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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. I want Cassidy Hutchinson to just start tossing everyone under the bus lol...disappointed that she didn't talk to Idiot Taylor Greed...
  2. It didn't show Wentz so I thought he might be one of the five players tied at 11....nope lol. Wentz had 6 games with 65%+ completion pct. So I then checked out Heinicke to see if he was one of the five...nope lol. Heinicke had 9 games. So I checked out....well, no one else on the team was playing in the NFL last season lol... So instead I checked out Wentz for 2020 even though he didn't play a full season. He had none. So over his last like 28 games he's only completed 65% of his passes six times. 6 out of 28. But I wasn't giving up. 2019: Wentz had 8 games of 65%+ completion pct...8 out of 16 games. Damn. 2018: Wentz had 10 games of 65%+ completion pct. And didn't play a full season. So that's 10 games out of 11. Damn! 2017: Wentz had 4 games of 65%+ completion pct...4 games out of 13. He also had 4 games below 55% completion pct...during his possible MVP season. TD:INT ration was fire, though... I'm not sure what to make of this lol...but I made a sound like Marge Simpson as I read these stats...
  3. I said awhile back that Jason Wright was brought in first and foremost to change the workplace culture and make it so that the types of toxicity that ran rampant before did not happen again. I'm not gonna be cynical and will say it appears he has. I'm hoping so at least. As far as I know there have not been any reports or "sourced" twitter news about anything negative about the work environment since he took over. So he's done well in that area, at least. Things like the "right shade of burgundy" and the Super Bowl years were much farther down on the list for me personally. Far easier to change the SB years than to change the work culture.
  4. No one has quietly whispered it, and definitely no one in today's hearing. It was out loud and direct. And it was convincing...far more convincing than the showboat yelling and demanding an answer from Goodell from the one congresswoman on something that he couldn't deliver. The way it was done by the other congress member makes sense and makes you think...her way just turns off those who don't want Snyder to be forced to sell to begin with.
  5. Agree completely about Finlay's possible motivations. However, I've been in Finlay's position where coworkers (well a coworker and my boss) were talking sexually about a female acquaintance we also work with, and the egging didn't work on me...in fact one of the guys looked at my facial expression after their comment and said "What? You mean you wouldn't **** her?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes. However (again lol), Finlay's relationship with someone in the organization is different than mine was with the two guys I mentioned even though one was my boss...so I could probably be more forward and direct with my reaction than he could with his. However (thrice!) I know how "guys" are when they're alone and no women are around...they can be pigs.
  6. Not to diminish the comment, but I've had far far worse said to me on the job directly to my face. That comment means so very little in the grand scheme of things. It might be a reflection of the overall mentality of Larry Michael but it's not really evidence of anything to clutch the pearls over.
  7. From watching this hearing, you know if Snyder had appeared half the questions would have been about the name "Redskins" and whether or not he felt he deserved a new stadium...
  8. The last guy should have shown this article instead of the one he did...it would have been far more potent: Sexual harassment fund exposes Congress Under Congressional Accountability Act, taxpayers pay for secret settlements. Where's the accountability?: Our view
  9. It's already been said (or heavily alluded to) by others. She asked it in the worst way to actually lead to his removal, though. Yelling it angrily did no good. Another congress member did it the right way, by calmly showing Snyder was in breach of NFL conduct policies and leading Goodell down the road to the point of basically saying someone who has multiple violations against the NFL conduct policy should maybe be removed?
  10. Tlaib is blowing it...another blown opportunity to grandstand instead of bring about understanding and change.
  11. Khanna and Krishnanoorthi have been the most impressive (possibly the only impressive lol)...there was also the two black congresswomen, Brown and whoever else the other one was. EDIT: I take it back about Brown (somewhat lol)...she faltered down the stretch.
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