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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. I'd take Wentz over Russell Wilson and his contract as well lol...Ryan and Wilson are offering up bags of cat vomit in tonight's game.
  2. Does the "If the FBI can do this to Donald Trump, they can do it to you" argument still work? lol... Or this? This still good?
  3. Can get a decent estimate of body build, height, and I guess clothing??...Like maybe someone sees this image and thinks "Yanno, Delbert wears a hat like that and is about that size..."
  4. Someone needs to pull a "Legally Blonde" move on Hershel and ask him a bunch of back-to-back questions real quick lol: "Do you know this woman?" Hershel: "I have no idea." "Did you send her money?" Hershel: "I send a lot of people money." "Did you send her a get well card?" Hershel: "I send a lot of people cards." "Did you pay for her abortion?" Hershel: "I pay for a lot of women's abortions." (silence...) Hershel: "No, wait..."
  5. I could be wrong, but I think the issue is that Alabama has no problem redrawing the district lines for majority white districts and even breaking them up but won’t do so for the majority black district even though it would be rather easy to do so. The argument seems to be that by not doing so, Alabama is diluting the voting power of black voters in the state. From what I gathered the Supreme Court (maybe? lol) said Alabama didn’t have to redraw the districts because it was too close to the midterm election, not because the case had no merit. Or at least some of the justices did.
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