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Everything posted by zoony

  1. Speaking of movies, the whole marvel superhero thing is one big pile of suck
  2. Give me a good german lager Im good. There are a few ales I like, but for the most part, lagers are my personal fav I am convinced American beer drinkers are stupid. Go to any bar and there are 15 IPAs on tap. I ask what lagers they have, `you mean sam adams?`. Jesus. If theyve been doing it since before columbus discovered america, chances are its pretty ****ing good. IPAs are for rubes who thin great beer should have a strong, bitter, flavor. Or taste like pumpkins or some other nonsense. Show me a beer loaded with hops and Ill show you an ignorant startup brewery who is making money off the stupidity of americans. Maybe after 1000 years americans might learn some actual brewing techniques and develop subtle, nuanced flavors that are in balance. One can only hope /rant
  3. zoony


    I played with an antique set of wilson staff blades that i inherited from my dad. Just kept reshafting and regripping them. Never could talk myself into a new set because i loved them so much. When i finally replaced them i went mizuno. I love them but id be lying if i said i liked them more than my old staffs. Also its a myth that average golfers cant play with blades, i am proof i crush my irons. If you saw me at the driving range hitting my irons you would guess Im a 2 handicap. But theres that pesky driver and putter that I suck ass with If i am less than 180 yards out, I will be on the green. Then 3 or 4 putts later I finish the hole
  4. I think this goes to prove that 98% of his audience were people who simply enjoyed train wrecks and never took him seriously. I know i enjoyed his channel, the same way i do other conspiracy channels. Problem is that gives him capital to continue the crazy
  5. I do not like wine. Besides giving me ridiculous heartburn, i just dont care for it. I will drink a glass to be polite but thats it
  6. My own theory is that there is no magic bullet, or single cause. But that its a combination That said, with regard to video games, desensitization is a very real thing with a copious amount of research behind it. It cannot be denied in any objective way. Where the issue comes in is whether these games cause mass shootings... and i think the overwhelming answer and data point to NO. However do they play a part in certain cases? Probably, yes, when combined with other factors. The other interesting (or terrifying) aspect of these shootings is the involvement of psychotropic drugs. I have read that virtually every mass shooting has involved the use of these drugs. I dont know, constantly playing video games that desensitize one to murder while taking pills that numb feelings is probably not a good combination for someone who is prone to self harm, harming others, or has shown problems with violence and aggression. I also think there is a STRONG attention component in these shootings that the media plays into unfortunately. We probably shouldnt limit the first ammendment though
  7. Okay this is the best allegory for 2016 Ive seen ?
  8. In order to point out hypocrisy. Not sure why thats confusing to you. Science matters, or it doesnt. Facts matter, or they dont. Nobody wants to actually discuss either on the left or the right. You think one is better, but youre lost
  9. Not interested in the psychology so much as the hard science of gender. There is a difference between men and women. Psychology is very nuanced and there are way too many variables. I also believe in the science of global warming, so not sure why youre putting that on me. The entire point of my post is that I believe in science, not political agendas. Across the board.
  10. Welcome to the world of social media ? Western society has literally been built on alcohol. From religous monks in the middle ages, to wine in greece, to soviet amd american troops toasting each other on VE day. There is no doubt that alcohol is a dangerous drug. But there is also no doubt about alcohols long term effects on societies where its use is prolific. There is a ton of doubt about marijuana. Anyone who says otherwise is pushing an agenda
  11. Yup, this. Crazy town. Been saying it about most on this forum for over a year. Incredibly dangerous when they cant step outside themselves and see it. Thats called radicalization
  12. People cant handle their weed, thats why. This is the same society that cant handle twinkies. I guess its ironic that we are outlawing trans fats and large soft drinks, as people clearly have no self control. That irony might or might not be lost on most in this thread. Its kind of like SJWs calling global warming deniers anti science while at the same time telling us that gender is an identity. If only there was a pot movie with Will Smith as a fearless doctor, warning everyone! https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/what-pot-really-does-to-the-teen-brain/ And the unvarnished facts are scary enough. We know that being high impairs attention, memory and learning. Some of today's stronger varieties can make you physically ill and delusional. But whether marijuana can cause lasting damage to the brain is less clear.
  13. So anyone not on board with the conspiracy and sjw bull**** from the left is a trump supporter, and anyone who doesnt get on board with Q and global warming deniers on the right is a pinko lib. That sounds about right. The day i fit into either group is the day I realize ive forgotten how to think for myself.
  14. Its especially amusing to hear that the left hasnt gone bat**** crazy, repeatedly Legalize pot and social media saturation, what couuld possibly go wrong? We are in crazytown allright
  15. Now this is a fact haha People are idiots. I especially like the ones who are buying nike stuff to burn it
  16. This is a well written letter by the FOP. Everyone wants to talk about CKs right to protest, not what he is actually protesting, and not his actions. Thats because that is the safe space for CK defenders. He has a right to protest, and he has. Not sure why that continues to be the discussion, though I blame the right as much as the left for that one. Especially the bozo in the white house. Nobody wants to talk about the actual protest. Actually, nobody wants to talk about anything, the sjw mob just wants to call everyone racist who isnt getting in line. Just keep labeling everyone who disagrees with you as racist, or ignorant, I guess. Keep minimizing the impact of those words.
  17. You should try Brooks. I have a size 13 Wide, which often forces me to go to size 14. But the Brooks runing shoe fits great
  18. I wonder if Nike will start making the piggy police socks that Kapernick likes
  19. ^^^^ their on air reactions are hilarious. Smooth as sandpaper
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