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Everything posted by EvilMonkeyBoy

  1. With that response I will bid this thread adieu. Tired of arguing about the NBA's past. Decided to check back. I'm sure there will be moments where the talk is about the draft and FA moves but it will always come back to Jordan. Its like how every thread about a young QB in the ATN section devolves into an Andrew Luck thread. It's unavoidable.
  2. So is this gonna be the whole offseason '14-15 thread? Jordan nostalgia/Is _____ Better than him? Sometimes I think MJ was the worst thing to ever happen to the game...
  3. It's only that high because of the shots he's NOT taking
  4. Hey now, Fat Boris has always been a gifted passer for his position.
  5. That's it. Put in Juwan Howard and call it a night. I know he's a coach but would anyone really care at this point?
  6. They don't peddle any of that cheap heart that's cut with baby aspirin.
  7. Manu is just whipping bullets tonight, last year at this time they looked like boulders. Can't believe he's had such a bounce back season.
  8. I can say I was one of those people. And then look what happened to the Pats... Everyone just loves them.
  9. Toney Douglas Sighting! Not a good sign for the Heat.
  10. If only they had just ONE more piece on their team...
  11. I played fantasy for the first time ever this season and it blew my mind when I found out how coveted Nic Batum was.
  12. JVG. Was right that was a completely natural basketball elbow.
  13. I'm gonna be crazy and continue to try and talk basketball here... Quin Snyder finally made it to NBA HC, never thought I'd see the day. I remember when he was the next sure thing. Guy got out from under one one hell of a black cloud he built for himself at Mizzou. Maybe Linas Kleiza can make a comeback with the Jazz http://espn.go.com/nba/story/_/id/11044243/quin-snyder-soon-named-utah-jazz-coach
  14. It doesn't get more trollish than this. Nice work, Boston. http://www.boston.com/sports/basketball/celtics/extras/celtics_blog/2014/06/you_know_who_didnt_cramp_in_extreme_heat_larry_bird.html
  15. Well... Maybe not next year. Hopefully. DC Secondary market for the playoffs was absurd though. Didn't pay more than 38 for the 2 games I went to here at United Center.
  16. I was discussing with a friend last night that I think NBA fans are a nice happy medium between NFL/NHL Meatheads/Goons and the scorecard keeping, family picnic day MLB fans. Then he brought up CBB fans, which we both agreed are as close as it gets to soccer hooligans in the US. Not that NBA Fans don't riot sometimes either.
  17. Well see there was this one time in Auburn Hills...
  18. I was definitely all about the Kings back when I was in high school. Those teams were fun to watch and got screwed over pretty big. They weren't the Lakers and that meant a lot to people that didn't wanna see the success of that dynasty. I say more props to anyone who stuck with 'em in these lean years(especially on the east coast), 'cause back when they were consistent winners, Arco looked like a hell of a place to play. You're right though, can't imagine rooting for a west coast team growing up simply cause of the lack of exposure. Without COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE streaming websites I'd never see the Wizards out here in Chicago ('Cept when I got to be there & watch 'em make the Bulls pack up their lockers)
  19. I know this is completely anecdotal & rare as hell but I can say with maybe one exception, every one of friends that grew up with me in NoVA and rooted for Dallas were actually born and spent some of their childhood in Texas, and almost all in the Dallas-Ft.Worth area. Same goes for my Laker fan friends, all from Southern California. Believe me, I know this isn't the norm.
  20. QFT I once went bowling with an untreated broken hand and just destroyed all of my friends. A decade later it gets sore as hell in cold weather but the memory is worth it, damnit. How ever I've had a couple charley horses in life so bad I've had to crawl off the court in front of my friends. Pretty embarrassing. They just don't compare at all. It doesn't mean I still won't make a couple cheap LeBron jokes like a hypocrite, though.
  21. http://nba.si.com/2014/06/05/flip-saunders-to-install-himself-as-timberwolves-head-coach/ Well what I'm sure we all thought was inevitable has come to pass. Flip is BACK.
  22. This is the second team they've had implode with a solid coach at the helm. Something to be said about the kind of squads Bird keeps putting together. Bet you Vogel will take a team to the finals within 5 years after he leaves.
  23. Yet I have a feeling if the Bucks stay at #2 they go with Parker & go all in on developing Giannis. Not what I'd do, just how I think it shakes out.
  24. People have finally stopped lusting over taking a big man number one after Oden/Durant, even though he had more red flags than any big man I could think of. Personally I think it's all in how your frame is built. I laughed at people that thought Blake missing his rookie year was a sign of an injury plagued career. Guy had as strong of a lower body as you could get coming out & of course his legs are evenly lengthed. Maybe if it was a frailer prospect but even with a back issue I'd still take it. Hell even Dwight with a bad back is still one of the best players on the court every night out. Total no brainer.
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