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Everything posted by EvilMonkeyBoy

  1. Old tweet from a fake Mike Wilbon account? Man this offseason needs to hurry up.
  2. As a fan of entertaining clips of crazy people, I am so happy that Steve Ballmer is now an NBA owner for moments like these. Here's the full thing: Here's some quick highlights: The second video features one of my favorite reaction shots I've ever seen:
  3. Like I've said I wonder about pacing, spacing, and lineups on that team, but it'd be foolish to think Thibs is gonna ride Gasol too hard with the glut of forwards on that roster. Now if someone wants to make jokes that Jimmy Butler is gonna inexplicably still play over 38 a game, I'll make those with them.
  4. I know it was D'Antoni ball on a bad team, but Pau put up nearly 18 and 10 in only 31 minutes last year, he's still a really effective player.
  5. Some real NBA News though: http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2014/8/14/6003163/demarcus-cousins-injury-knee-mri-team-usa-kings DeMarcus Cousins to undergo MRI on right knee after suffering injury at Team USA camp If it ends up being serious and he drops out, the noise about participation in FIBA should reach a new decibel.
  6. Just because it's the offseason & an Agent Zero update is always fun Gilbert Arenas -- Calls Rev. Al Sharpton a 'Coon' ... Over Michael Brown Protests Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/14/gilbert-arenas-michael-brown-shot-riots-al-sharpton/#ixzz3AOSfglhm And, video of Al's response. Al Sharpton -- GIlbert Arenas Has No Business Criticizing Me! Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/08/14/al-sharpton-gilbert-arenas-michael-brown/#ixzz3AOSykzL6
  7. Must be a nice contract, or he really wanted the culutral experience. At his age I'd probably do it for the latter.
  8. Oh of course I don't think he is or ever was worth the #1 pick, I also don't think anyone in that draft, even Noel would ever live up to #1 status. Pretty much anyone going at the top would end up having a long, average to mediocre career along the lines of Joe Smith. I do think he can be an effective stretch 4 on a team that really needs one now. They've got a lot of size and strength up front with Pek and Dieng, but they're going to miss having a forward who can hit the deep ball. I see him becoming a 16/6 guy probably by the time he's on his 3rd team. Not a #1 guy, but a solid NBA contributor. I don't even think he'll be better than Porter, I just take issue with the idea that the book is written on him in a season where almost everything that could go wrong for him ended up happening.
  9. Bennett's season was almost as much of a wash as Porter's. an injured shoulder helped keep him out of shape early on, and once he was starting to find some confidence he got hurt again. Also, Mike Brown.he showed up to Summer League in fantastic shape and looked liked he belonged in the league. If I'm going to give Porter a second chance I can't write off Bennett. I hope this puts a chip on the shoulder of the two dispassionate Canadian boys and they make Canada Jr fun to watch.
  10. I'm kind of with you but like I've said I've got serious concerns about the way they're gonna space the offense and divide the minutes up with that glut of PF/C types they have on the roster.
  11. I also think people overlook how much his athleticism has to do with his abilities as a passer. He's never had phenomenal court vision and most of his assists are of the drive n dish variety. If he can't do that with the same effectiveness I expect him to be a 4-5 APG kind of PG, which won't get it done.
  12. Fair enough. I like their continuity and know they pulled off a great run last year but I'm just not sold on Casey as a guy who will get Ross and Valanciaunas to the next level of their careers, i feel in particular they've done a terrible job developing Jonas. Pacers were almost as bad on offense as the Roseless Bulls when it mattered, they did nothing to provide more of a scoring punch in the offseason and they lost their most versatile player to Charlotte. You really expecting Hibbert to get his head on straight?
  13. Looks like this one is about near official. We better at least get a second rounder to sell for cash out of this. http://www.twitter.com/JaredZwerling/status/495641217305423872 RT @JaredZwerling Hearing Sam Cassell will become a Clippers assistant coach. Announcement to come this week. Clippers had been trying to get him (post Lue)
  14. The pre-PG injury Pacers and a Toronto team that did nothing to improve(for next year, I like their prospect grabs long-term) in the offseason were/are at the top of your list in the East?I'm just not seeing it, man.
  15. Saw the NBA Reddit talking about this the other day. Discussion among the mature adults there immediately went to why no player has ever chosen to wear the number 69.
  16. Don't like Toronto being ahead of the Wizards when they haven't added anything, especially if he's counting on Casey properly utilizing Valanciunas which something I never see happening.
  17. From the same event in Manila where Harden put his foot in his mouth. This is pretty funny. https://storify.com/iamtheblur/spot-the-difference-nba-version It's nice to see Lillard, DeRozan, and Nick Johnson all staying so perfectly on #message and #brand
  18. Nope, I knew you were gonna say Cousins I was just yanking your chain. I think it was Cousins in the regular season as well, but Dwight did step up in the playoffs in a way I didn't think he was capable of, even if it was all for naught. I'm not gonna penalize Cousins for who he played with so I can't do it to Dwight either.
  19. If he doesn't develop an allergy to paint and keeps up his defensive rebounding rate on a team with LeBron/Another star I'm definitely with you. I don't think he's a Shareef Abudr-Rahim in terms of putting up numbers on a losing squad, I just want to see what his game looks like on a real team first. I think I know who you think the top center was...
  20. If he somehow goes to Cleveland without having his numbers cut by a 3rd or more like Bosh did, I'll begin to entertain his opinion.
  21. We all know why players like LeBron and Stephenson took short deals, man. He's staying. His family wants him there and wants to be there to watch Bronny Jr. take over his old HS in a few years.
  22. Is this a Canada thing? Is that you Jason Whitlock? I give Bennett much of same slack I give Otto Porter on a busted rookie year. The kid was fat and out of shape after recovering from shoulder surgery. Guy couldn't even spend five minutes on the court without huffing and puffing. He started to get into shape and then had a knee injury. Being coached by Mike Brown didn't help. I didn't think he had the work ethic to do it, but he looked like a completely different human being in Summer League, though. He has an NBA body now and a great teacher who is known a a disciplinarian. I fully expect him to prove he belongs this year. Wherever he ends up.
  23. http://www.sbnation.com/nba/2014/7/22/5928195/doc-rivers-donald-sterling-clippers Well, this might help with keeping Sam here on the bench in DC.
  24. I honestly think Kerr is deadset on coaching two guards that are both lights out from the 3 point line. Klay is probably everything he ever wanted to be as a pro in terms of talent.
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