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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. How do you initiate the start of the draft in the NFL Draft Game. I picked a team and then nothing just sat there and they gave a box that showed the high scores for that team (That was it).
  2. Melting pot? Is that what you are claiming is the Dem/left position? Really? Are you forgetting your and your parties position on Identity politics which is diametrically opposed to the idea of a Melting pot? I'm all for a Melting pot which is why I will never vote for democrat as long as I live.
  3. That's a story? I can probably find 20 of them in my backyard in 10 minutes without looking hard.
  4. I went with the Mrs. to see Outta Compton, wasn't expecting much but I got the best movie I've seen since Guardians last year. Highly recommend.
  5. Huh, No. Resurrection did not cause the damage Alien 3 did. (Resurrection had a really sucky ending but again did not do the harm 3 did).
  6. I thought he died when the ship crashed (Alien 3 - worst of the lot crippled the story line).
  7. Just watched White House Down. That was awful (worst movie I've seen since Red Tails). Left wing's notions of who the real bad guys are in the world manifested themselves quit nicely in this script. Additionally know what happens when an RPG hits the front armor of an M1 tank? In real life the crew would say "what was that, is someone knocking on the hatch" -in this movie of course the Tank gets blown to pieces.
  8. From BV Obamacare Inflates Its Numbers. I Feel Sick. "I’ve complained at great length about the Barack Obama administration’s lack of transparency surrounding the Affordable Care Act. But I don’t even know what to say about this latest revelation, courtesy of Bloomberg News’s own Alex Wayne: The administration counted stand-alone dental plans in order to claim that 7.3 million people had signed up during the first open enrollment period. Without the addition of the dental plans, enrollment would have very slightly missed its target of 7 million enrollees. Moreover, simple arithmetic indicates that it is still counting them in its current claims about enrollment. Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Mathews Burwell seems to be saying that this was some sort of mistake. And it’s possible that this is all it is. But I would be more inclined to give the benefit of the doubt if the administration hadn’t otherwise been managing enrollment data so aggressively, releasing good figures as soon as it had them but sitting on bad data as long as possible, and ceasing to issue regular reports as soon as open enrollment stopped and the numbers began to decline rather than rise. If it was deliberate, this is not your standard political puffery. It’s pathological, like your college roommate who doesn’t just inflate her number of boyfriends or exaggerate some details for the sake of a funnier story, but also insists that she is in the CIA. The numbers would have been rounded up to 7 million anyway, because they missed by something like 3,000 people. Adding in a bunch of unrelated plans, with all the attendant risk of being exposed and embarrassed, seems flatly insane. In fact, this is the most compelling reason to believe that it was a mistake. If it was a mistake, however, I’m not sure how much better that is supposed to make us feel. For the administration to have this poor a handle on its own data while attempting to make over almost one-fifth of the U.S. economy is a lot more frightening than some rather pedestrian lies." http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2014-11-20/getting-to-the-root-of-obamacares-inflated-numbers
  9. I second Children of Men same vein as the old classic Soylent Green.
  10. Just saw latest X Men (Days of Future Past) Big disappointment. I'd rank it as the worst of the X series.
  11. Picard no longer exists in the Star Trek universe (One of the really good benefits of the reboot - it completely erased the Next Generation).
  12. Just back from seeing Guardians of the Galaxy. Boy was that a great surprise. The best movie I've seen this year (possibly last two years). The best of any Marvel movie to date. Highly recommend seeing it.
  13. This probably was not a mistake originally, but a tactic that would force states to set up exchanges. Those that put this in the bill probably had no idea a state (never mind most of them) would still refuse to set up the exchange. If held up this would not immediately kill the bill but it all likelihood would lead to it's repeal in 2017 (The current administration will never allow repeal - but the next admin, whether dem or rep, would have to repeal).
  14. Concur it was pretty lame, I was laughing too. Helicopter attack deep into the Artic? Where did they come from? If the ship is in range of helicopters they're certainly in range of other equipment a whole lot more dangerous. EMP knocking out a warship? Jeez if our ships are that vulnerable we really don't have an effective navy. I guess the boarding crew was lucky that the Queen Mary didn't capsize forcing them to work their way to the bottom of the ship. You got the mountains. Radio silence doesn't mean you can't hear what is going on (and no ship is going to shut down passive sensors under some obscure operational condition).
  15. Just saw I, Frankenstein brought to the screen by the writers/director of Underworld. It is Underworld re-imagined, almost the same basic plot line.
  16. Didn't watch much SG1 but failure? I thought that show was on for about 15 years.
  17. How could it be possible to ruin Torchwood? It would be like saying a sequels to The Last Airbender or Battlefield Earth did not didn't live up to the originals. Nevermind you liked TNG if I recall.
  18. Godzilla. A moderate let down. Guess I was expecting more. Much better than the last American try at this though.
  19. How far would I go if it was my daughter? I'm certain I'd be breaking out the thumb screws and batteries.
  20. God I hate that movie for historical reasons. It made the actual historical bad guys into the good guys. It was that bushido thinking/group that managed to gain control by the 1930s. Look at how the Japanese treated their Chinese and Russian prisoners at the end of the 19th/beginning of the 20th centuries versus the 1930s and 40s. It would be like a movie portraying the "good and just Nazi's" fighting the Imperial German army.
  21. The Book Thief. Family watched it because I thought it was age appropriate for my 12 year old. Very good for young teens and pre teens but we all liked it. First tear jerker I can remember my daughter seeing and the tears flowed. I got chewed out for laughing when my wife caught my daughter crying - I was laughing because I was crying too - wierd sensation laughing and crying simultaneously.
  22. Watched Machete Kills Again. How this movie was not up for an Oscar is astonishing. Well they can fix this next go around with Machete Kills Again......IN SPACEEEEE.
  23. Gotta admit DS9s Garrick has got to be the most interesting character since the original show.
  24. Frankly, I have no idea how you made this leap as I never mentioned war in any of these posts. I said TSGs crew was pathetic and another poster captured that in his descripiton of weak character development for that show (Frankly Ryker has to be in the running for the biggest ass kisser in television history - so in a sense I guess he did have some extensive development in that area at least). The original series was the best of any, followed my DS9 (Distant 2d). Was the original series all about war? And although I didn't mention it I think the best movie by far was #4 (was a phaser even fired in that one?).
  25. Well my first sentence definitely was opinion. And I do think TNG was a god awful series. But my last two sentences are basically facts (with one minor error - Scott Bakula's Enterprise series wouldn't have been effected). So yes a new series could not conflict with the other television series because of the change in the timeline.
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