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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. why did they settle for $1.6M?…I mean, video evidence proving her allegations are not true would seem to make that option unnecessary.
  2. I take it this means you understand my post now lol...
  3. Hold up...so, did you get lost on your way to posting this? lol...
  4. The wild part is, there was even more outrageous stuff that these women went through that wasn't touched on in the hearing....their whole story is heartbreaking and irritating.
  5. I wonder what Trump's gonna say about this woman and her mother (especially her mother)...because if he still paints her as part of some grand election fraud scheme that could backfire massively. And if he doesn't, his silence on her will be seen as admitting he was wrong about her.
  6. I guess I have to spell it out. It's not that sports are important to trans kids. It's that inclusion in society is important to trans kids. Excluding trans kids from every day parts of just living life has a huge effect. And sorry, but the realities are that sports are not some isolated area of exclusion...it's part of the entire fabric of how and in what ways society is wanting to acknowledge the trans community. It all goes hand in hand with each other. It's like the argument against a "separate but equal" society...not the Constitutional argument but the basic argument that you can still have equality in society and also have full segregation. No. You can't.
  7. When it comes to interpreting her point, you absolutely missed it. By a mile. You're doing exactly what she specifically says we should NOT be doing when it comes to this topic.
  8. Holy ****...wow. She thinks sports concerns don't matter because trans kids are killing themselves...not because there aren't enough trans kids taking spots from other kids on sports teams. That's why she says "think what are we actually talking about here. We’re talking about people’s lives." How in the world are you completely missing that point?
  9. I said you were wrong about Rapinoe's point...what the **** does anyone else's point have to do with that? Stay focused. And here, to help you better understand Rapinoe's point: "And I think people also need to understand that sports is not the most important thing in life, right? Life is the most important thing in life. And so much of this trans inclusion argument has been put through the extremely tiny lens of elite sports. Like that is not the way that we need to be framing this question. We’re talking about kids. We’re talking about people’s lives. I would also encourage everyone out there who is afraid someone’s going to have an unfair advantage over their kid to really take a step back and think what are we actually talking about here. We’re talking about people’s lives. I’m sorry, your kid’s high school volleyball team just isn’t that important. It’s not more important than any one kid’s life." - Megan Rapinoe, from the same article that tweet was taken from.
  10. - You must not have read past my first sentence. This came afterwards: "She doesn't start off with her point..." - As far as I can tell, Rapinoe isn't posting on this thread. So it doesn't matter if it's mentioned over and over on this thread. We are talking about the point of someone who isn't posting here.
  11. Not even remotely do I think you're accurate. She doesn't start off with her point...She starts off building her case by talking about things that back up her point. Which is: "We really need to kind of take a step back and get a grip on what we're really talking about here because people's lives are at risk." And then for the people in the back, she adds at the end: "We're putting everything through God forbid a trans person be successful in sports." Meaning, we're focusing on the wrong thing. We need to focus on what's truly important here--and success in sports is NOT it. That was her point.
  12. If this were true Pence wouldn't have been so adamant about staying at the Capitol building and making sure Biden was certified. The riot would have provided perfect cover.
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