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Everything posted by spjunkies

  1. Here's to you weather people 🖕🙄🖕 Nice forecasting 😡
  2. I input 2-3 hours because it covers the full spectrum. They also run out of guests, nobody would want to hear the same people day after day or some randoms ramble on. Like I said everyone has their preferences thankfully we love in a time where there are plenty of options.
  3. The world takes all kinds. Personally, it irritates ,e to no end hearing a host drone on for 2-3 hours talking to themselves, I like callers adding different perspectives even if some are buffoons l
  4. $23 for "souvenir" popcorn is really something lol.
  5. I'm sure this is just made up to bring a billionaire down!
  6. I think today is Jay's weekly call in to Chris Russell's show around 3pm. Should make for some interesting listening (assuming he doesn't have a hangover)
  7. I think tonight has helped us discover why we've stunk for so long. With bozos like Jay and Griff in the building so long nothing worthwhile was ever going to happen.
  8. You can find videos of every QB getting lit up.
  9. Josh Harris and his team seem to disagree. Perhaps there are other ideas that were executed flawlessly which are more important than whatever the Kerrigan thing is.
  10. Do you trust Josh Harris to evaluate people? He has owned the team since July which is enough time to observe Jason doing his job, apparently Josh feels he's doing a good enough job to continue in his position. Maybe Wright's hands were tied during his time with Snyder and now he's able to execute ideas he had in mind.
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