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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. 2 years ago…needed to win the last game to win the division and make the playoffs. Wildcard wasn’t an option.
  2. Not too long ago, the Bad Medical Takes account retweeted one of Tristan Tate's tweets (Andrew's brother)...said something like men can tell when women have been "blasting their vaginas" with sex "gizmos"...an idiotic and completely untrue comment that I found myself needing to ridicule lol. My response to Tate's comment got like 1,200+ likes, never had any tweet come even remotely close to that amount. That told me a lot of people dislike the guy, regardless of his popularity. That's when I got a quick edumacation on him and his Brother Andrew and their view of women. All sorts of men on Twitter started sticking up for the dude...as a man, that was demoralizing to see. It also validated something I won't go into, but is reflective of the idea that tooooooo many guys out there don't actually respect the women they're with (or even understand them on the most basic of levels). Got into a back and forth with one guy who was sticking up for both these chuckleheads...the more I delved into Andrew Tate to respond to the guy on Twitter, the more disgust I felt towards Tate. So this is all sorts of satisfying to me lol...he both severely overestimated his intelligence and severely underestimated Greta's.
  3. Well, if you believe the Romanian police, he's a human trafficker. Why should we care? Because he was flaunting his seemingly "untouchable" self all over social media...and because he was finally caught after evading authorities for months...and because it was all triggered by a 19 year old girl he felt the need to try and bully...and because she smack him back so lethally it caused his undoing lol...
  4. It was her by way of a pizza joint lol... His idiotic video response to Greta tipped authorities off that he was in Romania lol...what an idiot.
  5. Tulsi Gabbard is one of those "despise them politically but I'm not sure I'd turn down a weekend with her if offered" politicians lol...glad she at least held Santos' feet to the fire without letting up.
  6. Considering that Green Bay and Detroit play each other, I highly doubt two of the three teams go 2-0, especially with the Seahawks battling injuries:
  7. I was gonna say something but I'm not gonna say it now lol...I'm a huge believer in jinxes and creating bad mojo, so... All I'll say is that it will be interesting to see who ends up our starting QB next year.
  8. Since it's impossible to go 0-2 during the playoffs in any year, I would have caught on to my mistake even without the disclaimer lol...
  9. Dude can afford several of his own couches now lol.. I think he made an extra $600,000 while starting.
  10. This is my mood everyday...I just don't usually spend it in this thread lol. But I'm optimistic with Wentz back as starter so here I am...
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