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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Pretty much agree with all this, especially that outside of Murray, this cast is definitely better/funnier than the original cast. Loved Patty's line about having a cousin Mookie who's only half as dumb as Kevin and will work for Vienna sausages lol...Akroyd and Ramis were never very funny IMO and Hudson seemed more like a token black casting than an actual character (I know the part was originally written for Eddie Murphy, though). Also Sigourney Weaver was horrible in the original...bland as hell, like they neutered her natural charisma based off her intelligence and just had her be the "love interest". Hundreds of other actresses could have played that role and the movie wouldn't have suffered one iota. Glad there wasn't a love story component in the remake. Don't really agree about the ghosts, though...I was never impressed with the original ghosts (especially that "slimer" ghost, always looked silly and like a puppet) and not impressed with the new ones, either lol...
  2. Agree, although I hated the insertion of the word "redskin" when discussing bounties...I heard that and thought it's inclusion in the script was more political than factually accurate.
  3. Oof...Keim had a brain fart lol: "In fact, Pittsburgh has finished with a losing record only twice since 1992 and owns more Super Bowl wins in that time (two) than the Redskins do playoff wins (zero)." It has since been corrected.
  4. I dunno...Pryor is looking as legit as he can during preseasøn, although at the moment he seems more of a one-trick pony. But it's an effective trick...and he was doing it without Coleman or Gordon in the game with him. If Doctson had the same type of preseason Pryor had, we'd all be over the moon. Plus they have Barnidge and if Coleman starts to pan out...that could be a very impressive pass catching unit.
  5. I just read the "poem"... This duck has more street cred than Griffin lol...
  6. Excelent breakdown *applause*...that Niles Paul whiff was baaad lol...I imagine that's how I would look if they put me out there for a play
  7. While it may play a role in things, I think the bigger issue is that this time we Redskins fans have someone at QB to replace him who we feel confident in. With Campbell, when we sent him to the Raiders we had an aging McNabb and Rex Grossman taking his place lol...it didn't take long for whatever confidence we had in Campbell's replacement to fizzle out. So the second guessing was right there on the surface ready to be activated by the idea that Campbell could end up having another 20+ TD season while we Skins fans watched McNabb kill worms all season.
  8. When Jason Campbell got traded to the Raiduhs, the thread about him got put here in the ATN forum, and it still blew up lol...Seemed like every damn pass caused 12 more pages to be added to the thread.
  9. Here's what I hope: Morris is starting both times the Skins and Cowboys meet up...that would mean they wasted a high draft pick on Elliot lol...
  10. Can I just say that I'm sooooo damn thankful that the talk about 1) Griffin's marriage and new squeeze, and 2) Griffin's good performance against the Falcons has generated a minimal amount of discussion so far ...I just "knew" both were gonna send this thread into the stratosphere lol...but so far, nada. Good to see.
  11. Our starters were only in for 1 drive, which went 30 yards and never crossed mid-field. Not sure I would classify that as "just fine" lol...
  12. MUCH more...no anointing oil needed yet. But he does look good so far, dammit lol...
  13. Hey, now...don't go jinxing things lol...Scot McCloughan's wife is still out there, afterall.
  14. Whoever he still had supporting him and not the Redskins is doing this right about now lol...
  15. Every explanation for a dissolved marriage is, by default, spin. I'm just chalking it up to immaturity and marrying way too young. I tell my daughter she's better off getting married in her late 20s/early 30s all the time. Get your emotional and mental **** together (not to mention your career started) before taking such a big step.
  16. !!...Ok, I didn't know he did that part in bold lol...good lord. You're probably right.
  17. Oh come on, now lol ... He (they) got married way too young imo. Plus he's been with her since he was like 18...that's a classic recipe for being tempted, whether you're male or female...happens a LOT. It's still disappointing but it's not a sign of a mental illness lol...
  18. Damn...that's way too quick. You never know the whole story--maybe Rebecca called his mom the "N-word" or something lol...still that's just way too quick, especially after having a baby a year ago. Disappointing to hear...
  19. All it took was 8 preseason passes--for another team--to get this argument/debate up and running again lol... Surprisingly, though, this pales in comparison to the Jason Campbell threads after he was traded to the Raiders.
  20. Pretty much yeah to all of that. Doesn't even come close to meaning Griffin will start succeeding but I do get the logic behind the coaches' decisions and actions.
  21. And one set of coaches apparently thinks he CAN play. Fans follow conventional wisdom. Coaches tend to follow their own assessments. That's what it has to do with fans. As for competition, even McCown said it's best for the team for whatever competition there is to be over asap.
  22. It's because they aren't fans, they're coaches. And his closest competition went 1-4 for 5 yards, is 36 years old and has zero to offer the franchise past this year (and has barely anything to offer them this year). McCown's biggest asset to any team is being their backup.
  23. Allow me to re-write part of your post lol... "Let's start with Pierre Garcon has to catch that ball! The entire complexion of the game and Griffin's performance changes if he does. Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - McCoy did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Griffin has already had some success in the NFL." -2015, 1st preseason game Allow me to re-write it again lol... "Let's start with Adrick Robinson has to catch that ball! The entire complexion of the game and Griffin's performance changes if he does. Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - McCoy did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Griffin has already had some success in the NFL. " -2014, 1st preseason game And for ****s and giggles, once more lol... "Second, and I am not sure why this is so hard to grasp this - Colt Brennan did what he did against guys that will be bagging groceries in a few weeks and Campbell has already had some success in the NFL. " 2008, 1st preseason game So, you see, overreacting to performances in preseason games is tradition around these parts lol *thumbsup*
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