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Everything posted by Bang

  1. I think you're right ~Bang
  2. I do too. Terrible thing. This was also the final straw for Howard Stern's time on DC101. He said on the air that if your drink wasn't cold enough, don't worry, Air Florida will stop for ice on the way. He was gone after that. ~Bang
  3. Putting him in jail may 'play into his hands' but probably not the way he'd like. Just make sure the cops use live ammo when the mob comes. ~Bang
  4. Oh,, he's "just about had it". I guess maybe he'll do something about it that doesn't play right into the obvious con man's hands. But nah, why start now? ~Bang
  5. We definitely get freezing temps as normal here. Or, I should say we used to anyway. Winters used to be a lot colder in the DC area. I can recall seeing the Potomac totally frozen over in the early 80s, I was working on the Washington Harbor construction, watched it freeze, stay frozen for maybe 2 months, then break up and move on. The ground used to freeze hard for the winter. Not now. When i first moved to Calvert the Patuxent would freeze, but not as hard as the Potomac. Ten years ago the little coves and inlets would sheet over, you can see them from the bridge over Solomons. But not anymore. The last five winters or so it seems to me we have a handful of days like this, whereas we used to have PLENTY of days in the 20s during a given winter. Now it feels like we have an avg. temp closer to 50. Purely anecdotal, but I hate cold. If it's under 45, I do not like to be out. I play pickleball (and used to be tennis) outdoors, and we play year round now. I play probably 3-4 times a week and the times i cancel for cold are FAR fewer than th times I go outside. ~Bang
  6. I'm sure everyone is aware we have two missing SEALS during the boarding of the boat carrying Iranian missile components. So, this I am having a hard time wrapping my head around. Not like a conspiracy theory or anything paranoid, just genuine wondering. It seems weird to me that two SEALS are missing this long. One fell in during the boarding, and another jumped in to rescue, as is protocol. Neither have been seen since. SEALS are trained for long periods in the water, it's a warm sea, although they did say it was rough water. No dye packs, no flashers.. it just strikes me weird as to what could have happened to them? I'm sure it's possible they could have drowned, maybe weighed down with equipment? But both of them.. that makes it weird to me. Yesterday we struck them again, 4 anti-ship ballistic missiles taken out on the ground. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/us-targets-houthi-anti-ship-missiles-new-strike-yemen-officials-2024-01-16/ ~Bang
  7. They'll be OK. They will go down to the welfare office and suck off the tit of the working American.. er.. I mean "pull themselves up by the bootstraps". ~Bang
  8. They'll just say she's an actor. And even SHE will believe it. She'd go on Fox and say it, too. ~Bang
  9. Neither is shame. the constant non-stop CRYING. The universal terror of everything that shapes every ****ing thing they believe and say. The entirety of the GOP is one big long episode of Emotionally Stunted Housewives of the Insane Asylum. ~Bang
  10. "Say, he hates all those darkies too!" That's how. Education does not in any way make a person better if they're a piece of **** to begin with. ~Bang
  11. "Oops that is Russian oil" sort of shoots down the entire pretense of disrupting trade in support of the people of Gaza. But we will continue to give them their propaganda excuses. Thankfully, smart people are hitting back. ~Bang
  12. Scientists have been 'talking' to Tuberville like I 'talk' to telemarketers. This morning on Twitter "Sammy the Bull" is trending again, because MAGA's law loving people are enamored with a mafia hit man who says nice things about Trump. Republicans: We must close the border to stop drugs and fentanyl! Also Republicans: Oh, but let's idolize the mob who sells this stuff on our streets and creates the demand that comes across the border. **** ALL these people. ~Bang
  13. From the playlist You know how there are bands that are so critically acclaimed you'd think it was in the Critic's Union contract that you had to praise them, but truthfully most of their stuff was crap? Television is that for me. But this is a good one Excellent song. Just discordant enough. If you can't dig Morphine, you may need to check with a doctor. If you've never heard them, it's a baritone sax, a bass and a drummer. Unique. Kill All Hippies Brownout seems to be nothing but a Black Sabbath cover band, but they come up with some really nifty versions, like this. This is my favorite Black Sabbath song, and they do it great. ~Fang
  14. Pretty sure the Argentines used Exocet anti-ship missiles in the Falklands war in the 80s, and it resulted in several large British Navy ships going to the bottom or at least severely damaged. Also, even if they were 'peacefully protesting' by attempting to board, destroy or commandeer commercial vessels, the disruption of world trade is justification to use lethal methods of ending the 'protest'. ~Bang
  15. They aren't the ones that need to be convinced by this stuff. It's the people who blindly support them that can't change no matter how much truth is thrown at their leaders and how much it makes them squirm. Does Himmler look at all like the Teutonic Aryan elite he said MUST rule the earth? He looks much more like the "weak interbred mud-blood" he tried to eradicate while pushing a doctrine of racial superiority. The people don't give a **** if the facts aren't on their side. They have an excuse to be themselves. Savage, brutish, ignorant and ultimately murderous. Much like then, you can sit back and let the truth show itself right to their faces. They do not give a ****. Fluster Jordan all you want. Everyone with a brain knows these "proceedings" are just persecutorial timewasting bull****, including those who support it. They ****ing LOVE IT. Honestly, if any of these call outs wanted to have an effect, they should be given with a baseball bat. Don't get me wrong, they should keep doing it. But the people who need to change aren't getting the message.. both figuratively and literally. They'll never see it. Our hope is that in November there has not been enough bull**** (crooked or otherwise) involved to sway elections to their side. Because if it does, that guy above is making a comeback. ~Bang
  16. Hate to say it, but you get what you vote for, And these people voted to let their kids be hungry. And they will again, and again, and again, and again. Too bad for the kids, but eventually they are going to have to figure it out on their own. With any luck, these kids will remember growing up hungry. ~Bang
  17. These call outs are nice, but to be effective the target has to have a sense of shame, an ability to self reflect. And they don't. ~Bang
  18. Blaire Erskine is a treasure. I am surprised she hasn't been snatched up by TV somewhere.(Has she?) "We went to get our pit-chers taken with January 6th Santa" ...oh man. She' is GREAT. ~Bang
  19. Long ago we ran a mock election battle thread in here..in my pairing I ended up running as a Republican against Chomerics. (I useta be one long ago when i came here.) Anyway, my entire campaign was to loudly exclaim he was a vampire and offer up all sorts of nonsense reasons as to how i knew it. every issue he tried to discuss I ran ack around to him being a vampire. I had fun. 😀 I don't remember if I won. Burgold somehow caught himself a ban.. BURGOLD of all people, so he's mad and won't come back. He's over on Twitter now. ~Bang
  20. Everything is transactional. Of course they expect their stooges to ignore the Constitution. ~Bang
  21. More alarming that the expected 64% of Republicans believing the fat **** is a person of 'faith', the 10% of Dems and 24% of "independents" who share this idiotic fantasy. ~Bang
  22. Hey, if they starve to death, at least they'll die like Americans. maybe we can build them some camps so they can you know,, concentrate, and starve to death in peace. we can give them some nice striped PJs or something. ~Bung
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