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Everything posted by Rocky21

  1. I hear ya but these were the same two former LB’s that thought it was a good idea to overdraft Davis, who had played college ball for 1 year, have him play middle linebacker and have a 19 year old rook call the defensive alignments
  2. This isn’t some half baked idea for a bill that will never make it out of a subcommittee…the bill passed the legislature and is headed to Sweater Vest’s desk for signature. so now the government is tracking what kind of porn I watch. Ain’t that great?
  3. The thread is about the worst trades in team history and your answer was a free agent signing that was a poor decision that didn’t work out. We didn’t’t give up assets to sign Fitzpatrick.
  4. Found this thread on page 3. Gulp. Road win with two starters out. Double double and a key block from Gafford with about a minute to go and a surprising, no shocking appearance by Clutch Beal last night.
  5. Schar bought his stake in the team for $200 million and sold for around $300 million.
  6. I don’t think your buddy has studied the NFL constitution and by-laws.
  7. God I hope this is true but I’ve not seen this confirmed anywhere.
  8. Wow. This really makes Youngkin look like a tool. I don’t see politics over jobs playing out very well for the Virginia R’s in the election cycle.
  9. I will take a lame duck year from our coaching staff. I’m OK missing out on free agents or resigning our own free agents for a year. The ****ing pig mascot, the terrible game day experience, all the embarrassment with the name of the team, all the prior losing seasons, watching every other NFC East team rise while we continue to flounder…. as long as Snyder is GONE.
  10. Well you aren’t going to shoot 64% from the field every night or score 80 in the first half every game but they damn sure did it last night against the Pacers!
  11. If they beat their next opponent, the Pistons who have the worst record in the East, it”ll be their first seven game winning streak since 2017 and tie for the third longest streak in franchise history. Jes sayin
  12. Brain supplements, burial service insurance, replacement windows…….😁
  13. Well well well…Nunn had a Hell of a debut and the Wiz won back to back games on the road. ☺️
  14. 👆I don’t get it. He has a no trade clause in his contract.
  15. IMHO said former poster was incredibly thin skinned and made the classic internet mistake of thinking his opinion on every single subject needed to be posted here.
  16. Great to hear from you kleese. No parade ‘til it’s done.
  17. Anthony, Bamba, Carter, Hampton, Harris and Wagner out tonight 😄
  18. I don’t give any ****s whatsoever on the make up of the front office for one more year as long as that ****er Schneider is GONE !
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