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Everything posted by BayouBrave86

  1. Just because he has 40 lbs on Jayden doesn’t mean he is a better runner. Jayden had 2000 rushing yards at LSU in 2 seasons playing against the same competition. He’s a much better passer than Richardson too. Richardson is a freak athlete but doesn’t mean he is a better football player.
  2. Well Daniels is probably the most dynamic running QB since Lamar, so that’s a starter for one. Fields isn’t even in the same conversation as Daniels as a runner. This is not an attack on you because I feel we have been in agreement on a lot, more so just my thoughts on arm strength argument against Jayden that I see here. The arm strength argument is so overblown in the NFL. Haskins and Fields both have good arms and what has that done for them? Jeff George probably had the best arm I’ve ever seen
  3. Kirk Cousins and contender don’t belong in the same sentence who is going to throw to? Drake London and Pitts? He doesn’t have a JJ to make him look really good. He was exactly who we thought he was with Minnesota. 1-2 in the playoffs with them and never threw over 300 yards.
  4. Again with the false narrative. Daniels had an amazing freshman season at ASU, then Covid hit and that entire program went into a tailspin. Maybe the most toxic environment in d1 college football. Jayden left for greener pastures because he knew he could succeed elsewhere and took on the challenge of going to the SEC. He has thrived in multiple systems. And he took off in his second year in a new system just like Burrow. Both were surrounded by the same exact talent they dominated with a year prior. Maye regressed last season. You can make the argument that both Howell and Maye were system QBs under Longo.
  5. I think that’s much more an indictment on the ASU players and how much of a clown bunch they were. They were trashing his locker and filming it. Who does that? Jayden was LSU’s leader through and through this past season on a team full of alphas and two other first round picks. Is he a Burrow level leader? No, I don’t think he is and never will be but he can be the franchise guy and command the respect of his team and lead them far.
  6. The LSU WRs while uber talented were lazy on a lot of routes too. That was a big pain point for the offense this season even though they still ran through everyone. Ah I worded it poorly. I’m saying I still believe there is a chance. And us ending up with Caleb would make me laugh and cry at the same time.
  7. One big hit could ruin anyone’s season. Daniels bends but doesn’t break. He is basically Gumby I’m starting to think the Raiders try and trade up for him if Maye is the choice at 2.
  8. Anyone paying big money to Kirk Cousins coming off a major injury deserves to be stuck with that contract for a while. He doesn’t turn any team into a contender. If I were Atlanta I’d roll with Fields before Cousins. Credit to Cousins though, he has played the system extremely well for maximum money.
  9. Would take Maye and Daniels every single day over Caleb. Let Chicago draft that headache that sets their franchise back yet another 5 years.
  10. JJ has the worst touch on his throws out of all the top QBs in this draft. Can have all the strength in the world but without touch and accuracy, it matters zilch.
  11. Penix is made of glass unfortunately. If he had a clean bill of health he’d be a top 5 pick easily.
  12. FSU players are balling out at this combine. and yep not a good by Jayden to decline the weigh in.
  13. Hand size really isn’t a concern for Maye. Burrow has a 9 hand size for reference.
  14. Just seeing the stuff about Caleb’s dad trying to find loopholes in the rookie wage scale. What a headache.
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