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Idaho fan

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Everything posted by Idaho fan

  1. ^ Yup started off as a typo I believe and it stuck. We rarely make the playoffs but we are always in paloff contention. Speaking of old oddities around here I would feel a lot better knowing that Pittman4two was picking us to wn the game of football in this weeks contest between the men of G and Tony Banks' former team. Here is the legend for those of you who don't know him or how his appearance is viewed.
  2. This game brings back bad memories of the 2016 season finally and getting knocked out by the Giants. Not exactly the same as we won't be knocked out and its not a "win and you're in" situation but it feels like it. Im worried about our O-line holding up. TH sailing some up for grab balls. Danny freaking Jones getting 100 on the ground. Im going to be sick if we lose this. I think the Skins take it but won't be easy and Ill be making deals with God throughout the 4th quarter. Again. Skins 24 Giants 23
  3. If the Skins win the odds of making the post season is 86% and that drops to 28% with a loss. Damn this game is big. I wish I was confident. The sting will be bad if we lose this game. Getting extra rest, playing at home, favored, hopefully getting healthy with St-Juste back, 3 weeks of focus/game planning for the Giants, nearly everything going our way during the bye... etc. Don't even want to think about how bad a loss will feel. And they get us at home along with extra rest & time to prepare for us.
  4. Surprised by the panthers taking down Seattle in Seattle. Love it. I’m surrounded by sea chicken fans. keep it up! Go Carolina!
  5. Agreed. We will have a chance to put him in his place. They do have CMC however
  6. The Bucs are done. Granted the 9ers are a top defense but Brady and that offense hasn’t looked right for a while. If they make the post season and the skins make it they would be a dream opponent.
  7. It appears Purdy won’t be a liability. He is playing better than Jimmy so far in his first start.
  8. Skins need to take care of their business starting next week. If they lose to the Giants then they don’t deserve to make the playoffs. lions look hot but they won’t win out. cowboys are what they are. Look good and then choke. They did get the win but they are beatable. Eagles in my opinion is the best team in NFC. I’d be surprised if they don’t make it to the SB.
  9. Sad outcome. Texans really needed to get in the end zone after Daks pick.
  10. Furthermore, he expects us to believe he hired them, told them "go investigate" but never told them who or what to investigate and never followed up with their said investigation. Its all unfathomable. Completely without fathom.
  11. Under oath, Snyder "admitted to using private investigators," the report says, but Snyder claimed to be "unaware" whom his investigators approached and did not "remember" having conversations with his counsel about the individuals targeted. "Mr. Snyder could recall very little when questioned about allegations of misconduct against him, including specific allegations raised in recent press stories," investigators note. So he admits to using private investigators but says he doesn't know who they were supposed to investigate? LMAO. This guy is such a tool.
  12. Biggest game of the year coming up that likely determines if this team will see the post season. The uncertainty of his being active really makes me wonder if Chase will ever be the player we hoped he would be. Are they worried about him being a liability or just his health? Both? we all saw how easily it was for Jones to run once a DE came inside and didn’t contain. Seeing that happen as a potential slower Chase makes a move in while trying to get the sack worries me. At the same time I’d like nothing more than to see Chase wreak havoc in a game we must win. Guess we will see.
  13. At this point I see us at least going 2-2 and finishing 9-7-1 or better. gotta hope we have help
  14. Why? We would be a wildcard team in the AFC as well right now I believe. Similar position
  15. While they had a chance in OT, probably lucky to get the tie.
  16. Lots of reasons to be pist. Sly miss. Piss poor online today. Bad play by TH much of the day. Defense getting gashed. Questionable calls by refs. Bad coaching/play calls down in OT. hopefully the players are equally pist and take care of business in two weeks.
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