counsel ever. He's f'in up in every story where I see his name.
  10. Pretty much. This does raise some questions. Is the IC not fully breifing Trump cause they are afraid it will get in the wrong hands? Is Trump's learning style not allowing him to be fully briefed? Like Trump wants everything condensed in large don't and bullet points. Maybe that style doesn't work so well when you are supposed to be protecting a country.
  11. He said the President wasn't aware where the information came from. He knew the intel but didn't know how we got it. So he's off running his mouth not fully knowing how sensitive the information is. That's what I got from that.
  12. There goes the media again using unnamed countries. This is why no one believes the press anymore!
  13. Come on, man. There are stories out here with 30 sources! In this age of Trump and false news, the credible media is stepping up their game. People with an anonymous source are usually relegated to Twitter where there is no journalistic standard.
  14. Trump throwing his people under the bus again. How can any of these people go out and make statements knowing Trump is going to just contradict them the next day?
  15. Gonna guess the right wing talking points on this one. "The President is the ultimate declassifier. It's well within his power to declassify any intelligence. Liberals weren't mad when Hillary was careless with classified information and now they are crying over something that the President is legally allowed to do."
  16. Just finished season 2 of Master of None. Pretty enjoyable. The first 2 episodes not the best but the rest of the season is good. Very easy to binge. I really wish they'd stop making it so focused on relationships. It's so much better when they don't but alas it's part of life.
  17. Comey is obviously faced with two options, speak or conseal. Guess he's fine with conceal if it doesn't make him look bad. This dude is so up his own ass with his interpretation of right and wrong. Gee lordy!
  18. That guy seemed more like an internet commenter than a Senator. How did enough people think that guy was serious enough to be sent to Congress? How does that guy have anything to do with national security? Is there a committee that they can stick the dummies in? Where is the basket weaving committee?
  19. Trump will literally do the opposite of anything Obama says. He could have asked Trump not to hire Victor Von Doom and the next day Trump is out introducing our next Surgeon General, Dr. Doom.
  20. A couple years back this guy would never have been held accountable for his actions. The situation is still tragic but at least justice can still be served.
  21. I don't know. Saying we would have passed it if it wasn't for the Republican controlled Senate doesn't sound like good strategy to me. Not a Republican voter so dont know if this is gonna sell. A lot of people put their name next to this turdburger.
  22. These guys pounding beers for 24 million people losing health insurance? The Republican party is like the evil frat on campus.
  23. They need to speed this up. Let's get to the Trumpcare vote.
  24. Suprised the body cam wasn't "malfunctioning" at the time. This would have just been swept under the rug and people would have taken the officers word. Plus we'd have had to read about how this kid wasn't an angel. Reading the article just has me filled with rage, disgust, and sadness. Why shoot at a car moving away from you? I really hope justice will be served. How are you supposed to go live a normal life after experiencing this?
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