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Everything posted by Rocky21

  1. I swear nobody creates non-issues like Republican governors. This fight with Disney reminds me of the trans bathroom issue in North Carolina.
  2. Nope when he sells he sells. There is a just a note back to the seller from the new ownership group.
  3. With you all the way bro. What a ****ing joke.
  4. The bill is on the governor’s desk awaiting his signature. If he signs it you’ll need a VPN to watch vile porny.
  5. Looks like this dude runs through a **** ton of arm tackles.
  6. Holy ****. Kazmeir Allen rb / wr / kr from UCLA !
  7. I ain’t gonna lie. I’m extremely underwhelmed by our draft so far. Every player selected was projected to be drafted lower than they were.
  8. Seems like an overreach especially with Gonzales still on the board. Well we’ve seen this before with this group in the past ala Jamin Davis.
  9. Holy **** the producer of The Sports Junkies really got played. Not as bad as Darren Hayes but played none the less. 🤣
  10. Ding Dong the witch is dead. These are actual real quotes about what a collosal failure Snyder was at owning our beloved football team. Everything that has happened to this franchise — all the embarrassment, all the losing, all of the turmoil — is the responsibility of Snyder. “The history shows you that they [the front office] failed in every instance. The only thing that’s changed is that they’ve gotten rid of people, but the management stayed the same. So it’s continued to fail on the field, and I think you have to be concerned – anybody with good sense would be. You can be optimistic about it, but you have to be realistic as well, and say that everything they’ve touched has failed on the football field. They’re a big success at the box office, and a big success with the money and all, but they’re a miserable success when it comes to winning.” – Rick “Doc” Walker “Perhaps no one on earth has ever deserved to be ignored more than Dan Snyder” – John Feinstein "He's turned the R_______ into a cash machine. And the result is a completely soulless, corporate product." - Dan Kaplan, finance editor at The Sports Business Journal. "We need to have an intervention with that dude” – Wale Ovechkin on Dan Snyder. "I've said for a long time, in my opinion the problem down there--obviously it starts at the top with Dan” – Marty Schottenheimer “It's a decade into Snyder's tenure as owner, and not too early to reach a verdict on the joyriding amateur interference that passes for his management.” – Sally Jenkins "A team should stand for something...the Washington fans are great, but Snyder doesn't deserve them." – United States Congressman Jim Moran "They have one of the great fan bases in all of sports, one of the great stadiums in all of sports, and Dan Snyder is single-handedly ruining a franchise. Sell the team, pal." – Jay Mariotti “[Dan Snyder's] performance has been a tour de force of executive douchery, so solidifying his status as the very worst owner not just in football but in sports” – Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone magazine “This person knows nothing about football, absolutely nothing. I don't think they have a clue how a football team comes together, how it works.” – John Riggins “The issue is not the team's performance on the field, dismal as that is. It is the culture created by the owner--one of greed, expediency, and mean-spiritedness. The general atmosphere around the team suggests Zimbabwe--a failed state, an intractable dictator, and an impotent and suffering populace.” – Steve Coll, two time Pulitzer prize winner “If Dan Snyder owned a baseball team he'd have nine cleanup hitters.” – Mike Wilbon. “[Snyder] commercialized the Redskins like my father would have never commercialized the Redskins.” – John Kent Cooke “For 100 years, Washington has been blighted with some of the worst owners of pro sports teams that the United States has produced. Daniel Snyder of the R_______ is just the latest, though he is rapidly working his way up a list of ignominy that includes racists and rip-off artists, the vindictive and the vain, cheap town-jumpers as well as the merely meddlesome and incompetent.” – Tom Boswell “The Redskins owner has a warped perspective of his club and his contributions to it, and it affects the team’s ability to be successful – on the field, at least.” – Dan Steinberg “I now can honestly say that why would things ever change for our team when he has no respect for employees or fans and we have none for him?” – Lavar Arrington “Our fan base hates our owner because he can’t ever keep a coach, he’ll never keep players, he’ll never keep guys around, he changes it and it’s like a fantasy football team to him.” – Chris Cooley
  11. A deal ain’t done ‘til a deal is done but this is the flippin’ headline a lot of us have been waiting for for a LONG time!
  12. Oh Happy Day. With Bezos supposedly out and the highest bid from a legit, previously vetted prospective owner, the sale can thankfully move forward. I’d also like to say I can’t remember the last time anyone on this site was as spectacularly and completely wrong on anything as SoCal on Bezos.
  13. He forgot to say the team I put together is disappointing and disgusting and that’s why I’m doing everything I can to keep this disappointing and disgusting team together and intact.
  14. Wish I had your optimism bro. I see an underachieving roster that was poorly conceived and doesn’t play well together. Sheppard only looks good when he’s standing beside EG IMHO.
  15. Agree. Sheppard shoulda been gone as soon as he picked Johnny Davis. Sweet Lord that guy is a complete waste of a pick.
  16. This from the guy who lead the charge to keep one of the greatest Redskins of all time Art Monk out of the pro football hall of fame. **** Peter Queen.
  17. 4 games left. We need the Pacers, Magic and Trailblazers to win some games!
  18. Just a reminder that the ignore user feature on ES works great. If for example there is someone in this thread whose posts are getting on your nerves. 😉
  19. I watched most of the game too and was afraid they were going to win!😊
  20. I wasn’t aware Bezos previously tried to buy the minority shares in the Redskins / Commanders. Link?
  21. The ****ing Wizards can’t even lose properly. They’re beating the second place team in the East tonight by 20+. WTF!
  22. Nah those signing bonuses are due in May. I continue to hope that this gets wrapped up prior to the season starting.
  23. No I’m with Destino. This year’s squad is especially unwatchable and hard to root for.
  24. We don’t know the structure of the deal but Holcomb signed for 3 years at $18 million with the Steelers and we couldn’t get there with him? That’s a damn shame.
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