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Everything posted by Predicto

  1. It doesn't matter. The spotlight is on the accuser now, not on Moore. The chatter is going the wrong way. The election is in 4 days.
  2. Wishful thinking. What are the headlines that low information Alabama voters are going to see for the next few days on their Facebook feeds? "Moore Accuser Admits She Forged blah blah blah." This is like a mini version of the Comey "investigation into Hillary" which was released right before the election last fall. The timing of the story and the news cycle are going to affect turnout and kill Jones' chances.
  3. It will affect turnout. Those who were embarassed to vote for Moore but want to vote for him because he is on "their side" will come out and vote. Those who oppose him will be discouraged and less likely to vote.
  4. True. To be fair, she probably didn't know. Allred has had a very long career in the public eye, and has never been found to have committed any misconduct as an attorney. Being obnoxious and opportunistic is not the same thing.
  5. Nope. Not unless you can show Allred was behing the forgery (which I serously doubt). What this does mean is that Roy Moore is going to win this election easily. Doesn't matter if there are 10 accusers - if one of them looks like a liar, Moore is scot free.
  6. I'm kind of in agreement with you on that. Doesn't matter - he had to go.
  7. If he hadn't been an outrageous scumbag for the past 40 years, yes it would. That is the Robert Byrd principle (i'm sure there are GOP examples, not saying it's a Democratic thing) But Moore has been a goddamn disgrace for the past 40 years, so no way. His abuse of authority as Alabama Chief Justice is legendary. His public statements are reprehensible. Fuggattaboudit.
  8. no it really doesn't those LA teams had a ton of talent - but Kobe gets all the credit
  9. Agreed. And for some reason some people seem to think that a Playboy model magically becomes immune to sexual harassment or something? WTF
  10. It's not that it "won't be allowed." The structure of our constitution and our "first past the post" electoral system ensures that no third party can last more than one or perhaps 2 elections. It either gets absorbed into one of the two existing parties (which can mean that it was quite successful), or it will replace once of the two existing parties.
  11. What's your point? Evangelicals wallowing in a ridiculous persecution complex has been an integral part of American culture for the past several decades. Here's how the conversation goes: 1) Prominent Evangelical says something stupid, bigoted or otherwise indefensible 2) Someone points out that what they said was stupid, bigoted or otherwise indefensible 3) Evangelicals stick their fingers in their ears, scream about elitism, media bias and anti-religious persectution, and bind together ever more tightly We've all seen this movie before.
  12. There is a zero-point-zero percent chance that Franks' statement contains the entire story of what happened. Paul Ryan was briefed about this late last week and told Franks to resign from Congress immediately. The real story is going to be much worse.
  13. Evangelicals are going to look at that Anderson Cooper clip and all they are going to take from it is that they are being persecuted for their beliefs and mocked for their values blah blah blah. The fact that she refused to answer every single question will not occur to them at all. They will dig in their heels even further.
  14. Franken was a good senator. However, this is not the hill we want to fight on.
  15. Yeah - Kobe's special ability was the ability to chuck up as many dumb shots as he wanted, hit 40% of them, and not get pulled off the floor and sat down on the bench by his coach. Oh wait, Westbrook can still do that. So I guess the current generation is represented.
  16. Me neither. Did you actually watch the tape of the USO skit, Mooka? The whole point of the skit was to paint the soldiers in the audience as the good guys as opposed to Franken himself. It was the farthest thing possible from "disrespecting the troops." It was glorifying the troops.
  17. Yes Mooka, what were you referring to? The only think I know about Franken and the military is that hevolunteered a ton of time with the USO entertaining our overseas troops.
  18. Yep I'm owning up . I was shook. I was watching that game, and with Curry's ankle history, this was NOT what I wanted to see I look at him as at least the equal of Kobe, but I'm one of those people that thinks Kobe was a bit overrated.
  19. He's only mentioning Soros because half the mouth breathers among his supporters have been told that Soros is the secret Jew money behind everything that they don't like. They genuinely think he is the richest man in the world and spends tems of billions every year secretly propping up all Democratic candidates, Antifa, BLM, La Raza, the Communist Party, all LGBT organizations, feminists, Muslims, the mainstream media, Colin Kaepernick, hip hop music, the government of Venezuela, you name it. Just saying his name among those clowns is like mentioning Satan himself.
  20. He can walk with his feet half amputated because of the Frankenstein braces he wears in his shoe. The problem is when Curry gets an ankle sprain, it lingers for months. He's got a congenital problem.
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