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Everything posted by Bang

  1. oh,. Til Monday. Did they specify which Monday, or is it like the usual 'orders' with this guy? "We say, but never enforce" ~Bang
  2. From the playlist Diddling around Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros.. just brilliant stuff before he died. Damn, he could write a song. X with a Doors cover. Man did I love this band. Noisy boys and one more ~Bang
  3. Thank goodness Marge will eventually tell us how to spend our money to help fend off the democrats from .. um.. trying to control our lives. Seriously, this is a failing of media. Not of her propaganda bull**** network, but of actual media. Marge's phone should be blowing up with invitations to every single political discussion show so they can ask her about this, then after she grunts out her "thoughts", spend the rest of the show laughing dead in her face. Lock the doors, don't let her out, chase her around with cameras and laugh at that ignorant **** all ****ing Sunday. Call off the commercials, blast "breaking news" all over the internet, so people can tune in and LAUGH at the ****ing MONKEY. Fun fact, with this you can poke Marge in BOTH EYES. ~Bang
  4. I'm not joking. This guy needs to go away. ~Bang No, no... that would preclude the ability to speak exists. Turn him into a vegetable. Breathing with minimal brain activity, like, just enough so he doesn't forget to breathe. At first. ~Bang
  5. Man, i hope he has a severe stroke today. Then he is done, and instead of jail, he can spend his days drooling on his bib til he's dead. Who's with me? Severe STRRRRRROKE! ~Bang
  6. That's pretty much it, and the proof if it was needed was the bi-partisan border bill they killed because Trump said they wouldn't support anything a dem had a part of because it would hurt the election. You nailed it. Their entire platform is If any dem at all is for it, we're against it, even if it's something we want. ~Bang
  7. I hope they serve every day of those 15 years. ~Bang
  8. Imagine, a sport we don't watch has this happen!? I mean, why aren't these women in the kitchen where they belong? If it wasn't for them doing anything except the 3 Cs (cooking, cleaning, childbirthing) we probably wouldn't even HAVE transgenders! Up next, Central Park pigeons in drag. Should they be ****ting on your new hat? ~Fox
  9. When it has any effect, let me know. I'm in this thread today because up above Trump is putting out pleas for someone in is deranged army to kill the judges that are trying to stop him. (Oh, but the law won't see it that way. They will pretend they do, they will maybe look ever-so-sternly over their glasses at him, but they won't do anything and i'd bet they won't do anything after someone does try to kill one of them. Not to him, anyway.) A lot of these j6ers will be getting out of jail in short order. I very much doubt any of them learned anything, except maybe how to be worse. Their victimhood is solidified in them again, thy are not in prison, they are' hostages' as they are called by the Speaker of the ****ing House. They have a spokesperson. Trump has promised to pardon them and while we may scoff at his chances of winning in November, we laughed in 2016 too... and he WILL let them all out of jail. The big fish... well lets see.. they convicted Flynn, Trump let him out and he's full on Q and calling for an armed revolt. Bannon served nothing and is still on the air promoting insurrection. Rudy is a joke, but he's a free joke, still riding around in limos not having paid a dime. Trump is still the GOP frontrunner and of all the things that "happen" to him are either ignored or immediately reduced. Has he lost any properties yet? Nope, because his bond was lowered to a point where he could pay it with his idiot army's money, and it was done because of the brilliant legal argument of.. uh, I'm not sure. Oh he's got a trial for this and a trial for that, and hooray, when something actually looks like actual justice, i'll be happy. But I am not holding my breath. They might lose elections, but none of that will clean up the problem, and in fact i'd argue that the only thing their propaganda network likes more than winning elections is losing them. Playing the finger-pointing, keep everyone enraged game is much easier when you're not in power. Their core audience is going to have a problematic life regardless, and even if not they can easily be convinced of things that aren't actually happening as being real, causing them problems they don't actually have, and it's all the dems fault. At this point, what is primarily being 'done' is hoping they will go away or they will eventually see reason, or they can be marginalized. Am I missing anything? ~Bang
  10. Riots are inevitable. Whether someone "steps in" or he loses a case or the election. The notion that this will all peacefully end is a pipe dream, in my opinion. It's too far gone, and those folks who tried it once were not punished as they should have been. They are A/ emboldened by the toothless weakness of the "law" that is afraid of him. B/ poisoned by propaganda beyond the ability to reason C/ stupid and fearful D/ convinced of the holiness of their fatted pig, and thus convinced "God" has their backs. E/ think their political adveraries don't own guns like they do. F/ convinced their political enemies are guilty of every single thing they are told, from drinking children's blood to trying to lock them all in prison. This stuff doesn't go away. People don't wake up from this. Best be ready. ~Bang
  11. "Baby Driver" I really enjoyed it, good cops-n-robbers flick. Very creative with the music and the action, and excellent action it is. Some great car chases, and a hell of a good cast. ~Bang
  12. Done feeling sorry for Floridians. Go finish dying. Pollute your gene pool, and hopefully, cease births. ~Bang
  13. From the playlist Here I be for the rest of my life and all I did was shoot my wife The Destroyer! The Paladins ROCK. One of my all time favorite bands. Dukes of Stratosphear ~Bang
  14. ECLIPSES are signs. An event that can be predicted DECADES, CENTURIES in advance. Holy ****, elected leaders of this country are living in the ****ing STONE AGE. I see some of the GOP go along to get the ratings and votes by latching on and playing up the extremism, but she BELIEVES THIS ****. I guaranTEE you she believes an eclipse is an evil omen from the ****ing Sky Fairy. In the past, we have had threads about some weird ass **** in th Congo dealing with witchcraft belief, murders over it, arrests,, we usually have put them here with a sense of wonder, as in how does this exist now? I've asked "How do you DEAL with people who are SO COMPLETELY out of touch with the modern world? How do you drag them up?" MTG is exactly the same. Here. In the so-called "first world". And now I see the appeal of stoning these people to death. ~Bang on her head with ****ing granite.
  15. I say we put Rittenhouse in a room with a butter knife and an electrical outlet. Let nature take it's course. ~Bzzt!
  16. Let's send the check in and forget to sign it! BUT they'll get it by the deadline, and then by the time they figure it out and send us a new bill, we bought at least a month before they can cut the lights off! And then .. get this.. here's the best part. .. we do it AGAIN. Say, that's pretty clever.. if you're a trailer park alcoholic who can't hold a job and you're trying to keep the microwave going for another month so Raylene can feed your 5 kids some damn nuggets so they's shut up! Man, **** THIS ****ING LOW RENT ****WAD OF A GUY. ~Bang
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