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Kosher Ham

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Everything posted by Kosher Ham

  1. I thought the new X-men was about a 6.5. It was overhyped to me. 3-D was good but not amazing. The 3-D preview for Transformers looked pretty good though. Robocop was better than expected. The change in the story makes it more interesting. It was better than the Robocop sequels. I would never pay to see Godzilla. Everyone I have seen is garbage, no thanks.
  2. Joe, did you mean "gump" ? That's DC slang. Certainly and alternate universe. I agree the Pacers match up better. Side note...5 wagers in a row wins...last night I just knew the Thunder wouldn't lose by more than 5... Grumble.
  3. What a horrible game to watch as a WCF game. OKC looks completely outmatched. They might get swept.
  4. Some great points there LKB. I won't deny that. Flip side...Why are Kobe, LeBron, Shaq High School coaches...etc. Not head coaches in the NBA at this point ? MJ was the same way...he refused to lose. No coach was stopping his potential. No one was going to stop his determination, drive, desire. That's what I mean man. Think more along the lines of a Wes Welker or Santana Moss, umm.. Steve Smith. They brought it.
  5. MLS, I do believe those players would have still been great. LKB, I am not dismissing it completely, but I feel like the stars are going to perform regardless. Melo as another example. Iverson was not my favorite player at his position...but the guy was exciting to watch and went all out, every player around the league understood that. Sticks...250 is not a tank. My father in law is about 290 and 6-7.
  6. MLS, Take a peek at Wilkins or hell, for football Owens, Marino. They didn't get the bling, but they are still considered among the best that ever did it. See what I mean ? D Green didn't get the highlights that Deion did, but he was right there with him as far as football talent.
  7. LKB, The player has to be held accountable regardless by his own standards. Brown was drafted #1...I blame him not the Bullets.
  8. The franchise does not hurt the player. Timberwolves...Garnett, Love...etc. Chris Bosh, LeBron, etc. They have to bring it. New Orleans was a pitiful team...certainly did not hurt Chris Paul. OT - Take a look at some of the best WR's to ever play the game... not even in the first round. It's the same thing really.
  9. I agree that some players should be developed further. The Pistons clearly saw the potential fit for him. He made it on his own especially after the injury. They had no idea when he was drafted where he fit. He is a 1 and played as a 2. It took the Pistons to realize that was where he fit.
  10. Wait...Boston is considered an elite team. My point was that the market does not make the player. The player makes the player.
  11. One thing you are missing here Joe. Orlando is not a big sports market. Shaq, Penny, and others made plenty of endorsement money, and were also considered stars. LeBron went to Cleveland...he had a huge economic boom to the city, but also was able to get his part of the pie. A star is a star regardless of his team. You have to play to get that respect and buzz going.
  12. Seems as if teams would prefer not to have a draft at all and go recruit/sign whomever they wanted.
  13. Anyone know what the OKC cap situation is ?
  14. Think about it this way when looking into FA for the Bullets. Who can make free throws and demand the attention to free up other players ? That is the player they need IMO. I haven't looked at the financial numbers but Love on a team like OKC would be dominant (the team) . Regardless of his defense. Who are you really going to try to stop ? The players that all of you are mentioning are good players, and I see the debates about fit. Personally...I don't think KD will ever be a Wizard, same as Magic never played for the Pistons, Same as Kobe never played for Philly. Some team will pay the luxury tax for the right player. They pay 10k or more to get their taxes done every year. Bills ? What are those ? I also disagree about the upside of Wall compared to Beal. I do agree that you need a pretty good PG, or sizeable one these days but with a Derek Fisher skill set... he was never considered great, but he got the job done. You need defenders and scorers, Wall is not really a ... scorer or shooter. His defense is good at times because of his speed, but I don't know that he is even considered elite by most IMO. You don't have to respect his outside shot most of the time. Don't get me wrong, the guy is getting better, but he still is not there. Beal can defend better, but he is not terrible. He needs to learn about shot selection, and clock management more than anything. Don't take this as a Bullets bashing post, just an outside look from a non-bullets fan. I think you have a good young core, and the frustration of Nene's contract is a killer for all of you to think about what your favorite NBA team could do without him.
  15. Playing the 4 in college is not the same as the 4 in the NBA. Many guys who played 5 at the NCAA level move into a 4 spot if they have a little range or are great on the boards. 4 guys in college these days transition to the 3 spot better or simply end up as a misplaced spot on the court.
  16. Fatigue is the worst excuse for young players. We used to ball for hours on end with no subs and only breaks between the games, The stars are too young to be having fatigue problems. They play ball every day...seriously every day. Someone stated something about the Bulls (being good or great)...the Bulls have no real scorers. None. How is that even a good team ? Bullets are playing well at times but that does not dismiss their faults. Steve, Wall is a star player for guys like most of us...but the casual fan barely knows who he is. I think what was meant is superstar. He is not a superstar yet. If he doesn't continue to work on those turnovers and his shooting, a star will be all he ever is. That said, I hope your boys can win the next two to face LeBron yet again...
  17. Besides MBoyd... Seems like some of you have completely given up. I don't expect the Bullets to win the series, but I still think they can win another game or maybe stretch it to 7. Wall is not a natural scorer... it hurts his game. The fact that the team (besides Beal) are all horrible at the charity stripe hurts the team. And if you guys want to go with conspiracy...you have to knock out the favorite to win...same as boxing. This is a young team that is building. Experience is only a benefit for them at this point. All that is needed now is for the front office to make good moves in the upcoming weeks.
  18. I'm not a Bullets fan, but I am rooting for most of my Redskins/Bullets brothers (Sorry Sinister, not you).
  19. McHale has some similarities to Phil Jackson when it comes to movement these days. Age and injuries change things. I know I can't dunk anymore...barely could when I could. Not in horrible shape and I can still ball... but a dunk ??? Not going to happen. Back to the link, the player comments are what make it so funny to me.
  20. This is the best type of controversy to have... http://espn.go.com/nba/playoffs/2014/story/_/id/10894976/2014-nba-playoffs-washington-wizards-say-coach-randy-wittman-owes-team-dunk-first-round-win
  21. StillU, he seems so mature for his age and has the presence that stars have.
  22. Destino, Of course now I can't recall which Bullets/Wiz player it was, but he stated we are down 0-1. They want to play with that mentality. I am pretty sure it was Beal though.
  23. Watching Beal on NBA TV post game... Congrats Bullets/Wiz fans, that guy is a super star hatching. Watching Ariza light it up however, pisses me off because I wanted them to keep him on the Lakers. Same can be said for a few of the moves the Lakers have made over the recent years. Anyway...Great win, sweep those guys. The Pacers seemed so confused and unsure of themselves. Go ahead and put them out of their misery. :cheers:
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