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Everything posted by Xameil

  1. Lol it was a joke...you of all people I would have thought would have gotten that. You're getting soft in your old age
  2. Thats only because we just assume they are telling us they are vegan and how we should be living our lives, when in reality, we are just helping regulate the cow and other animal population. If we dont regulate that, then they will eat all the vegans food and they will starve, so in actuality, Im helping save the vegans...i think we got a new slogan.. EAT A COW, SAVE A VEGAN
  3. And people wonder why the Upstate NY people want to break away from NYC.
  4. 2027 Rock and Roll hall of fame inductees based on what they let in there 😉 (Drive by cross thread reference)
  5. To me, Mariah Carey will also be a self absorbed delusional wacko who was more the butt of Howard Stern jokes then any actual singing talent. I mean i guess people thought she was good because she had a big singing range, but honestly, I think she only benefitted from the time she was relevant. Maybe she was a good somgwriter...idk to me she always made my ears bleed.
  6. She was a wacko then, and only got worse.
  7. Duuuuude... Taking Rock and Roll out of it completely since honestly, most in there have NOTHING to do with Rock and Roll. Mariah Carey over Cher?!?!? Really?!? Cher is iconic going all the way back to Sonny and Cher. Mariah Carey is a holiday gimmick who is only worth a spit in her own mind.
  8. Where's my vomit emoji. You had a chance to redeem yourself, yet you not only double downed...you went all in.
  9. You just lost all cred....I bet you liked Metallica Load and Re-Load albums too.... Please return your Metalhead and Man card.
  10. Player of half of the first quarter maybe
  11. Lol I hardly call Spies like Us....science-y. But it was a good excuse to....Have a Pepsi...
  12. So we have a mix of Spies Like Us and Real Genius?
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