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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. I think Bradley won the last 3 without question. I think he won either the 7th or 8th also (possibly both), I think those 3 punches at the end of round one didn't win a round that Bradley won IMO. That's 6 right there and as much as Pac was in the fight I don't think he was so dominant as was expected and they may have hurt him. That said I think Pac still won 7 rounds. Maybe I should watch it again.
  2. Bynum probably will be traded however. He is going to get the same procedure done in Germany that Kobe got this past off-season with the "blood spinning". I like the kid, but I would prefer to trade him while he has value (and he doesn't seem to care about being a Laker). I don't know that it would make sense to trade him for Wall however. I could see the Lakers going for Nash or perhaps Dragic also. A better trade would be Bynum for that top pick that the Wizards will have.
  3. Thanks. Why would they want Lewis at all ? I get why the Wiz would want to dump him, but it hurts them. Perhaps his contract is expiring. Still that adds one more year on the legs and knees of LeBron and Wade.
  4. The link was going slow so I exited out of it, sorry for the next few questions. What players ? And what do you think the Wizards would do to continue to build their team. You think Nene is playing center full-time ? I like Wall even though he has struggled at times, still the best PG the Wiz/Bullets may have ever had. unlike GAC, and some others I liked Javale...I just think he needed coaching (still does).
  5. Why not go for Howard ? What are the Wiz giving up for Bosh ? Their pick ?
  6. Baseball wasn't. :evilg:
  7. Has this been posted ? If so I apologize. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/soccer-dirty-tackle/santos-laguna-player-poses-small-child-playboy-magazine-192930767.html
  8. Yeah. They are terrible. They really shouldn't even be called a pro franchise after the drafting of Sean May and Adam Morrison alone. That just screams stupid front office. At least Walker has some upside, but he is certainly closer to 5-10 than 6-1. Undersized with no weapons at all. Horrible team.
  9. The best to ever do it. NSFW - Language - PG13 perhaps. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=raxUapxHScs&feature=relmfu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d890l8-TYrY&feature=relmfu
  10. Vishal they have been bumbling for decades. Juwan Howard ? $100M contract ? Arenas the same ? That is just crazy. Bogues and Bol ? Were they trying to be the globetrotters ? Again crazy. I would love for the hometown team to be successful at some point again. But they are managed poorly and have been for quite some time. They do what the Clippers used to do. If not for the expense in comparison to go to a Lakers game, I believe the Clippers would have folded years ago. I have been to Georgetown games with better attendance. That is sad. You can't keep giving me garbage year after year and expect me to spend the type of money it costs on a regular basis, to see the team get slaughtered. At least Dan is trying to make the product better. He is going to get some rings. I wish he owned the Wizards for the sake of their fans. At least Dan gives you hope even when he screws up.
  11. Nor are they PGA players or NASCAR drivers. That makes sense right ?
  12. Nice win for the Wizards. Perhaps they can build some momentum. Bad loss for the Lakers after a huge win against the Heat. I was impressed with the Wizards attitude after being down and essentially out of the game. They fought hard and got the job done, something I have not seen often from them this season.
  13. Thanks. I was so involved in what they were saying that I didn't think to hit info on the remote. It was a really good piece about the group with lots of interesting takes on the situations throughout.
  14. Watched a documentary about "A Tribe Called Quest". Didn't pay attention to the name, sorry. It was on tv last night and was done pretty well. Leaves you wondering about who is telling the truth about the whole situation with the break up.
  15. StillUnknown, I have to co-sign on your take. Both fights were pretty good. But both winners were dominant. Broner does that stuff for show to me. I don't think he even takes himself that serious with that stuff.
  16. Even though I am not a fan, I think all teams should have a national game. They are a bad team right now, but they should have the same chances as other teams to build their teams.
  17. Jeff Van Gundy says the Wizards should not be on National TV. Wow.
  18. Brave, you know he has thin skin. Any honest criticism of the team gets him worked up. I expect the typical name calling and such from my post since I am a Lakers fan. And those that call Wall" the Star"...He is NOT yet. He is in training to be a star. He has all of that magical word..."potential". He still has a long way to go.
  19. How about I heard someone on the radio today call Wall potentially the latest Steve Francis ? ? ? LKB, I think both drafts are always hit or miss. Reggie Bush was so hyped you would have though he would set the world on fire. I stated back then I thought he would be solid but not great, perhaps even a bust. Paying attention to the competition they play against makes those scouts and front offices earn their keep. Same in basketball.
  20. Let's not forget Ben Wallace and that all of those star players (besides Billups) were on the Bullets/Wizards at some point prior. The team has been poorly run for about 30 years or so. You don't think top 5 in the NFL have the same crap shoot ? Talk to Ryan Leaf, J. Russell, Courtney Brown, Tim Couch, Tony Mandarich, Heath Shuler, etc... to see if they count. Sidenote: Oden was a man among boys in college. Had few games as a pro where it looked that way. That was it. Even when supposedly healthy he was an average player.
  21. I am still around. I put up a great putt-putt score on the regular. EDIT: Someone else did mention it though. haha.
  22. Yeah you probably should. Get it through your thick skull. I have never liked the Bullets. Never liked the Wizards never will. They have to have a bandwagon to be on before someone jumps off of it. The Bullets/Wizards have suffered through mediocrity for pretty much YOUR entire life. I was in DC when they won a championship and were relevant. Been to plenty of games at the Cap Centre and MCI when it opened was walking distance from my house. I was simply never a fan of the team.
  23. I was on the court at halftime of a Bullets game in 79. I was in third grade. I never liked the team. I am 40. Search my history for the rest of the story starting with my family if you need. I was a Military kid, my brother is a Packers fan, a Kings fan (basketball), and an Orioles fan. He is 32. I was fortunate to not live in all of those areas as a kid since my Dad was at the Pentagon for a while. When I went to college they had to move. My Dad was in LA at one point when I was a kid and took me to a few games. I was sold. At that point I had never been to a Bullets game. My mom was a huge fan of Magic and we watched all of those games that were shown in DC at the time. It was indeed before Showtime was even considered.
  24. Comical is the level of homerism that you diehard Wiz fans display. And it is your favorite team, not your team.
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