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Everything posted by bcl05

  1. I just turned on the live feed of the press conference (NPR), and there's some dude getting dragged out by security. Any info on who?
  2. I’m sobbing. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/outlook/how-to-keep-going-after-a-mass-shooter-kills-your-husband/2018/07/12/8d3e544a-8553-11e8-8553-a3ce89036c78_story.html?__twitter_impression=true
  3. I just watched that BBC episode. Pretty damning. He should be in jail.
  4. This is true heroism. I can’t imagine what everyone involved is going through. There should be statues made of those rescue divers.
  5. It was dry when they went in. This is bad - they may not have enough oxygen to wait for a safe extraction. So scary...
  6. Their graduation was tomorrow... What a failure we are as a society to continue to kill each other. So awful. https://www.dayssincethelastmassshooting.com/
  7. Wow, reading that New Yorker article reminds you the power of good reporting. That is NOT a he-said/she-said piece. There are multiple people, quoted on the record, with independently verified reports. It is incredibly damning. Good riddance to Schneiderman.
  8. I think it is reasonable to think that police should be armed, but should also not shoot innocent people.
  9. There is extremely strong data that demonstrates that a gun in a house is vastly more likely to injure or kill a member of that house than be used in self-defense. Your odds of dying go up with guns in the home, not down. But gun control advocates are ignoring data?
  10. The problem is that he was probably a reasonable, law-abiding, harmless citizen when he bought that arsenal. I think very very few people buy weapons with the intent of killing. People change, though, and some develop mental illnesses. Some break up with their significant others. Some lose their jobs. Enough go from stable to not every year that 30,000+ Americans die every year from gun deaths. I worry that with the ubiquity of guns in this culture, we have normalized lethality. Having killing tools is now normal in America. This leads to problems like the MD high school recently, where a "good kid" breaks up with his girlfriend and starts shooting. In a different world, where he didn't have access to a gun, maybe he writes some crappy poetry and gets over it and everyone goes on with their lives... If we didn't have so many preventable gun deaths every year, I would really not care who had guns and how many. Until guns stop killing people, though, guns will be an issue for me. If anyone can reduce gun deaths without reducing guns, I'm all for it... Also, comparing gun deaths to lightning strikes is one of the truly stupidest arguments I've heard in a long time (and I've heard a lot). We can't legislate weather and lightning. It would be cool if we could... Gun deaths are a direct result of the behavior and actions of Americans. We, as a culture, are responsible for those 30,000+ dead (mostly) young people every year. We have a moral duty to try to prevent it. That is absolutely the role of government and legislation.
  11. Count me in as extremely skeptical that Trump knows the word "excoriate."
  12. Of all the dumb and insulting things I’ve read on here, this might be the one that makes me angriest. My schools and my teachers made me the person I am today. My high school biology teacher taught me the basics of genetics and biology and inspired an interest and passion for the subject that still drives me today. My high school English teacher taught me rigor and demanded excellence in my writing – I still hear his lessons in my head every time I am writing a scientific paper today. My college film studies teacher taught me how to look at evidence critically and how to argue for novel hypotheses in ways that I still use today. My medical school teachers gave me the foundational understanding of human biology and medicine that I use every day to inform the choices I make with my patients. My residency and fellowship advisors and mentors helped me make connections and colleagues at universities around the world that I use to advance research and help discover new diseases. It didn't take 12 years for me to learn the math and science I use today to make new genetic discoveries. It took 30 years. I am continuing to learn today. It takes rigor and dedication and an open mind. My teachers gave me the tools that allow me to continuously learn and make progress. I now work at an excellent hospital and am frequently involved in life-saving medical care and new disease discovery. I have a remarkably rewarding job that I cherish. I am a fairly resourceful and intelligent person who grew up with wonderful, encouraging parents. I am certain that I could never have achieved any of this without wonderful schools and teachers and mentors that made me who I am. A person can become a useless internet troll without school. A person cannot become a valuable and contributing member of society without it.
  13. Kids getting slaughtered = "a reprieve." That may be the most morally degenerate and hopeless statement yet from this white house. And that's really saying something.
  14. Wow. That guy makes Roy Moore look normal. And Roy Moore is craaaaaaaazy.
  15. Some nut shoots 600 people in 10 minutes and we get an 81 page shrug. this is so depressing...
  16. Hey! that's where I live! I don't remember the last shooting we had here.. Not the best way to make the news. What a bunch of dummies (everyone involved.)
  17. 9 million kids will lose health care from CHIP. I don't know how these people sleep at night.
  18. I love love love chestnut sided warblers. Thanks techboy. So much more pleasant than anything trumpy...
  19. Get rid of any and all sexual harassers and molesters. This is not partisan. I really, really liked Franken, until today. The story is credible and damning.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2017/11/07/health/bulletproof-panels-backpacks-trnd/index.html This is not a solution to gun violence. If this is the state of response, our country has failed morally. Again.
  21. And Trump made Flynn National Security Advisor. "I have the best people..."
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