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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Fair enough. I don't disagree that he was elite offensively. You're right, the league changed and there wasn't much that he could do to change with the times.
  2. Never really liked him. Glorified scorer that couldn't do much else and from what I can recall he wasn't a really efficient scorer, either. I think he came into the NBA at an interesting time along with LeBron and that raised his profile a little bit. Never was good enough to get a team to the next level, was never good enough to join a superteam and get a ring that way either. Not a good defender. Not a particularly good rebounder. Not good enough for his buddy LeBron to reach out to him and join the Lakers while he's in the twilight of his career. Never lead the league in anything except scoring once. In a day and age where scoring efficiently is valued more than just straight up scoring, he doesn't work. And so when he got old, he just stopped being good, he lost a step and pretty much lost all effectiveness. Look at a guy like LeBron...even when LeBron loses a step (he already has a little), he'll still be effective because he can do everything well. He can still pass and he'll always be one of the smartest players in the league, he is a floor general. Steph Curry will lose a step of quickness but he'll always be able to shoot. So if by all accounts he's lost what's made him great...why would a team reach out to him while he's been out of the league for over a year? Maybe they try to catch lightning in a bottle and he can recapture some of what made him great but that's hope, not a plan. And if he can't score as well as he used to, what's he really bringing to the table? He's not going to be a lockdown defender. He's certainly not a distributor or a tenacious rebounder. Is he revered as a leader, good lockerroom guy? Even then, you've already got those guys on the team. Granted, he did waste a good chunk of his career as a Knick. But he played in an era where the superteams were all the rage, you had the Celtics with Pierce, Ray Allen and Garnett, then LeBron, Wade and Bosh with the Heat...I always found it telling that none of them tried to rope Carmelo in. Or he couldn't attract anyone to NYC to join him. This all said, I get why people like him because people like scorers. By PPG, he's the 21st best scorer of all time. He made a bunch of all star games. Won Gold medals. I just never really got the hype with him.
  3. Yep, as an Orioles fan that one stings. And it's not like I was around then. But those Orioles teams were stacked and loaded, some of the best teams in history...but could only get one ring in that 3-4 years. I agree though, I like 2019 much better.
  4. The 1969 trophy? With the Seattle Pilots and the Washington Senators?
  5. Kinda looking forward to seeing Carmelo fail miserably.
  6. They all matter. A team that misses the playoffs by a game can look back over the season and point to a game or two where they blew a lead late, thus changing the outcome of their season. It's hard to wade through all that and point to a game that they blew in April that matters so much in September since they play damn near every day, but all the games count. The thing I really like about the baseball season is that it's a marathon and over the course of all 162 games you get a feeling for who a team really is. You see them on hot streaks, slumps...and it all evens out. This Nats team is a perfect example, much has been made of their 19-31 start. Looking at the collection of talent on that roster, there was no way they should have been that bad, but they were playing like it. People were calling for the manager's head. It was getting ugly. Since June 1st? Best team in baseball. Best record. And that's a pretty large sample size. Since June 1st they showed who they really are, I believe. If some advanced metrics outside of wins and losses don't show them as the best team, they're definitely in the conversation of best team...and far removed from where they were when they were 19-31. The other thing that's great about it is...they play almost every day. There's something to look forward to for 162 days of the year. Know that feeling you'd get when the Redskins were good and you'd set aside Sundays at 1pm? It's like that every day. And if you miss a game, no big deal...chances are they'll be playing tomorrow.
  7. Earlier when the Nats made the playoffs i said Bryce has got to be bitter. Some of you (can't remember who) jumped on me for it. It's all good. Anyone care to revisit now?
  8. It's the one thing I hate about playoff baseball, which otherwise is the best type of playoff their is, IMO. Hinch made a decent move, just didn't work out the way he needed it to. Yeah right, you haven't been able to do dick **** for the Wizards.
  9. Man, victory parades should only be during the weekday when fans can skip out of work.
  10. I just posted in a thread in the Stadium, I'll say it here... The symbolism that transpired today between the Nats and the Redskins...Nats answer the bell, they get up off the mat...fight until the end, see it through, make history....reach the pinnacle of their sport. And the Redskins holdout LT can't put his helmet on and fails his physical. If that doesn't sum up where these two franchises are...of course it sums up where the Nats are, but the attitude...the direction of the franchise has always been on point. Today, Trent just symbolizes how pathetic the Redskins are and have been for quite some time. All on the same day. Unbelievable. And yet, totally believable. Here's hoping that the Caps and Nats push the Redskins to the back of the line, exactly where they belong. Hats off to the Nats again. There's gonna be sunshine all winter long in the DMV, ain't that right @TryTheBeal!?
  11. Your greatness is always recognized my friend! I'm really happy for the Nats and you Nats fans. Glad to see you all that have stuck with the team through thick and thin and having it paid off. Congrats to you all!
  12. Get it together. No negativity. This is going to be an awesome night.
  13. I just hope that after a couple games of umpires confusing balls and strikes and controversial calls on the basepaths...that Game 7 can be played without umpire drama. I just want to see these two teams duke it out once and for all (with the Nats winning, obviously) and no ****ing whining about blown calls or interpretation of rules, etc.
  14. Or DC and the ES Tailgate. Can't ask for more than Strasburg on the bump tonight. Might be making a case for himself as a Hall of Famer right before our eyes if he throws a gem. As it stands he's got an outside shot based on his career numbers but if you're a postseason legend, people do vote for that. I'm thrilled to watch him pitch. Out of all the pitchers in the game today, he might be my favorite to watch. He's lost a tick on his fastball but it's still plenty effective and his curve and changeup are dastardly. He is a true maestro and I think he comes up huge tonight.
  15. Dolemite Is My Name. Didn't realize how much I missed Eddie Murphy until now. This is great. A for me. It's on Netflix and a fun movie with a lot of hilarious parts and some touching moments, too.
  16. On most nights, 9 hits get you more than one run. 0-10 with RISP. That won't last moving forward, but Rendon, for example, has to get his **** together. One pitch outs are ridiculous. Astros just too good not to get at least one game this series. Can't wait to watch tomorrow night.
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