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Everything posted by Passepartout

  1. Ready for Christmas!

  2. Ready for December!

  3. Ready for December!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. Can't wait for Thanksgiving!

  6. Ready for November to Remember!

  7. GOP is making themselves look pretty badly these days no thanks to Trump!
  8. People think All Lives Do Not Matter. As sad but true!
  9. Yeah as really the bad cops as like a bad seed ruins the bunch. About 95% of the cops are all good. But they are not in the news at all!
  10. Ready for November!

  11. Yeah as really it is about knocking the spiders out of the path of a web. When you get near to them. Try not to let them bite ya!
  12. But if you think that the police are bad, what about the feds. They must have some kind of free pass. They are a lot more worse.
  13. Yeah as the horse may have gotten a "free pass" with the cops in a sense technically!
  14. Ready for Halloween!

  15. He could be blacklisted now for the rest of his life. As well as face civil lawsuits and criminal charges. As thirty three women are coming on forward and counting.
  16. Breast Cancer Awareness!

  17. There is a family of one of the fifty nine victims that wants to sue the deceased shooter and get his assets. And other families of the victims and even survivors. May follow suit as they have a long road and beyond recovery. And also face legal and health bills.And a long time out of work. Hope they have understanding and caring bosses.
  18. Ready for that of October!

  19. Love the Autumn Winds!

  20. What is funny but weird is that my dad is afraid of spiders but can handle snakes with ease. Go figure!
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