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Everything posted by Skinsfan1311

  1. Relax! You'll have a blast.
  2. It's ES, do you expect anything less? 😎
  3. Me and Mrs Skinsfan. Not sure when, late 80's maybe? Those were the days to be a Skins fan.
  4. Here's a few from diving the Cenotes, in Riviera Maya. Claustrophobes need not apply! That is an old school Sean Taylor Jersey. It intimidates sharks.
  5. @purbeast The pics aren't the greatest, but you get the idea.
  6. Is that the dive center in Georgetown? The one with the big apple in front of the building? On a cruise, (late 90's, I think),that was me very first dive, after getting certified. I had rental equipment, and my regulator blew up, at the end of the first dive. We had dove those swim throughs, which I love. Fortunately, it was shortly after I surfaced, when we were back-stroking to the dive center. Needless to say, I bought my own gear after the cruise. We've been back, a few times, and stay at the Morritt's, on the East End, and dive with Ocean Frontiers. There are several great sites with swim throughs, especially on the East End.
  7. I love swim throughs! There's quite a few of them in Grand Cayman. What are the names of the dive sites? Don't worry about the buoyancy, that'll come with more dives under your belt.
  8. This sucks for those of us who throw the ES Draft Day Tailgate party at FedEx. They're not doing it at the stadium this year because they scheduled some ****ty concert. The Draft night at the Wharf is the type of thing that they should have been doing all along, in conjunction with the Saturday event at the stadium.
  9. Visitors side? We're in the lowers, on the Skins side and it's not that bad, unless it's halftime.
  10. You are correct, Sir! If you don't renew by March 15th, you cannot take advantage of the 6-payment plan. If you renew before April 1st, I think you can still do the 4-payment plan.
  11. We love ours, but we don't do anything batter fried. We stick to stuff like tots, potatoes, pork chops, Brussels sprouts,.etc. It's fantastic for crab cakes. You are correct, it's just a tiny convection oven. We were initially underwhelmed, until we understood its limitations. We rarely eat fried foods but, when we do, we use a Dutch oven on the stovetop. There's no substitute for deep frying in oil. Tomahawk Pork Chops. Did these on "Old Faithful" Reverse seared.
  12. The Equalizer. Not great, but entertaining enough to keep me watching.
  13. We are renewing. I don't blame, or judge, anyone who doesn't renew. To each his own. We love our seats, undercover on the Skins side, and we have great camaraderie with the people around us. Our tailgate is off the hook, and we can't imagine not attending games. We could probably get them cheaper, on the secondary market, but I don't care. It's discretionary spending and we can afford it. BTW, if you want the 6-payment plan, you need to do so before March the 15th. After that, it's a 4-payment plan.
  14. My first attempt with a bone-in brisket. My sister's friend owns a farm and she gave us this. It weighed around 7lbs. Talking about knowing your food source, here is the steer, Uno. It was, hands down, the best brisket that we've ever had. I dry brined it, injected with beef stock, and sprinkled it with some "Big Bad Beef Rub" (Google it for the recipe). I smoked it @ ~ 240° for 10 hours. It stalled at 180° and I foiled it with a splash of apple cider, pulled it at 200°, then rested it in a cooler for a couple of hours. OpMy first attempt with a bone-in brisket. My sister's friend owns a farm and she gave this. Talking about knowing your food source, here is the steer, Uno. It was, hands down, the best brisket that we've ever had. I dry brined it, injected with beef stock, and sprinkled it with some "Big Bad Beef Rub" (Google it for the recipe). I smoked it @ ~ 240° for 10 hours. It stalled at 180° and I foiled it with a splash of apple cider, pulled it at 200°, then rested it in a cooler for a couple of hours.
  15. You buy wings at Costco? They're more like pigeon wings. Maybe your warehouse gets them from a different source? Perfect. Nicely browned on the outside.
  16. We rarely eat wings anymore, but will definitely give them a try some day
  17. I got one for Christmas too and I love it! I've fried crabcakes, tots, string bean fries and parmesan potatoes. I'm going to try Brussels sprouts this weekend. The brand I got is Chefman.
  18. I'm living proof that it's all about the diet. I'll be 55 years old in March. My average weight has been 225. Every day that I work, I go to the gym. I rarely go weekends. I lift every other day and cardio on non-lifting days. I rarely miss. I always used to say that if I changed my diet, and cut back on the beer, that I would probably lose weight. A medical issue forced my hand. In 9 months, I shed 35lbs. That was 2 years ago, and I've kept it off. I went from a 38 waist and XXL shirts, to a 34 and XL. Doctors are thrilled and took me off of my blood pressure medicine. All of my numbers are good. The only change, that facilitated the weight loss, is my diet.
  19. Traditional today. All cooked inside. Standing rib roast, mashed potatoes w/gravy and green beans. Mrs. Skinsfan made several batches of cookies, so no pie or cake. Beer, lots of beer and bourbon. Merry Christmas!
  20. Drowning my sorrow, of this lost season, with ribs and beer...
  21. Good call, cooking to temp. So many people overcook pork. I always pull thick chops off the grill ~133-135° tops, and let carryover do the rest. When grilling chops, I never have to finish in the oven, even with those super thick chops from Costco. Disclaimer: I use Grill Grates Even before using Grill Grates, I never finished them in the oven, I would stick them on the cooler side of the indirect setup. Sometimes, I'll cook them on the stovetop, in a cast iron pan, and finish them in the oven. I've also found that dry-brining chops, with kosher salt, makes a huge difference. I
  22. Same here. I use elements of Carolina-style, (vinegar sauce with catsup, brown sugar, pepper & red pepper flakes), but that's about it. I like pork butts with plenty of bark. I'm careful with the wood smoke though. Too much and it can get bitter. For ribs, it's Memphis-style all the way. Give me a smoky, dry-rubbed rib any day over Carolina style. I do enjoy succulent, whole hog, Carolina-style, with just a vinegar and red-pepper flake mop. The cracklings are the best.
  23. I was going to roast the Turkey, but I couldn't help myself. Gonna grill that sucker!
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