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Everything posted by KillBill26

  1. After reading the title, I expected a tribute to the great Bea Arthur. The lack of said tribute only adds to the disappointment. I'm also in the minority here, bc while I was not happy watching that horror show last night, and that was arguably the worst half of football I've seen, that does nothing to change our charted course: new owner in 23 (check), new front office / coaching staff in 24 (inevitable, in due time). While it's hard to watch Forbes stink up the joint, to write him off is ludicrous, especially with the obvious ineptitude of JDR this season. If they put up a stinker like this in 2 or 3 years with a new FO / staff, then I'd be bothered. This is small potatoes. Ownership is now convinced we need a change, and we are looking at a better draft pick than many anticipated. And we won't be making a title run in a year many thought we'd be lucky to get to 500. Believe me, I wish the new era had us playing competitively here and now, but considering we are only a few months away from a clean house and seeing the wholesale changes that we have been clamoring for for 25 years, I'm not losing any sleep over the bears game / Rivera / JDR etc.
  2. Nice play by pringle on a breakup. What could have been an interception
  3. Since when did they start putting a pylon at the first down marker?
  4. Greg stroman lol. Zeron flemister is gonna catch a TD against us before the night is over isn't he
  5. @RandyHolt at least something is going well tonight lol. Good call on Gibson
  6. If it was a close game or we were winning, Allen would have definitely gotten flagged for that.
  7. Logan Thomas is our MVP of this game so far. Can't be mad at him.
  8. Big pimpin is an interesting choice for music at the stadium right now.
  9. Johnson already ruled out, Herbert didn't look good, I'm looking forward to the scrub being seamlessly inserted and running all over us.
  10. I don't think I'm ready for the game to begin again. I need more time.
  11. 0% chance Harris fires Rivera in the morning. Right? Maybe 1% chance now?
  12. Considering how bad the bears have been, and how thin they are right now, it might be.
  13. I've often seen crowds booing not taking a time out. I can't remember them ever booing taking a time out to try to get something. Perfect cap to arguably the worst half all things considered.
  14. Look at the bright side. On draft night, we will be saying to ourselves: I'm really happy they sucked on Thursday night against the bears that earned us a couple slots higher.
  15. I'd love to know what was on Josh Harris's phone that he was laughing showing everybody in his suite. Funny memes ripping Ron Rivera?
  16. Hey getting our ass handed to us with Harris as owner is a lot better than getting our ass handed to us with Snyder as owner.
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