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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. He did say "essentially"...If 10-7 gets them into the playoffs then his comment is correct.
  2. I've said it before, but I much prefer watching the team jockeying with 3 other teams for one of the playoff positions--and getting excited when they win...than jockeying with 3 other teams for one of the top 5 draft picks--and getting pissed off when they win.
  3. If the Eagles lose tonight...nah, not even gonna think about it lol...
  4. I should have said weeks 3 though 6 (4 weeks worth of games). And just a reminder of what you were responding to: "Over the last seven games the offense has only scored over 20 points twice. If that's not mediocre I don't know what is." You said it wasn't mediocre, it was terrible. Be my guest as to what those score totals were in that 4-game stretch...might wanna take a vomit bag when you do lol.
  5. Don't look these up, just try and guess: Name the starting QB and the game for these yards per play stats (hint: this is in a thread about our QBs and in the Stadium forum, so...yeah lol): Offensive yards per play 6.6 5.9 5.6 5.5 5.2 5.1 5.1 5.1 4.3 4.2 4.0 3.2
  6. Wanna have some fun?...Go back and read the posts starting on or around October 15th lol...and you could probably do that on any of the threads in the Stadium forum, no matter what they're about...not just this one thread here.
  7. I'm assuming he means one of the three wildcard spots...which technically we have control of that right now. Oh, you meant we would be one of the wildcard teams if the season ended after the 2nd Giants game. if so, we might be in that scenario in about 3 hours lol...
  8. One down, two to go... Come on, Raiders and Saints!! (Raiders are up right now)
  9. I can't imagine seeing the team, after all the **** the franchise and fans have gone through, get a win and get to 7-5 after starting 1-4...and the first thing on my mind being "For God's sake, don't let Heinicke get any credit!!" lol...
  10. They shouldn’t have called it a statue. On the other hand, I may have been the only one who was thinking a statue was a bit too much for Taylor. Statues should be reserved for Skins legends, the ones who helped transform the franchise. So a part of me was glad it wasn’t a statue. But they should have called it an installation in tribute to Sean Taylor. Actual statues can then be left for the Baughs, Gibbs and Monks of the team’s history. But even as an installation it’s lacking. Looks like something you’d put in the team store lol…
  11. Again, you answered a question nobody asked…then provided info to a question nobody asked. Put another way: You said “I didn’t say every two months. That is a foward looking statement.” The question you answered, though, was a forward looking question. So a forward looking statement was expected. Instead of insulting people’s reading comprehension skills, better to reflect on if there was anything you did to add to the confusion.
  12. The problem is you answered a question nobody asked: ”How often should people get vaccinated” (repeat vaccinations) …is different from: ”When should people get vaccinated again” (once) The CDC text you quoted only talks about getting another vax, not about how often you need to get vaxxed.
  13. Rooting for Commanders, Raiders, and Saints wins 🤞🤞🤞
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