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Everything posted by Bang

  1. Mike Lindell can use his last 20 bucks to buy a bottle of Drano and a pint of gin to wash it down. Exit. Stage now. ~Bang
  2. All due respect, but i think this labors under the assumption that any of them will play by any rules we are familiar with and expect. Rule of law means nothing to any of them. He tried once to become king, to overthrow the government, and he will do everything he can do to do it again, starting the day he takes the oath. They will make sure no one can 'undo' anything because if he has his way, there won't be anyone to undo any of what he does, including persecute them. With no hyperbole, my hope is that IF he should win, the military will step in and remove him if necessary. Granted, he'd have to go a LONG way to warrant that, but I think that is what he wants to do. A long way, and then some. I just don't see a reasonable way out of this. It's too far down the rabbit hole. Hope I'm wrong, but haven't been yet. ~Bang
  3. My "like' above is for the first paragraph, which I firmly agree with. The second though.. it doesn't take many people to make a war. If he gets in again, he is going to have to be removed in a mop bucket. I don't think his own incompetence will limit him, because his enablers know what they want to do, and will do everything they can to make it happen. And what they want is a totalitarian state. ~Bang
  4. Lindsay Graham is the absolute epitome of a political coward. **** that little pansy. So cathartic.. imagine how much better you'd feel if you had a SPINE Lindsay? Imagine how much more self respect you'd have if you had a shred of courage. ****ing guy enabled this ****, backed it. Argued for it, used his power to further it. So cathartic to come clean about it all well after the fact, and after having to be dragged into court. **** him. Spit in his ****ing eye. ~Bang
  5. Interesting development. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/china-presses-iran-rein-houthi-attacks-red-sea-sources-say-2024-01-26/ China presses Iran to rein in Houthi attacks in Red Sea, sources say DUBAI, Jan 26 (Reuters) - Chinese officials have asked their Iranian counterparts to help rein in attacks on ships in the Red Sea by the Iran-backed Houthis, or risk harming business relations with Beijing, four Iranian sources and a diplomat familiar with the matter said. The discussions about the attacks and trade between China and Iran took place at several recent meetings in Beijing and Tehran, the Iranian sources said, declining to provide details about when they took place or who attended. More under link above. Wonder if they're serious or they are just playing a feint for public facing. ~Bang
  6. This is truth. We have to be careful, though because Iran's job is to pester us, threaten us, keep us busy expending arms, money and allowing time to drive propaganda wedges against our actions, whatever they may be, against Iran. I agree, we need to take the fight to them in their house. but I prefer the quiet with them. Attack, **** them up, but keep the ability to say "Who, us?" in the propaganda war. We do need to keep an eye on the bigger picture rather than follow the lures. ~Bang
  7. Good thing they scribbled out that clown's license tag. If they didn't, he'd cry it was a violation of his Hipaa rights. ~Dang
  8. He won't pay The mob won't care. The law hasn't stopped him from doing anything yet. ~Bang
  9. A self declared lunatic right wing army fighting for God. Best be ready for that. ~Bang
  10. This is an abomination. Especially for him, who would have been able to do an hour on this bull**** alone. ~Bang
  11. I agree with Jumbo. These sentences are ridiculously light. I don't know who needs to still be told this, but prison usually DOESN'T have a positive effect on a person. These folks will go in a rabble and many will come out full fledged terrorists. ~Bang
  12. "SPO" or, Sharepoint Online. I'm working a sharepoint site for my customer, and it is a confusing thing if you don't know it. They have taken to calling the Share Point Online site "SPO", and wonder why the workforce are reluctant to use it. ~Bang
  13. US Navy fighter jets strike Houthi missile launchers in Yemen, officials say (msn.com) A sixth strike by US fighters. ~Bang
  14. And one more just because If i had a true guilty pleasure from the 80s, it's Thomas Dolby. ~Bang
  15. From the playlist Groovy Siouxsie and the Banshees get all 80s with it When people sneer and say the 80s sucked, well. not so fast. This has the hallmarks of what people hated, synths, electronic effects, and it works. This band evolved quite a bit over the years from this starting point. may as well stay in the 80s. Graham Parker DEFINITELY had his moments, and this is my favorite. This is a version that I think he performed for European TV.. it's outstanding. I can't tell if it's performed live, this isn't on any album version. ****ing ROCKS. OK, so this is an absolutely horrible video of this one "hit" wonder band "playing" this song on American bandstand. So many ridiculous clichés in this band.. The bass player has THE quintessential bass player dance for 1984, my GOD it's funny. The stupid little tam hat plasterec omn the singer's head.. but a cool song, I always liked it. Do you? ~Bang
  16. Fox news Morning Zoo: "We don't have any privacy! The government is overreaching in their investigation!!" Fox viewers: "I think we need a dictatorship." **** all these people. ~Bang
  17. I think you're right ~Bang
  18. I do too. Terrible thing. This was also the final straw for Howard Stern's time on DC101. He said on the air that if your drink wasn't cold enough, don't worry, Air Florida will stop for ice on the way. He was gone after that. ~Bang
  19. Putting him in jail may 'play into his hands' but probably not the way he'd like. Just make sure the cops use live ammo when the mob comes. ~Bang
  20. Oh,, he's "just about had it". I guess maybe he'll do something about it that doesn't play right into the obvious con man's hands. But nah, why start now? ~Bang
  21. We definitely get freezing temps as normal here. Or, I should say we used to anyway. Winters used to be a lot colder in the DC area. I can recall seeing the Potomac totally frozen over in the early 80s, I was working on the Washington Harbor construction, watched it freeze, stay frozen for maybe 2 months, then break up and move on. The ground used to freeze hard for the winter. Not now. When i first moved to Calvert the Patuxent would freeze, but not as hard as the Potomac. Ten years ago the little coves and inlets would sheet over, you can see them from the bridge over Solomons. But not anymore. The last five winters or so it seems to me we have a handful of days like this, whereas we used to have PLENTY of days in the 20s during a given winter. Now it feels like we have an avg. temp closer to 50. Purely anecdotal, but I hate cold. If it's under 45, I do not like to be out. I play pickleball (and used to be tennis) outdoors, and we play year round now. I play probably 3-4 times a week and the times i cancel for cold are FAR fewer than th times I go outside. ~Bang
  22. I'm sure everyone is aware we have two missing SEALS during the boarding of the boat carrying Iranian missile components. So, this I am having a hard time wrapping my head around. Not like a conspiracy theory or anything paranoid, just genuine wondering. It seems weird to me that two SEALS are missing this long. One fell in during the boarding, and another jumped in to rescue, as is protocol. Neither have been seen since. SEALS are trained for long periods in the water, it's a warm sea, although they did say it was rough water. No dye packs, no flashers.. it just strikes me weird as to what could have happened to them? I'm sure it's possible they could have drowned, maybe weighed down with equipment? But both of them.. that makes it weird to me. Yesterday we struck them again, 4 anti-ship ballistic missiles taken out on the ground. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-targets-houthi-anti-ship-missiles-new-strike-yemen-officials-2024-01-16/ ~Bang
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