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Cooked Crack

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Everything posted by Cooked Crack

  1. Expect to see this for the next 4-8 years. And the people who voted for this won't care. As long as libs are mad that's all that matters.
  2. Not really buying that Angela Merkel and the gang are all talking about John Podesta. This dude can't even keep conspiracy theories straight.
  3. This seemed to be the best place to put this. Hobby Lobby out here possibly funding IS.
  4. Y'all act like you never had your name attached to illegally obtain information about your political rivals from a foreign adversary. Happens to everybody.
  5. You seem to be having an argument with yourself about what to call the ban. Trump made a campaign promise and this BS ban is his way of keeping it. This wasn't about security. It was just to check off a box. The fact that this ban would continue after 90 days shows that. Also the court made a vague compromise. Only 3 justices would have allowed the full ban to continue as intended. We'll see where this goes in October.
  6. If Obama campaigned on banning Muslims and came out with a bs ban people would care. Also this also bans refugees indiscriminately. You seem to forget about them. The Trump administration says these are temporary but I don't really put much faith in them. The purpose of the ban was to increase "vetting." These procedures should have already occurred based on the original ban. Yet here we are limiting travel just because. Somalia, Libya, and Sudan are in Africa btw. Quit acting like you actually care.
  7. I fully expect the marching orders to be that this doesn't prove collusion and even if it did, collusion is A-ok.
  8. A green card lasts for 10 years. You can effectively stay here forever. A visa is temporary. Your grandma is sick or your cousin is getting married? Go pound sand.
  9. Didn't see the part about close family. I feel like you give Trump an inch and he's going to take a mile. Supreme Court was pretty vague on what constitutes as a bona fide relationship. Can students from those countries come in if they don't have family relationship? Does that count as business ties? The court needs to strike it down. Do not assume Trump is like any other President.
  10. Why wait till tomorrow? I thought this was supposed to be keeping the bad hombres out. It's like this wasn't about security.
  11. Keep the pressure on these asses. We've already had this happen in the House. Watch them come back with some compromise that lets people save face.
  12. I think this bill passes. Only 2 no votes to count on right now. If a 3rd real no vote comes along maybe I'll believe it dying. It would be hard for Collins and Heller to walk back their comments and vote for this turd. The only other pushbacks are this was pushed out too soon or it isn't terrible enough. Most of the Republicans that might be vulnerable aren't up in 2018. I can't see these guys doing the right thing.
  13. Yep, it's like they are ignoring this on purpose! By the logic in this thread murderers would be going free all the time. No proof today so there can't be any proof tomorrow!
  14. These guys ain't even trying to hide it. If you have a pre-existing condition, get bent. Dems should be running ads with anything that can constitute a pre-existing condition. Might be less abstract when people realize their health is on the line. http://www.rawstory.com/2017/06/ron-johnson-people-with-preexisting-condition-dont-deserve-insurance-like-somebody-who-crashes-their-car/
  15. The nudity was a pleasant surprise. I will say she's pretty unlikable and plain looking in this show.
  16. I feel dumber just reading that tweet. Trump-speak only works for him because we're all on the same page that the President is an idiot.
  17. GLOW on Netflix isn't bad. Come for the girls in skimpy outfits stay for the interesting story.
  18. IUDs or subdermal implants would be great but doubt this Congress would approve of their use. You might have better luck with sterilization.
  19. So the fiscally responsible thing is to increase access to birth control and abortions? Or tell them to go without care in general?
  20. This Bernie stuff was out there since May. Now it's official that they're under FBI investigation. Anyone who thought Bernie would go unscathed through a general was fooling themselves. The Clinton campaign treated him with kid gloves. This would have been his version of "her emails" if he won the primary. The whole St. Bernie narrative was pretty annoying.
  21. Emotional thread on what lifetime caps will do. There's going to be many sob stories like this when TrumpCare passes. These guys know this bill is a turd burger and people will die because of it but they couldn't care less. This is literally what people voted for.
  22. Cops too scared it seems. Can't even be out of uniform if you're a black cop. First 2 cops acted appropriately only to have cop #3 pull up and shoot first and ask questions later.
  23. Totally missed that one. Heaggan-Brown is a real piece of work. Police seem to only protect their own when the crime is committed on duty.
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